Idaho Republicans pass resolution urging Supreme Court to end marriage equality

People can and should be able to get married without having to go thru a church. That's already been established and this is not a theocracy. As a lifelong Christian I would fight against a Christian theocracy. Tooth and nail.
Okay, not sure what that has to do with me. I am for marriage going away, if you want to involve your religion fine. It’s a civil union, it can be done without a church and has been for decades and decades. Church or no church, it doesn’t matter anymore, just to those who care if it does and you don’t.
Sure it is. Dictating that they should do their jobs

And that makes you the bad guy. If you can't compromise over something as easy to get from someone else as a cake, you now know why you are getting the backlash you are getting on drugging and mutilating kids.
And that makes you the bad guy. If you can't compromise over something as easy to get from someone else as a cake, you now know why you are getting the backlash you are getting on drugging and mutilating kids.
OK . I'll be the bad guy. That's like saying that a black person should step off of the curb when passing a while on the street- and the compromise is that they won't get lynched
OK . I'll be the bad guy. That's like saying that a black person should step off of the curb when passing a while on the street- and the compromise is that they won't get lynched

It's not even remotely like that.

You want everything your way, and you use the government to bully people into submission.

Where is the harm in a gay couple having to go to another baker?
Idaho Republicans pass resolution urging Supreme Court to end marriage equality - LGBTQ Nation

I really have to ask…what the hell is wrong with these people ? Why can’t they just leave others alone to live their lives as they choose ? Same sex marriage has been the law of the land in all 50 states for nearly a decade. It has been legal in some states and in other countries for much longer. It’s really not much of an issue anymore . Married same sex couples inhabit nearly every community across the country. They have become part of the fabric of society. They own homes, have families, hold jobs, pay taxes , volunteer in their towns and are good neighbors. Most people don’t even notice them and those who do don’t care . They bother no one

I challenge these people to provide and evidence at all that same sex marriage has in any way been detrimental to society , or to them personally . There is absolutely no reason for them to seek to upend the lives of these people and take from them that which they can take for granted . The only explanation for this is the creeping scourge of Christian Nationalism that seeks to impose their distorted and cruel suede Christian beliefs and values on others .

Selected excerpts from the above link:
Because it is disgusting ,immoral ,and perverted.
So adoptive parents get nothing. Sorry, that's sick and twisted. I guess we don't want unwanted kids finding homes.
2 heterosexual people marrie, doing this so called emphasis there, great nation, adopting and orphan get nothing. People in that state need to forego having kids.
Yeah, why can't same sex couples go live their own life and keep their mouths shut about it.

And why can't same sex couples leave alone babies. Babies want and need mom and dad, not the opposite.
You sound like you have anger issues. Did some mean old queer do something nasty to you? Maybe you should talk to your priest. On the other hand....maybe not a good idea. Maybe just keep your mouth shut
You sound like you have anger issues. Did some mean old queer do something nasty to you? Maybe you should talk to your priest. On the other hand....maybe not a good idea. Maybe just keep your mouth shut
Wow, you are offended if you and your dembiy homosexual lover can not fill your home with heterosexual children. That is disturbing and you need to be stopped.

Children deserve mom and dad. You are a problem if you won't allow that

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