Ice: 92% Jump In Arrests Of Criminal Illegals, 83% Surge In MS-13 Arrests


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
one of the primary responsibilities of the federal government is to protect the borders and enforce immigration laws

this Administration is taking that responsibility seriously - a nice change from the last several decades...

ICE: 92% Jump In Arrests Of Criminal Illegals, 83% Surge In MS-13 Arrests – U.S.ARMY FOREVER

President Trump’s deportation team has made good on its promise to arrest illegal immigrants far from the border, mostly in big cities, and send them home — especially gangbangers and criminals.

A new report released Tuesday said that Immigration and Customs Enforcement has increased arrests by 40 percent and deportations by nearly as much, 37 percent.

More importantly, the arrests of MS-13 gang members surged 83 percent and captures of illegals with criminal records surged 92 percent.

Why do we need a wall if we just keep arresting them when they get here? Maybe just more prisons.
Why do we need a wall if we just keep arresting them when they get here? Maybe just more prisons.
Well, it would free up law enforcement for more important duties like arresting and deporting regressive liberals to Canada.
one of the primary responsibilities of the federal government is to protect the borders and enforce immigration laws

this Administration is taking that responsibility seriously - a nice change from the last several decades...

ICE: 92% Jump In Arrests Of Criminal Illegals, 83% Surge In MS-13 Arrests – U.S.ARMY FOREVER

President Trump’s deportation team has made good on its promise to arrest illegal immigrants far from the border, mostly in big cities, and send them home — especially gangbangers and criminals.

A new report released Tuesday said that Immigration and Customs Enforcement has increased arrests by 40 percent and deportations by nearly as much, 37 percent.

More importantly, the arrests of MS-13 gang members surged 83 percent and captures of illegals with criminal records surged 92 percent.


ms-13 is a group of people who would do all of humanity good, by drowning.
Why do we need a wall if we just keep arresting them when they get here? Maybe just more prisons.

More prisons cost waaaay more money. Better to build a wall to keep the scum out in the first place. That way they don't get to harm people first to give us the reason to toss them in prison.
Music to my ears (or in this case, eyes). I'll bet liberal traitors have steam blowing out their own ears, they are so determined that America should be the 3rd world's human condom, they want fellow Americans to suffer. It's the only thing that makes these soul-poisoned-by-Obama, traitorous slime-mold feel like they're still alive.
one of the primary responsibilities of the federal government is to protect the borders and enforce immigration laws

this Administration is taking that responsibility seriously - a nice change from the last several decades...

ICE: 92% Jump In Arrests Of Criminal Illegals, 83% Surge In MS-13 Arrests – U.S.ARMY FOREVER

President Trump’s deportation team has made good on its promise to arrest illegal immigrants far from the border, mostly in big cities, and send them home — especially gangbangers and criminals.

A new report released Tuesday said that Immigration and Customs Enforcement has increased arrests by 40 percent and deportations by nearly as much, 37 percent.

More importantly, the arrests of MS-13 gang members surged 83 percent and captures of illegals with criminal records surged 92 percent.


ms-13 is a group of people who would do all of humanity good, by drowning.
We had a few in prison. They were some creepy scary looking people.
Music to my ears (or in this case, eyes). I'll bet liberal traitors have steam blowing out their own ears, they are so determined that America should be the 3rd world's human condom, they want fellow Americans to suffer. It's the only thing that makes these soul-poisoned-by-Obama, traitorous slime-mold feel like they're still alive.
You using that at the Reich Ritz party tonight? Cause I'm a liberal and you are so off base you're lost...
one of the primary responsibilities of the federal government is to protect the borders and enforce immigration laws

this Administration is taking that responsibility seriously - a nice change from the last several decades...

ICE: 92% Jump In Arrests Of Criminal Illegals, 83% Surge In MS-13 Arrests – U.S.ARMY FOREVER

President Trump’s deportation team has made good on its promise to arrest illegal immigrants far from the border, mostly in big cities, and send them home — especially gangbangers and criminals.

A new report released Tuesday said that Immigration and Customs Enforcement has increased arrests by 40 percent and deportations by nearly as much, 37 percent.

More importantly, the arrests of MS-13 gang members surged 83 percent and captures of illegals with criminal records surged 92 percent.


But, but, but....those look like the nicest most productive people in their communities....just ask a LefTard.

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