Would it take another Pearl Harbor to make you realize that China has declared war on the United States of America?

Would it take another Pearl Harbor to make you realize that China has declared war on the United States of America?

Would it take another Pearl Harbor to make you realize that China has declared war on the United States of America? (noqreport.com)
19 Dec 2020 ~~ By David Ware
I wasn’t around on December 7, 1941. I’m not quite that old. But I live in Hawaii and I have paid respects at the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor many times. President Trump and First Lady Melania have also done so. I often see Pearl Harbor as I drive on the H-1 freeway from West O`ahu toward downtown Honolulu. I have watched the old black-and-white newsreels of the attacks by the Japanese zeros on that Date That Will Live in Infamy. Today Japan is no longer our enemy in the current era. But, the Chinese Communist Party is our enemy today. Note that I did not say that nearly 4.5 billion Chinese in China and many more around the world are our enemies because they absolutely are not. My dear wife from the Philippines has some Chinese ancestry. So do many of our closest friends. But the blood-thirsty and power-hungry regime of Xi Jinping is the most deadly foe which the United States of America has faced since the Revolutionary War.
In this ersatz age of technology and self-indulgence, most of my fellow countrymen have a very short attention span. They are also guilty as charged of being very provincial and geographically illiterate. As one who loves maps, I can guarantee you that most of them couldn’t even point to Hawaii on a world globe. That would include quite a number inside the DC Beltway! While it is 6,921 miles from Beijing to Washington, DC via the Pacific route, the Chinese Communist Party is already here permeating our entire American homeland. They are in our educational institutions. They are most definitely the controlling factor behind our mainstream media. They have subordinated our economy. If you want to buy a baseball cap with the name of your hometown on it, the chances are overwhelming that it was made in China.
But the most insidious penetration of America by the CCP is within our entire federal as well as state/local political infrastructure. Not everybody is as foolish and as brazen as Congressman Eric Swalwell whose zipper was more active than his brain. But the pandas’ claws sink deep into the flesh of not only U.S. Representatives, U.S. Senators, members of the Administration and possibly even the U.S. Supreme Court, they also control governors, state legislators, mayors, police chiefs, sheriffs and other local officials. Much of the technology that we use even within our government and law enforcement systems was, you guessed it, made in China. Made in China doesn’t just mean manufactured in China. It also means maintained by China and monitored by China. That’s why I refuse to even do Zoom calls. Xi Jinping is welcome and invited to read this article if he’s so inclined, but I really don’t want his regime listening in whenever the local GOP or other organization is discussing what they think are just internal matters.
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has inexplicably delayed this report required by President Trump’s executive order issued two years ago which was due yesterday, December 18th. Last I heard, he says sometime in January. Is he thinking perhaps of January 21st so he can hand it to “President” Joe Biden who will have fraudulently taken the oath of office the day before? If so, Mr. Ratcliffe is in the wrong job. If not, what the heck does he think he’s doing by not submitting this crucial report on time? Sometimes, I think these people’s brains just don’t work right. Either that or their hearts are just in the wrong place. More likely it’s a combination of both factors.
I didn’t even mention earlier how China is conducting cyber warfare against many of our governmental and military agencies. This is nothing less than part of an attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States and install a subservient puppet regime with Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as its titular head. So I challenge you, in all due respect, to tell me if that is not an Act of War, what is the threshold as you define it?
So, now today we have a hostile Act of War by a nation state, the People’s Republic of China [a misnomer if there ever was one] which is controlled by and under the bloody thumb of the Chinese Communist Party. As I previously stated, the vast majority of the Chinese people are not our enemy, but they are being persecuted by their own evil regime in Beijing. So, what are we going to do about it?
The attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor could not be ignored! Neither can the very deliberate kinetic attempt of the Chinese Communist Party to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States of America! We won that war and our national survival depends upon winning this one, too!

Everyone needs to read and study Sun Tzu
Indeed, I was 67 months of age when the Japanese attacked Peral Harbor thrusing the U.S. into WWII.
That was a direct and kinetic attack.
79 years later with the advancements in "science" it's no longer necessary to use nuclear weapons or guns to destroy a country. Biological warfare seems to be better than a hydrogen bomb. One vial of the Chinese Covid Virus has killed more than 300,000 Americans to date. As it is today, a mutated strain of the Chinese Covid-19 virus has been detected in the UK and it is more deadlier than the previous strain.
Hopefully the use of the vaccine will stem the tide and the vaccine is not just specific for the primary Chinese Covid-19 virus.

The demrats and RINOs owe China too much for the biological virus and the tech virus that is called dominion software.
We come from being top dog. We keep selling parts of ourselves off because of our self introspection becoming insane.

You ceased to be “top dog” when W nearly collapsed the world economy. No one has trusted you since. The rest of the world started disentangling our economies from yours at that time.

You’re falling and you’re falling all alone.
I would say 300,000 dead Americans from a Chinese virus is worse than Pearl Harbor........
I would say more dead Americans than died in the Civil War is worse than Pearl Harbor, especially when the primary reason for that number are the lies of the treasonous asshole that was President at the start of the pandemic.
The Wuhan virus and China's biological warfare: Warnings the world ignored
Launch of China Virus/COVID-19 - which only India had guts to name biological weapon - had decades of preparation to deny/mitigate global response, writes Lt Gen P. C. Katoch (retd) for South Asia Monitor
Apr 2020 ~~ By Lt. Gen. Prakash Katoch (retd)

Few probably noticed China’s strategy of ‘Deep Coalitions’ mentioned indirectly in ‘Unrestricted Warfare’ with references to the political role played by non-state actors ranging from credit-rating agencies to narco-mafias. A Deep Coalition can consist of one or more states, civil organizations, corporations, narcotics mafias, individuals, groups – multi-level players operating simultaneously multiplying, fissioning then fusing into others, and so on.
China applied ‘Deep Coalitions’ worldwide, exploiting systems, education, political donations, people-to-people diplomacy, and manipulating multi-level decision-making in foreign countries.

The use of biological weapons dates back to as early as 1346. The legal framework banning both chemical and biological warfare began to develop 500 years later, in the late 19th century.
The 1899 Hague Convention with Respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land declared that it is "especially prohibited…to employ poison or poisoned arms." Nevertheless, chemical weapons (which are quite different than biological weapons) were used extensively during World War I by several countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and France. On a much smaller scale, biological weapons were used during the war by German agents who attempted to infect livestock destined for the Allied forces.
According to The Japan Times, it wasn't until 2002 that the Tokyo District Court acknowledged Japan's use of biological warfare against China during World War II. Lawsuits had been filed in 1997 and 1998, demanding damages and an apology from the Japanese government for their role in biological warfare.

In the end, you have to wonder if China justifies their attack on the Western world on the biological attacks of Japan on the Chinese population during WWII?
Is America now in the process of trying to sell the need for war against China?

China isn't going to start one and that may mean a false flag attack to create the illusion of aggression by China.

Wouldn't America see it as much too risky now that China has an unstoppable missile system?

Will MAD save us from a world war, regardless of what country fires the first shots. (super sonic missiles)
The Wuhan virus and China's biological warfare: Warnings the world ignored
Launch of China Virus/COVID-19 - which only India had guts to name biological weapon - had decades of preparation to deny/mitigate global response, writes Lt Gen P. C. Katoch (retd) for South Asia Monitor
Apr 2020 ~~ By Lt. Gen. Prakash Katoch (retd)

Few probably noticed China’s strategy of ‘Deep Coalitions’ mentioned indirectly in ‘Unrestricted Warfare’ with references to the political role played by non-state actors ranging from credit-rating agencies to narco-mafias. A Deep Coalition can consist of one or more states, civil organizations, corporations, narcotics mafias, individuals, groups – multi-level players operating simultaneously multiplying, fissioning then fusing into others, and so on.
China applied ‘Deep Coalitions’ worldwide, exploiting systems, education, political donations, people-to-people diplomacy, and manipulating multi-level decision-making in foreign countries.

The use of biological weapons dates back to as early as 1346. The legal framework banning both chemical and biological warfare began to develop 500 years later, in the late 19th century.
The 1899 Hague Convention with Respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land declared that it is "especially prohibited…to employ poison or poisoned arms." Nevertheless, chemical weapons (which are quite different than biological weapons) were used extensively during World War I by several countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and France. On a much smaller scale, biological weapons were used during the war by German agents who attempted to infect livestock destined for the Allied forces.
According to The Japan Times, it wasn't until 2002 that the Tokyo District Court acknowledged Japan's use of biological warfare against China during World War II. Lawsuits had been filed in 1997 and 1998, demanding damages and an apology from the Japanese government for their role in biological warfare.

In the end, you have to wonder if China justifies their attack on the Western world on the biological attacks of Japan on the Chinese population during WWII?

In the end, I wonder why you're pushing for the USA to declare war on China, when the USA hasn't won a conventional war since WWII?

For the past 30 years, the USA has seen it's treasury drained by 30 years of war while your infrastructure, health care, and programs for American citizens were cut and the country went dangerously in debt to pay for it all. And here you and the rest of the Trump Republicans are, ginning up lies about covid and demanding the US enter into yet another futile and wastful war against China.

Are you really this stupid or is someone paying you to destroy the country?
In the end, I wonder why you're pushing for the USA to declare war on China, when the USA hasn't won a conventional war since WWII?

For the past 30 years, the USA has seen it's treasury drained by 30 years of war while your infrastructure, health care, and programs for American citizens were cut and the country went dangerously in debt to pay for it all. And here you and the rest of the Trump Republicans are, ginning up lies about covid and demanding the US enter into yet another futile and wastful war against China.

Are you really this stupid or is someone paying you to destroy the country?
If it's a conventional war, the side that starts to show signs of losing will obviously turn to nuclear weapons first.

And if there's an attempt to keep it contained to another regional war then either side will make it into a war in the US sphere of influence and one in China's too.

A war between the US and China won't be contained for very long!

Are we jumping to premature conclusions?

LOL, the point is that they were son.

Canadian soldiers no longer training Chinese troops, defence minister says​

LOL, the point is that they were son.

Canadian soldiers no longer training Chinese troops, defence minister says​

Why wouldn't you train with the Chinese to see what they're up to?

I say NUKE WUHAN for this fucking virus and make sure the assholes here that helped with the studies are there when it happens.

Wishful thinking but .........eh.
Would it take another Pearl Harbor to make you realize that China has declared war on the United States of America?

Would it take another Pearl Harbor to make you realize that China has declared war on the United States of America? (noqreport.com)
19 Dec 2020 ~~ By David Ware
I wasn’t around on December 7, 1941. I’m not quite that old. But I live in Hawaii and I have paid respects at the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor many times. President Trump and First Lady Melania have also done so. I often see Pearl Harbor as I drive on the H-1 freeway from West O`ahu toward downtown Honolulu. I have watched the old black-and-white newsreels of the attacks by the Japanese zeros on that Date That Will Live in Infamy. Today Japan is no longer our enemy in the current era. But, the Chinese Communist Party is our enemy today. Note that I did not say that nearly 4.5 billion Chinese in China and many more around the world are our enemies because they absolutely are not. My dear wife from the Philippines has some Chinese ancestry. So do many of our closest friends. But the blood-thirsty and power-hungry regime of Xi Jinping is the most deadly foe which the United States of America has faced since the Revolutionary War.
In this ersatz age of technology and self-indulgence, most of my fellow countrymen have a very short attention span. They are also guilty as charged of being very provincial and geographically illiterate. As one who loves maps, I can guarantee you that most of them couldn’t even point to Hawaii on a world globe. That would include quite a number inside the DC Beltway! While it is 6,921 miles from Beijing to Washington, DC via the Pacific route, the Chinese Communist Party is already here permeating our entire American homeland. They are in our educational institutions. They are most definitely the controlling factor behind our mainstream media. They have subordinated our economy. If you want to buy a baseball cap with the name of your hometown on it, the chances are overwhelming that it was made in China.
But the most insidious penetration of America by the CCP is within our entire federal as well as state/local political infrastructure. Not everybody is as foolish and as brazen as Congressman Eric Swalwell whose zipper was more active than his brain. But the pandas’ claws sink deep into the flesh of not only U.S. Representatives, U.S. Senators, members of the Administration and possibly even the U.S. Supreme Court, they also control governors, state legislators, mayors, police chiefs, sheriffs and other local officials. Much of the technology that we use even within our government and law enforcement systems was, you guessed it, made in China. Made in China doesn’t just mean manufactured in China. It also means maintained by China and monitored by China. That’s why I refuse to even do Zoom calls. Xi Jinping is welcome and invited to read this article if he’s so inclined, but I really don’t want his regime listening in whenever the local GOP or other organization is discussing what they think are just internal matters.
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has inexplicably delayed this report required by President Trump’s executive order issued two years ago which was due yesterday, December 18th. Last I heard, he says sometime in January. Is he thinking perhaps of January 21st so he can hand it to “President” Joe Biden who will have fraudulently taken the oath of office the day before? If so, Mr. Ratcliffe is in the wrong job. If not, what the heck does he think he’s doing by not submitting this crucial report on time? Sometimes, I think these people’s brains just don’t work right. Either that or their hearts are just in the wrong place. More likely it’s a combination of both factors.
I didn’t even mention earlier how China is conducting cyber warfare against many of our governmental and military agencies. This is nothing less than part of an attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States and install a subservient puppet regime with Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as its titular head. So I challenge you, in all due respect, to tell me if that is not an Act of War, what is the threshold as you define it?
So, now today we have a hostile Act of War by a nation state, the People’s Republic of China [a misnomer if there ever was one] which is controlled by and under the bloody thumb of the Chinese Communist Party. As I previously stated, the vast majority of the Chinese people are not our enemy, but they are being persecuted by their own evil regime in Beijing. So, what are we going to do about it?
The attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor could not be ignored! Neither can the very deliberate kinetic attempt of the Chinese Communist Party to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States of America! We won that war and our national survival depends upon winning this one, too!

Everyone needs to read and study Sun Tzu
Indeed, I was 67 months of age when the Japanese attacked Peral Harbor thrusing the U.S. into WWII.
That was a direct and kinetic attack.
79 years later with the advancements in "science" it's no longer necessary to use nuclear weapons or guns to destroy a country. Biological warfare seems to be better than a hydrogen bomb. One vial of the Chinese Covid Virus has killed more than 300,000 Americans to date. As it is today, a mutated strain of the Chinese Covid-19 virus has been detected in the UK and it is more deadlier than the previous strain.
Hopefully the use of the vaccine will stem the tide and the vaccine is not just specific for the primary Chinese Covid-19 virus.


If China bombed a naval base the Democrats would not care and none of them would volunteer to fight

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