Ideas to discourage lying sociopathic career politicians from wanting to be President


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
How about at the end of a Presidential term there is a secondary vote by the people of whether or not to have the President go to trial to answer for treason and executed if convicted? That should discourage them, yes?

Any other ideas?
Go to public financing of elections and get new voices in the mix. Right now special interests fund both sides and people wonder why nothing changes.
Idk but I really see the first completely criminal AG in my lifeand its disgusting. All Dems now with have a organized crime type AG that's held to no standards. Obama shed light on who Dems are if people are willing to be honest
Go to public financing of elections and get new voices in the mix. Right now special interests fund both sides and people wonder why nothing changes.
The piano has 88 keys, tovarich! :lol::lol::lol:
Little is more worthless than you constant drumbeat for a total gubmint takeover of and monopoly over political campaigns, as the panacea for corruption.

Get a new piano, Schroeder. :lol:
with = will *

This is a great question its obvious it needs to be answered, eh why argue it the left doesn't understand or respect law.
Some President is going to have to eat a busted bubble. The crime-pays economy hasn't got enough value, to support inflation. Burns and busts are up, services and benefits are cut.

Whoever is holding the popped bag will get blamed, by all kinds of DDDs

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