Thousands of workers flee Foxconn iPhone factory in china

Notice how Harpy Eagle snuck in the lie about the philippines not wanting our help when the opposite is true
Elite Filipinos are extremely good at corruption. There's hardly a middle class in the country. It's either the extremely rich, rich, or poor spectrum. Some of their politicians are far better than Democrats at selling out their country. Filipino workers I've work with in the past said the Chinese are buying up their country. End of the day, China probably don't have to fire a shot as they already owned the Philippines' politicians.
Elite Filipinos are extremely good at corruption. There's hardly a middle class in the country. It's either the extremely rich, rich, or poor spectrum. Some of their politicians are far better than Democrats at selling out their country. Filipino workers I've work with in the past said the Chinese are buying up their country. End of the day, China probably don't have to fire a shot as they already owned the Philippines' politicians.
Thats true

But allowing the Philippines to become a vassal state of communist china is a step in the wrong direction
Elite Filipinos are extremely good at corruption. There's hardly a middle class in the country. It's either the extremely rich, rich, or poor spectrum. Some of their politicians are far better than Democrats at selling out their country. Filipino workers I've work with in the past said the Chinese are buying up their country. End of the day, China probably don't have to fire a shot as they already owned the Philippines' politicians.
End of the day, China probably don't have to fire a shot as they already owned the Philippines' politicians.

That was Xi’s plan while Durate was president

But they had an election and now a fellow named Marcos is president

And he is defying china
Its not as dire as you think

Foxconn was offered over a billion in tax incentives based on 13,000 jobs

That didnt happen so the tax incentives were reduced

Foxconn Technology Group broke ground for a new flat-screen plant in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin. The Taiwanese company plans to invest $10 billion there, but the state will give it tax credits of as much as $4 billion, by far the largest corporate subsidy in Wisconsin history. It will also be the biggest handout in American history to a corporation based outside the United States. Governor Scott Walker, who is running for a third term, and President Trump have both praised the deal as clear evidence that Republicans have brought manufacturing back.

This was written in 2018 and it's even worse than what they thought. No jobs created. Wisconsin just got hosed. By a foreign company. I'm sure Trump got his kickback.

Unsurprisingly, Walker did not come close to fulfilling his promise on jobs. Indeed, neighboring Minnesota under Democrat Mark Dayton created more jobs and had significantly higher wage growth than Wisconsin during the same period. But Foxconn allows Walker to claim that his policies are indeed bearing fruit. At least in the short term, he may be right: Foxconn plans to employ 13,000

But the deal will cost the state a lot more than it will be worth. First, there is the outrageous cost: $3 billion in state tax credits, $1.5 billion of which is tied to the number of jobs paying above $30,000 a year created and maintained through 2032. Walker and the Republican legislature, however, have already cut the tax rate to almost zero for manufacturers in Wisconsin, so almost all of the “credit” will be direct payments to Foxconn—a giant subsidy that taxpayers will take on for the next decade and a half. Meanwhile, the governor and the legislature cut more than $2 billion from public education during his first five years in office.

It gets worse: the task of negotiating the details went to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), which is basically a black box of cronyism and wasted money. To get the credits, Foxconn’s jobs must average about $54,000 a year. Walker and WEDC initially wanted the ceiling for computing the mean salary to be $100,000. Under pressure to get the deal done, however, they relented to Foxconn’s demands, raising the ceiling to $400,000. Thus, for every employee making the latter figure, the company could hire another fifteen making $30,000 a year and still max out the payments.

If the company’s deplorable record elsewhere is any indication, Foxconn workers will likely find it difficult to unionize—which will suppress wages and likely reduce worker safety and job security. Indeed, one can imagine that Walker’s singular hostility to unions probably factored into the decision of billionaire Foxconn chairperson Terry Gou’s decision to do business in Wisconsin. It is too early to gauge the impact of right-to-work on building trade unions, but the state’s percentage of union workers continued its decline after the law was passed in 2015.

There is also no guarantee Foxconn workers will keep their jobs for long: the company’s stated goal—at least in its China factories—is to completely automate its workforce. With billions invested in new robotic technology, Gou might very well seek to automate much of the Wisconsin facility, too. Thus, Foxconn could conceivably employ 13,000 workers until 2032 when the tax incentives expire and then replace most of them with robots. Even if the jobs are worth the current investment, environmentalists have pointed to the plant’s deleterious impact on the environment, and authorities in Southeast Wisconsin are abusing eminent domain to dispossess residents of their houses to make way for it.

Despite his broken promises, Walker has proven himself to be an adept politician.

There is also no guarantee Foxconn workers will keep their jobs for long: the company’s stated goal—at least in its China factories—is to completely automate its workforce. With billions invested in new robotic technology, Gou might very well seek to automate much of the Wisconsin facility, too.
You are posting old stories as if they are current

The Foxconn deal fell through so that tax subsidies were never applied

As for automation I would rather see a factory run by robots than no factory at all
You are posting old stories as if they are current

The Foxconn deal fell through so that tax subsidies were never applied

As for automation I would rather see a factory run by robots than no factory at all

All well and fine as long as the taxpayers aren't on the hook for paying for it.
End of the day, China probably don't have to fire a shot as they already owned the Philippines' politicians.

That was Xi’s plan while Durate was president

But they had an election and now a fellow named Marcos is president

And he is defying china
Unless Marcos is a dictator, he cannot stop other politicians from selling the country to China. We are seeing the same move by Democrats here.
Unless Marcos is a dictator, he cannot stop other politicians from selling the country to China. We are seeing the same move by Democrats here.
So a freely elected leader refuses to be bought by china and for that you label him a dictator?
You are posting old stories as if they are current

The Foxconn deal fell through so that tax subsidies were never applied

As for automation I would rather see a factory run by robots than no factory at all
Trump's deal. It's like all Republicans. Get the tax payers to pay the corporations for the jobs they create. You guys need to stop licking corporations cocks.

The other day I told about a union of roofers going on strike for $3 more an hour. They won, $2 raises. See how you get more from the company? You think a company is going to pay more for any other reason?

Well there is another reason besides a union made them. FEAR of unionization. You're welcome although I know you don't appreciate it one bit.
Sadly I have no doubt. People love their corporate welfare but then bitch when people are starving get fed.
America is at s disadvantage to India
and china because of our higher wages along with high pollution and worker safety rules

You dont expect Foxconn to lose money by manufacturing here, do you?
Didn' say that, I'm saying these companies got subsidies to move there for the slave labor, and now they want subsidies to move back, and both Parties are falling al over themselves to give them taxpayers' money. I think they should all be in prison for racketeering, not being rewarded for building up an enemy state and labor racketeering, not being thrown a Pity Party for vermin management and stockholders.
I agree.
I dont recall subsidies for US companies to relocate to china

If thats driving your anger you could be mistaken
I take you don't know about NAFTA.
Sorry, posted the wrong link.

You are using blinders to ignore the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty

Chinese fishing boats are being escorted by chinese warships in Philippine waters and Marcos is seeking a diplomatic solution rather than a military confrontation

But he is not flatly rejecting US support as you seem to think
America is at s disadvantage to India
and china because of our higher wages along with high pollution and worker safety rules

You dont expect Foxconn to lose money by manufacturing here, do you?

If they want taxpayers funds.
You are using blinders to ignore the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty

Chinese fishing boats are being escorted by chinese warships in Philippine waters and Marcos is seeking a diplomatic solution rather than a military confrontation

But he is not flatly rejecting US support as you seem to think

He is moving away from relying on the US, just like many of our "allies" are.

This is not a negative for them or us, but most have realized that the US is no longer a reliable ally

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