If a 20% tariff on Mexican products will "pay for the wall"....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
.......Isn't that the EXACTLY SAME as asking American consumers to pay for that fucking wall...Yes or No?
They backed off that "idea" within an hour. Even Republicans don't want to pay for it with a tariff. We will pay for it. That Trump said Mexico would is one bullshit claim he can't pull off.
.......Isn't that the EXACTLY SAME as asking American consumers to pay for that fucking wall...Yes or No?

It was 5-20% and it also had to do with companies leaving and selling goods back here. The fact that instantly all news media goes with the 20% worse scenerio without mentioning the range or purpose is proof of the fear tactics propaganda and use of it to garnish higher viewership.
And yet discussing this propaganda in media is also fought with more propaganda and outrage even though you just proved the point about how it baits you to anger, hate, and false impressions. Your pist is proof of the problem. FCC where are you?
Are you sleeping, are you hiding? Are you paid well? What's going on regulating this fake news & propaganda on our broadcasts that includes terrorist calls to act and treasonous acts?
It was 5-20% and it also had to do with companies leaving and selling goods back here. The fact that instantly all news media goes with the 20% worse scenerio

Sorry, I forgot you are here to re-interpret the stupidity that comes out of the Trump administration....My apologies.....

Trump press secretary says the administration is considering a 20% border tax on Mexican imports to help pay for the wall
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They backed off that "idea" within an hour. Even Republicans don't want to pay for it with a tariff. We will pay for it. That Trump said Mexico would is one bullshit claim he can't pull off.

Yeah trump is a pathological liar.
What Trump is actually asking of the American citizen is this:

Do you taxpayers want to pay for the wall up front.......OR

Do you want to pay for the wall through higher consumer goods from Mexico????

Either way, Americans YOU will pay for the wall......

(have a nice day, I'm off to get my hair colored....)
They backed off that "idea" within an hour. Even Republicans don't want to pay for it with a tariff. We will pay for it. That Trump said Mexico would is one bullshit claim he can't pull off.

Yeah trump is a pathological liar.
Maybe he's just optimistic. But perhaps not as well informed about the complexities of reality as he thinks.
What Trump is actually asking of the American citizen is this:

Do you taxpayers want to pay for the wall up front.......OR

Do you want to pay for the wall through higher consumer goods from Mexico????

Either way, Americans YOU will pay for the wall......

(have a nice day, I'm off to get my hair colored....)

While you're getting your eyelashes turned green, stop off and see if you can't buy an extra brain cell to compliment the other two.
What Trump is actually asking of the American citizen is this:

Do you taxpayers want to pay for the wall up front.......OR

Do you want to pay for the wall through higher consumer goods from Mexico????

Either way, Americans YOU will pay for the wall......

(have a nice day, I'm off to get my hair colored....)

What is the third option? It is really simple. Just think about it for A SINGLE SECOND.
It was 5-20% and it also had to do with companies leaving and selling goods back here. The fact that instantly all news media goes with the 20% worse scenerio

Sorry, I forgot you are here to re-interpret the stupidity that comes out of the Trump administration....My apologies.....

Trump press secretary says the administration is considering a 20% border tax on Mexican imports to help pay for the wall

See you proved my point, they said 5-20% and the media brainwashed you to 20%.
We already knew this intention due to companies leaving. This is not new news nor directly related to the wall. Proves my point, you are being manipulated by the propaganda.
That being said, perhaps you don't grasp how the Gov't flow of money works.
Repost of my essay on this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.
See you proved my point, they said 5-20% and the media brainwashed you to 20%.

Fine...you 'win"...Whatever Sean Spicer directly stated was all bullshit....regardless if it was verbatim or not. For dumb fucks, it is easier to blame the media for "misinterpreting" the reality of direct quotes and pictures.....have it your way. its the fucking media that lies NOT the orange charlatan.
In all due seriousness nobody wins when the media can't be trusted as a source of news and nobody trusts info ever again, in that nobody knows what to believe.
Sort of like when as a Kid you find out Santa was a lie, tooth fairy was a lie, then later the chopped cherry tree story teaching us about lying was a lie, the information age showed us the Word and Truth Jesus and Mary image was a lie and those men on TBN were just rehashing the ole Baal harvest seed scam while Priests lied about their sex scandals.
And now your news is all manipulating the masses to maintain base supporters through race and hate baiting is proven a great lie, sort of what takes place in these forums.
I am a counter propagandist, I notice little change and play of words, left out words, creative license in totally manipulating their twist to a subject and issue. I see how they race bait and anger those they require support to survive. Itcs a survival mode tactic, if they lose this base they go behind third parties. In fact theycontrol those 3rd parties ability to get equal coverage and rights in the process for the very same reason, to maintain the base that would flee if given a choice. This should bother you and everyone else because our system is being manipulated by Us not the Russians, and we are being good little dupes bending over for this manipulation. Thatcs why the topic of propaganda in the media beong biased in political processes becomes very VERY important if you claim to be a democracy.
You think we have a democracy, but we have proven to be pawns in a greater show of power control, which is why the acts after that power lost it's control are only revealing this more then ever before.
That being said, name calling like color orange reference is a form of racism that would not be acceptable if done to others.
So who's really the racist here?
People working hard and to busy to go out into the sun to golf or Hawaii vacations are not to be ridiculed for their hard work that leaves them only spray or bottle tans, that's just predjudiced against the hard working orange folks that have no time for your surf and sand play time.
So who hates people of alternative colors and hard workers getting things done?
Answer: the media made you hate them.
-Ompa Loompas lives Matter!
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It was 5-20% and it also had to do with companies leaving and selling goods back here. The fact that instantly all news media goes with the 20% worse scenerio

Sorry, I forgot you are here to re-interpret the stupidity that comes out of the Trump administration....My apologies.....

Trump press secretary says the administration is considering a 20% border tax on Mexican imports to help pay for the wall

See you proved my point, they said 5-20% and the media brainwashed you to 20%.
We already knew this intention due to companies leaving. This is not new news nor directly related to the wall. Proves my point, you are being manipulated by the propaganda.
That being said, perhaps you don't grasp how the Gov't flow of money works.
Repost of my essay on this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.
Except that we have many more important projects, roads bridges, transportation, electrical grids. things that all Americans use every day
AND THEY are on the agenda, just this was top priority, if you lived in the inner cities and saw the destruction the drugs coming through cause you would know why, but also security reasons that they know more about (classified info) then we do.
REMEMBER more flow of money means states collect more as well, and those funds go to projects along with Fed funds and cheap interest bonds to finance the projects sooner while paying later.
.......Isn't that the EXACTLY SAME as asking American consumers to pay for that fucking wall...Yes or No?

/---- Whatever Pres Trump does it will be more than Hildabeast would ever do. BTW Mexico would have to absorb the tariff or be non competitive in the US market.
Goebels would be proud of today's media and how they tweak the facts and George Orwell would be saying I told you so before he wrote his book 1984...I remember how the Soviet Union was portrayed as propagandists and not to believe a word they said but I think we have surpassed them in the use of propaganda by a country mile...Once again ... Trump is the elected president of the United States love him or hate him he is the leader of his policies fail then we have the right to remove him 4 years hence or trade him in for a pence( which is the lowest coin in the realm) I for one amactually enjoying watching the media squirm all over the place and take it on the chin esp on the facts they lied through their teeth on Hilaries popularity and on Trumps chances... Eating crow is good for them and they should be fed a steady diet of it....
What's the difference between
Baghdad Bob's infamous "there are no U.S. military tanks at the Baghdad airport"
And CNN or MSNBC claiming
"the are no supporters of this administration gathered here"

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