Ice: 92% Jump In Arrests Of Criminal Illegals, 83% Surge In MS-13 Arrests

Why do liberals want to give amnesty to this filth?

Because their long term goal is to make whites a minority in this country. They don't care who they can bring in, as long as they're not white.

I read the requirements for immigrating to the U.S. legally, we don't allow losers to come here and jump on welfare, our legal immigration policy is designed to make America stronger by attracting immigrants who are educated, healthy, and make America stronger. Liberals want to let drug dealers and disease infested losers into the country, makes no sense.
Progressives, liberals, Democrats, I see no difference they all voted for Obamacare.
I am a liberal. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.

Democrats/progressives/lefitsts, are all Booshevik Communist fucks.

Fact is progressives rule the Democratic party with an iron fist so I don't really care how members of that party identify, they will all vote for the progressive agenda.
Why do we need a wall if we just keep arresting them when they get here? Maybe just more prisons.
The wall is not for illegals who are already in the country. It is an insurance policy against progressives who, when they eventually come back into power and go wobbly on enforcement. Just being a physical barrier will aid in reducing criminal crossings.

Now, we just need to couple the wall with the will to enforce our laws and go after corporations that hire illegals.

You see, its a whole issue, not just parts.
Why do liberals want to give amnesty to this filth?

Because their long term goal is to make whites a minority in this country. They don't care who they can bring in, as long as they're not white.


This is the thing, white Christians who believe in western civilization are the biggest opponents of socialism....all the groups like NOW, NAACP, ACTUP, ELF, those are just socialists using those issues to drive wedges between people.....which is why they never want to solve and issues.
Progressives, liberals, Democrats, I see no difference they all voted for Obamacare.
I am a liberal. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.

Democrats/progressives/lefitsts, are all Booshevik Communist fucks.
I agree....they dirtied up the word after progressive/socialist became bad and switched to liberal
we caught them and now they are going back to it....same bullshit......

how do we know

Upton Sinclair - Wikipedia

The American People will take Socialism, but they won't take the label. I certainly proved it in the case of EPIC. Running on the Socialist ticket I got 60,000 votes, and running on the slogan to 'End Poverty in California' I got 879,000. I think we simply have to recognize the fact that our enemies have succeeded in spreading the Big Lie. There is no use attacking it by a front attack, it is much better to out-flank them.[38]

so again end poverty isn't about ending poverty, its about socialism.......that's why lefties are never honest, they cant be
Why do liberals want to give amnesty to this filth?

Because their long term goal is to make whites a minority in this country. They don't care who they can bring in, as long as they're not white.

I read the requirements for immigrating to the U.S. legally, we don't allow losers to come here and jump on welfare, our legal immigration policy is designed to make America stronger by attracting immigrants who are educated, healthy, and make America stronger. Liberals want to let drug dealers and disease infested losers into the country, makes no sense.

The more illegals in this country the better for Democrats. If they ever gain enough power again, they will grant amnesty to all those drug dealing disease infested losers and allow them to vote.

You have to understand that Democrats don't care about Americans--Democrats care about power. Each one would sell their own mothers to a pimp if it meant gaining more power, so they sure as hell don't care about us.

Once they get rid of whites as the majority, they will have the ability to make this a one-party government forever. That's their goal.
Why do we need a wall if we just keep arresting them when they get here? Maybe just more prisons.

Without President Trump's border police they can walk right across the bolder. So the next Dem President can tell the border control to stand down and open the border right back up again. Will be right back where we were under big ears. Build the wall and dare a lib President to open it up.
one of the primary responsibilities of the federal government is to protect the borders and enforce immigration laws

this Administration is taking that responsibility seriously - a nice change from the last several decades...

ICE: 92% Jump In Arrests Of Criminal Illegals, 83% Surge In MS-13 Arrests – U.S.ARMY FOREVER

President Trump’s deportation team has made good on its promise to arrest illegal immigrants far from the border, mostly in big cities, and send them home — especially gangbangers and criminals.

A new report released Tuesday said that Immigration and Customs Enforcement has increased arrests by 40 percent and deportations by nearly as much, 37 percent.

More importantly, the arrests of MS-13 gang members surged 83 percent and captures of illegals with criminal records surged 92 percent.


How can anyone argue this is not a great thing and should be done no matter who is President!

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Music to my ears (or in this case, eyes). I'll bet liberal traitors have steam blowing out their own ears, they are so determined that America should be the 3rd world's human condom, they want fellow Americans to suffer. It's the only thing that makes these soul-poisoned-by-Obama, traitorous slime-mold feel like they're still alive.
You using that at the Reich Ritz party tonight? Cause I'm a liberal and you are so off base you're lost...

Yes but you’re a brain dead twat who is incapable of rational thought

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