IDF closes probe into killing of Mustafa Tamimi in Nabi Saleh

What's 1.2 billion minus 1?

If it's minus one billion, then the answer is .2 billion.

If by "1" you mean JUST 1 = just it's, then it's 1,999,999,999.

Math is all fun and stuff.

Ridding the world of future suicide bombers 1 at a time.

When shall our world be free of 1 Hater named Indeependent?

Where is this Hater's evidence this man was a future suicide bomber?

There are no suicide bombings in Palestine.
Mustafa Tamimi: A murder captured on*

"Mustafa Tamimi of Nabi Saleh*diedyesterday morning in Beilinson Hospital. There’s no debate over the cause of death: Tamimi was shot in the head at close range during the weekly demonstration in his village. The weapon: a high force, long range tear gas canister. According to a number of witnesses, backed up byphotographs, the canister was fired point-blank, in total contravention of army regulations, from a distance of less than ten meters. The shooter: an Israeli soldier, from a Jeep."

Mustafa Tamimi: A murder captured on camera | +972 Magazine
And the difference is the tanks in China could see the protestor, whereas the bulldozer controller could not see Rachel Corrie.
Mustafa Tamimi: A murder captured on*

"Mustafa Tamimi of Nabi Saleh*diedyesterday morning in Beilinson Hospital. There’s no debate over the cause of death: Tamimi was shot in the head at close range during the weekly demonstration in his village. The weapon: a high force, long range tear gas canister. According to a number of witnesses, backed up byphotographs, the canister was fired point-blank, in total contravention of army regulations, from a distance of less than ten meters. The shooter: an Israeli soldier, from a Jeep."

Mustafa Tamimi: A murder captured on camera | +972 Magazine

Now why on earth would Israel purposely shoot someone at close range seeing as the world's eyes are always on Israel. That is why this shooting on purpose did not happen and the IDF's explanation is more feasible.
"...This is another example of why the hateful anti-Semitic and anti-Israel douchebags are incapable of actual debate. They cannot recognize that support of a terrorist organization like Hamas is not the same as fighting for freedom and liberty..."
Classic manifestation of Faux Moral Equivalency.

They excel at such things.

It's the same stuff that Kangaroo Courts and Lynch Mobs are made of.
If the Palestinian had been at-home rather than on the streets rioting, he would still be alive today.

I don't mind his protesting.

I might have a qualm or two about his methodology, however.

WHAT exactly was HE doing (and what were the others doing) at the time the tear gas canister got deployed?
Whitewashing murder is so surreal, Zionists are so like the Nazis portrayed in these surreal images!

Zionism, the Nazism of Today!


"The images are chilling, bordering on surreal: Surrounded by fellow Nazis, Adolf Hitler presides over a Christmas party. Swastika armbands jarringly offset the glint of ornaments and tinsel; candles illuminate the festive scene. Confronted with the scene, a viewer might reasonably ask: How could Nazi leaders reconcile an ideology of hatred and conquest with the joyous spirit of the holiday — much less its celebration of the birth of*Read more:*Nazi Christmas: Photos of Hitler and Other Celebrants at the Holidays |*"

Nazi Christmas: Photos of Hitler and Other Celebrants at the Holidays |
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How come NO israelis ever get hit in the head by "stray" Gas cartridges fired at them during protests?
And the difference is the tanks in China could see the protestor, whereas the bulldozer controller could not see Rachel Corrie.
Bull fucking shit!

He just got done talking to her just a few moments before.

Does this look like he couldn't see her?

That was taken moments before the fucker ran her over, then backed up onto her.
No. It sure doesn't "show" anything of the sort.

At most it "shows" that it might have been possible to see the protestor.
You need to eat more carrots, because you're blind as a bat!

The picture shows the door cracked open with the fuckers gun barrel out the door and the canister halfway to the guys head.

It's pretty retarded trying to claim something other than what's seen in the picture.
Bullshit indeed. THAT image is a fraud.

There were at least TWO bulldozers and the one Dildo_Really just showed is NOT the one that accidentally got dopey St. Pancake.


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