IDF Snipers having fun shooting Palestinian children.

...It was not Arab Muslim land, it was Arab Christian and Muslim land. No treaty bequeathed the land to Europeans. It was stolen from the Christians and Muslims.
95% Muslim...

5% Christian...

Not the other way around, as implied by putting 'Christians' first, on the list of the dispossessed.

How's that 'Divide and Conquer' ( trying to separate American Christians from Israel ) tactic workin' out for ya, so far?

The people filming were American and Italian. You here the Italian guy saying "lha preso", "he got him". The American guy confirms.

So this is the best you guys can do? Regurgitate the same threads over and over and over and over? Same video in this thread here started exactly three months to the day as this one was ago:

Israeli soldiers shooting Palistinian children for fun US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And funny that it is almost the exact same title as well . . . . .

And debunked here:

Pallywood made by non-Palestinians - Thomas Wictor

...It was not Arab Muslim land, it was Arab Christian and Muslim land. No treaty bequeathed the land to Europeans. It was stolen from the Christians and Muslims.
95% Muslim...

5% Christian...

Not the other way around, as implied by putting 'Christians' first, on the list of the dispossessed.

How's that 'Divide and Conquer' ( trying to separate American Christians from Israel ) tactic workin' out for ya, so far?
...It was not Arab Muslim land, it was Arab Christian and Muslim land. No treaty bequeathed the land to Europeans. It was stolen from the Christians and Muslims.
95% Muslim...

5% Christian...

Not the other way around, as implied by putting 'Christians' first, on the list of the dispossessed.

How's that 'Divide and Conquer' ( trying to separate American Christians from Israel ) tactic workin' out for ya, so far?

Being far wealthier than the Muslims, the Christians owned a much larger proportion of the land than there population would imply, plus Christians were over 8% of the population in 1944 as stated in the Survey of Palestine Vol. 1, Table 4. page 143.


  • population 1944.pdf
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Being far wealthier than the Muslims, the Christians owned a much larger proportion of the land than there population would imply, plus Christians were over 8% of the population in 1944 as stated in the Survey of Palestine Vol. 1, Table 4. page 143.
So, how did arab settlers and squatters from the hood got all to be saudi sheiks to own 90%(!) of the mandate palestine?
Being far wealthier than the Muslims, the Christians owned a much larger proportion of the land than there population would imply, plus Christians were over 8% of the population in 1944 as stated in the Survey of Palestine Vol. 1, Table 4. page 143.
So, how did arab settlers and squatters from the hood got all to be saudi sheiks to own 90%(!) of the mandate palestine?

Hardly any non-Jews migrated to Palestine. The squatters are 90% Jews.

Hmm, monti, I thought your thread was about the IDF snipers. But you and your ilk never stay on the points do you? Whenever you or Loopy or Pishy start a thread it is really only just so you can barf all over it with your regurgitated propaganda.
Being far wealthier than the Muslims, the Christians owned a much larger proportion of the land than there population would imply, plus Christians were over 8% of the population in 1944 as stated in the Survey of Palestine Vol. 1, Table 4. page 143.
So, how did arab settlers and squatters from the hood got all to be saudi sheiks to own 90%(!) of the mandate palestine?
Hardly any non-Jews migrated to Palestine.
Yeah, right. Hardly any mexican "palestinians" migrated to the US too. Palisimians should come to terms and be at peace with their major illegal settler-squatter nature.
The squatters are 90% Jews.
As per our honorable montelatici drivel and tall tales, of course.

The people filming were American and Italian. You here the Italian guy saying "lha preso", "he got him". The American guy confirms.

This has been shown before. Saw no children, saw a big guy scuttling like a crab though.

The Palestinians were throwing rocks off the roof

Well, then it's ok to kill them, of course.

What would you say if the IDF were throwing rocks at Palestinians below, would you say that it was alright to kill the IDF for doing it. It was terrorism pure and simple to which every nation that has signed up to the UN charter has agreed to stamp out by deadly force if needed.
The IOF . . . the most immoral army the world has ever known!
Naturally Pishy has no problem with whom the Muslim armies are murdering. Does anyone think that Pishy cared when the Pakistani Army at one time killed three millions (mainly Hindus) in Bangladesh or that the Sudanese Army killed over 2 million Christians. Even now do you think that Pishy would mention that Assad is killing his own civilians in Syria? Pishy would tell us that the Nazi Army was a group of benevolent fellows who didn't deserve the reputation as being bad guys. The Palestinians would like to kill all the Jews. She would then go on to say it was the Jews' fault.

Let me ask you something, please . . . if I stole most of your land, would you like to kill me? This has nothing to do with Judaism, it all has to do with Israel, a country whose interests, I believe, are not in the least, the best interests for America. ~ Susan
PS To denigrate me to the board, you keep bringing non-topic subjects into the discussion . . . good grief, you're talking here about the Pakistani, Sudanese and Nazi Armies, along with Hindus of Bangladesh, civilians in Syria killed by Assad and heaven knows what else.

It was never arab muslim land remember, they ran away in 1099 and never reclaimed it. The Treaties signed in the 1920's bequeathed the land to the Jews of the world not the arab muslims who got Jordan for their homeland. You also forget that it is a command of the arab muslims religion to "KILL THE JEWS" and to take all the land for the ummah. Your NAZI ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED is shining out like a lighthouse on a stormy night

It was not Arab Muslim land, it was Arab Christian and Muslim land. No treaty bequeathed the land to Europeans. It was stolen from the Christians and Muslims.

There were many treaties that bequeathed the land to the Jews, just as they bequeathed other lands to the muslims and Christians. So don't try and deny they exist, unless you want to see Syria, Iraq and Jordan dissolved by your stupidity. The land was originally Jewish and was stolen by first the romans then the arab muslims, the Christians and finally the Turkish muslims. So those are the land thieves not the Jews who have a greater right to claim the land than the arab muslim illegal immigrants that did not arrive in Palestine until the late 1800's
Naturally Pishy has no problem with whom the Muslim armies are murdering. Does anyone think that Pishy cared when the Pakistani Army at one time killed three millions (mainly Hindus) in Bangladesh or that the Sudanese Army killed over 2 million Christians. Even now do you think that Pishy would mention that Assad is killing his own civilians in Syria? Pishy would tell us that the Nazi Army was a group of benevolent fellows who didn't deserve the reputation as being bad guys. The Palestinians would like to kill all the Jews. She would then go on to say it was the Jews' fault.

Let me ask you something, please . . . if I stole most of your land, would you like to kill me? This has nothing to do with Judaism, it all has to do with Israel, a country whose interests, I believe, are not in the least, the best interests for America. ~ Susan
PS To denigrate me to the board, you keep bringing non-topic subjects into the discussion . . . good grief, you're talking here about the Pakistani, Sudanese and Nazi Armies, along with Hindus of Bangladesh, civilians in Syria killed by Assad and heaven knows what else.

It was never arab muslim land remember, they ran away in 1099 and never reclaimed it. The Treaties signed in the 1920's bequeathed the land to the Jews of the world not the arab muslims who got Jordan for their homeland. You also forget that it is a command of the arab muslims religion to "KILL THE JEWS" and to take all the land for the ummah. Your NAZI ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED is shining out like a lighthouse on a stormy night

It was not Arab Muslim land, it was Arab Christian and Muslim land. No treaty bequeathed the land to Europeans. It was stolen from the Christians and Muslims.

Palestinians did NOT have sovereignty over the land. They lived their and owned some land, but that's not the same as sovereignty. Israel legally declared independence after completing steps prepatory to independence laid out by the U.N .
The stealing lie is just another Palestinian myth and more proof that you are nothing but a propagandist.

The Christians and Muslims owned more than 85% of the land. Now nearly 90% is owned by the Jewish state or Jews. Taken without compensation. That is called theft. No way around it. What do facts have to do with propaganda? You have been spreading the propaganda you have been spoon fed for nearly all your life. Read something other than Zionist/Jewish bullshit. You are reading crap about the settlement of Palestine which is analogous to the crap written about the European invaders of the New World a century ago. Manifest destiny and all that bullshit. Now we know better.

That meant nothing in reality as the mandate took it all away from them and gave ownership to the Jews once they showed free determination and declared independence. All part of CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW of the time, and once done can not be changed to suit some jumped up ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST 66 years later.
The only person reading propaganda is you and you are being brainwashed into believing that islam is 10,000 years old and was around before Judaism, Christianity and Paganism when the truth is it is barely 1400 years old and has stolen more land, killed more innocents and destroyed more artifacts that the rest of the world put together. Something you know to be true but refuse to accept as reality.
It was never arab muslim land remember, they ran away in 1099 and never reclaimed it. The Treaties signed in the 1920's bequeathed the land to the Jews of the world not the arab muslims who got Jordan for their homeland. You also forget that it is a command of the arab muslims religion to "KILL THE JEWS" and to take all the land for the ummah. Your NAZI ANTI-SEMITIC JEW HATRED is shining out like a lighthouse on a stormy night

It was not Arab Muslim land, it was Arab Christian and Muslim land. No treaty bequeathed the land to Europeans. It was stolen from the Christians and Muslims.

Palestinians did NOT have sovereignty over the land. They lived their and owned some land, but that's not the same as sovereignty. Israel legally declared independence after completing steps prepatory to independence laid out by the U.N .
The stealing lie is just another Palestinian myth and more proof that you are nothing but a propagandist.

The Christians and Muslims owned more than 85% of the land. Now nearly 90% is owned by the Jewish state or Jews. Taken without compensation. That is called theft. No way around it. What do facts have to do with propaganda? You have been spreading the propaganda you have been spoon fed for nearly all your life. Read something other than Zionist/Jewish bullshit. You are reading crap about the settlement of Palestine which is analogous to the crap written about the European invaders of the New World a century ago. Manifest destiny and all that bullshit. Now we know better.

Monti, you are well known for being an expert propagandist and an extremely brainwashed person. Falsely accusing others of that is not going to change that, no matter how hard you try.
Israel declared independence on the land allotted to her in the partition plan. If that is theft, than the U.N would not have recognized it and allowed Israel to become a full member.
You are a special person Monti, in the sense that every other post of yours is either a lie, or propaganda or both. Very impressive Monti. But that's what happens when you read bullshit anti Israel propaganda sites. Your are brainwashed beyond the point of repair. Combine that with the fact that you're also a massive idiot....well...bad combination!

Just because the UN condoned the theft, it does not make it less of a theft. The fact is that most of the people that owned more than 85% of the land were either massacred or ethnically cleansed from their land and homes.

I never go to pro Jew/Zionist or pro-Palestinian sites. I tend to stick with historical source documents to frame my positions.

That's the difference between you and me.

So where is your evidence that the land was stolen from its absentee Ottoman owners, many of which were still alive after Israel announced its independence. Unlike the Jews from the M.E that were slaughtered in their millions by arab muslims as they ethnically cleansed the land of all Jewish traces. The same is happening today to the Christians in Palestine that have seen a 90% drop in their numbers over the last 10 years. Every Christian that escapes Palestine tells the same stories of rape, brutality, forced conversions and theft of land and property by hamas and fatah.

You do not even understand what a source document is, so how can you declare you use them. Your latest Anglo-American report is not a source document, it is a piece of propaganda which is why it is not archived in the UN. Many of your sources are out and out ISLAMONAZO PROPAGANDA as proven over the last year when they have been taken apart and shown to be a pack of lies.

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