If al-Qid Preferes to Starve, Let Him.

GCIV emphasised an important change in international law. The United Nations Charter (June 26, 1945) had prohibited war of aggression (See articles 1.1, 2.3, 2.4) and GCIV Article 47, the first paragraph in Section III: Occupied territories, restricted the territorial gains which could be made through war by stating:

Protected persons who are in occupied territory shall not be deprived, in any case or in any manner whatsoever, of the benefits of the present Convention by any change introduced, as the result of the occupation of a territory, into the institutions or government of the said territory, nor by any agreement concluded between the authorities of the occupied territories and the Occupying Power, nor by any annexation by the latter of the whole or part of the occupied territory.
Article 49 prohibits the forced mass movement of people out of or into occupied state's territory:

Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. ... The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.
Military occupation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I love it when you people shoot yourselves in the feet like that

Israel isn't the aggressor. In each segment of the war Israel has acted the defending party. It was the arabs who declared war AGAINST Israel.

So yeah. Your quote applies to the Arabs in the disputed territory, not the Israeli's ;--)

Except it's being abused. It's allowing people to be detained indefinately for any or no reason - and no transparency.

So any comment on it happening much more in Egypt then, have you heard about the 4 year old sentenced to life for his part in a terror attack. Or how about this one, In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were found guilty of aiding a terrorist organization all journalists

You won't get a rational response. The arguments supporting the terrorists aren't themselves rational nor are the beliefs needed to maintain the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mind set concerning Israel.

I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

The simple fact is that Israel has every right to detain him indefinitely or until the end of hostilities.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves
So any comment on it happening much more in Egypt then, have you heard about the 4 year old sentenced to life for his part in a terror attack. Or how about this one, In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were found guilty of aiding a terrorist organization all journalists

You won't get a rational response. The arguments supporting the terrorists aren't themselves rational nor are the beliefs needed to maintain the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mind set concerning Israel.

I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

The simple fact is that Israel has every right to detain him indefinitely or until the end of hostilities.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.
You won't get a rational response. The arguments supporting the terrorists aren't themselves rational nor are the beliefs needed to maintain the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mind set concerning Israel.

I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

The simple fact is that Israel has every right to detain him indefinitely or until the end of hostilities.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

You're inventing a false equivalence again. The Arab league declared war on Israel from day one. Under the Geneva Conventions the conditions for that war to have ended have yet to be established. Ergo the war continues and Israel is the defending party.

Which is nothing at all like the two examples you've offered
How do you stand on the arrest of muslim terrorists caged in Gitmo then ?

Not happy with Gitmo either - they should be tried and done with and whether it ends in execution or life or whatever, I don't care - they deserve a trial. That applies to anyone in captivity.

To have a fair trial the courts need all the details, if the defendant refuses to give their details them the wrong person could be found guilty. So the Geneva conventions were changed to reflect this and allowed for prisoners to be detained until the end of hostilities. This was deemed the fairest result possible under the circumstances, after the first released prisoner was arrested engaging in terrorism the doors should have been shut for good.

Except it's being abused. It's allowing people to be detained indefinately for any or no reason - and no transparency.

So any comment on it happening much more in Egypt then, have you heard about the 4 year old sentenced to life for his part in a terror attack. Or how about this one, In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were found guilty of aiding a terrorist organization all journalists

Actually, it's funny you should mention Egypt - I've complained plenty about Egypt's crack down on political dissent and journalists recently, but the standard response has been to ignore it or justify it as a remedy for the Muslim Brotherhood. Where were you?

For example - this thread. Morsi sentenced to death

So I'm curious - do you think administrative detainment doesn't get abused? How many journalists (including the one in the OP) never get charged with anything or convicted of anything?

Proving that it does work as it puts fear into their hearts, and stops the LIES being spread. If a journalist is suspected of having ties to a terrorist group then they should come clean and let the authorities know what they have learnt. Keeping it hidden shows they are hiding something and under suspicion of more than just fact finding.
But to the point you deliberately singled out Israel for unfair criticism as all racists do, even when shown that other nations acts just the same and are not demonised or attacked for their actions. This shows a level of hatred akin to that of the Nazis in the 1930's and your denial shows that you know this to be true
Lets work on staying on topic.

If Quds or whatever his name is prefers to starve should the Israeli's force feed him or not.

I'd say they should so as not to encourage these kinds of tantrums in the future. Let him go a few years with a feeding tube in him and see if he's a little more cooperative then.

And take lots of pictures so all the other terrorist collaborators can see what awaits them if they pull the same stunt.

Where is the evidence that he is a terrorist collaborator? Oh wait...there isn't any.

The only two things we can say for a FACT are that he is a Palestinian Journalist and Israel has a history of targeting journalists.

Where is the due legal procedure that you would be demanding be put in place if it was a Jew under house arrest. You would be telling everyone to stop asking for the evidence if they wanted a case to be heard.

Look up the term sub judice and see what it means, then ask yourself if only a Jew hater would keep asking for the evidence that you are asking for.

Wrong. I would demand the same thing regardless of who it is but you and I both know this seldom happens with Jews. In fact, only recently, after the firebombing of the Palestinian family, has it been used on Jewish extremists and the public outcry was intense.

Until you are proven wrong yet again, and have to eat humble pie.
You haven't been very good at proving me wrong.

How many times now have Jews been arrested, found guilty and been sentenced. Only to come back a week later and claim that Israel never puts Jews in prison, or arrests them or charges them with criminal offences. Rather two faced aren't you when it comes to racially demonising the Jews.

I don't use the term "never". What I've said, and backed up with evidence, is that Jews are far less likely to face the same penalties for the same actions as Palestinians. Crimes against Jews are pursued far more vigourously than crimes against Palestinians by Jews. Jews who commit the same crimes as Palestinians, particularly juviniles, face far less harsh treatment and have better legal protections. This isn't demonizing anyone - it's stating facts that I've supported over and over.

And your evidence is from well known anti Jew sites that peddle the filth you like to see. The US has a track record of human rights issues and you completely ignore these until they are pointed out, yet you actively search for any dirt you can dish on Israel and the Jews. Do you see where this is heading and what it shows to others about your real feelings ?
Not happy with Gitmo either - they should be tried and done with and whether it ends in execution or life or whatever, I don't care - they deserve a trial. That applies to anyone in captivity.

To have a fair trial the courts need all the details, if the defendant refuses to give their details them the wrong person could be found guilty. So the Geneva conventions were changed to reflect this and allowed for prisoners to be detained until the end of hostilities. This was deemed the fairest result possible under the circumstances, after the first released prisoner was arrested engaging in terrorism the doors should have been shut for good.

Except it's being abused. It's allowing people to be detained indefinately for any or no reason - and no transparency.

So any comment on it happening much more in Egypt then, have you heard about the 4 year old sentenced to life for his part in a terror attack. Or how about this one, In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were found guilty of aiding a terrorist organization all journalists

You won't get a rational response. The arguments supporting the terrorists aren't themselves rational nor are the beliefs needed to maintain the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mind set concerning Israel.

I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

The simple fact is that Israel has every right to detain him indefinitely or until the end of hostilities.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Yet you don't see it of any importance when say Egypt, US, France or Italy does it, or that it is of major concern to the world. This shows that you are prepared to go out of your way to demonise the Jews without any concrete evidence, or because it is the Jews that are involved.

Show evidence, any evidenced that Jews treat the Palestinians any differently to the way Jordan treats its criminals. As that is the legal basis of the law applied by Israel in Palestine. No matter how many times this is pointed out to you still you declare that Israel should treat the Jews in the same way. That would just give you something else to screech about and give you another arrow to fire. The laws cant be enforced because International law prohibits them. Start comparing cheese with cheese and not black with white and you will start to understand that you have been showing Jew hatred
Not happy with Gitmo either - they should be tried and done with and whether it ends in execution or life or whatever, I don't care - they deserve a trial. That applies to anyone in captivity.

To have a fair trial the courts need all the details, if the defendant refuses to give their details them the wrong person could be found guilty. So the Geneva conventions were changed to reflect this and allowed for prisoners to be detained until the end of hostilities. This was deemed the fairest result possible under the circumstances, after the first released prisoner was arrested engaging in terrorism the doors should have been shut for good.

Except it's being abused. It's allowing people to be detained indefinately for any or no reason - and no transparency.

So any comment on it happening much more in Egypt then, have you heard about the 4 year old sentenced to life for his part in a terror attack. Or how about this one, In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were found guilty of aiding a terrorist organization all journalists

You won't get a rational response. The arguments supporting the terrorists aren't themselves rational nor are the beliefs needed to maintain the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mind set concerning Israel.

I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

The simple fact is that Israel has every right to detain him indefinitely or until the end of hostilities.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

EVIDENCE show when international laws have ever been labelled racist or anti semitic. What is labelled as such is your attempts at using International laws retrospectively, or in trying to pass of UN resolutions as international law because your islamonazi sources tell you to do this
Which is why the US government tells its journalists that they are on their own if they go to those places. You might not see how many are arrested in Iran because your government tries to keep it quiet, but we do see the numbers here and ask why isn't Obama doing something about it

We do. It is not a secret. However, I have never before heard of a jailed journalist's hunger strike being labeled a "tantrum". That must only apply to Palestinian Journalists detained indefinately without charges.

Such is the wages of the terrorist supporter. We see them being arrested all the time in the UK, and their lawyers know better than to keep demanding evidence of their ties to terrorist organisations.

Most of what Palestinians do are just tantrums, until they realise that they wont get their own way and have gone too far to back down. The IRA soon learnt their lessons when they were allowed to die alone and in pain, even the church were banned from seeing them.

However there is no evidence that he did anything wrong. Given Israel's past history with journalists, I suspect that what they are detaiming him for.

More conjecture based on your Jew hatred, now you will deny that you show any Jew hatred

Sorry dude, you're stuck on "jew hatred" - maybe that's to cover up deficiencies on your part :dunno: My "conjecture" is backed, I'll repost the source: Reporters Without Borders

Dodging the issue again I see because you would incriminate yourself if you gave a lucid answer.

Are you denying that you show Jew hatred in your posts.............. YES or NO
GCIV emphasised an important change in international law. The United Nations Charter (June 26, 1945) had prohibited war of aggression (See articles 1.1, 2.3, 2.4) and GCIV Article 47, the first paragraph in Section III: Occupied territories, restricted the territorial gains which could be made through war by stating:

Protected persons who are in occupied territory shall not be deprived, in any case or in any manner whatsoever, of the benefits of the present Convention by any change introduced, as the result of the occupation of a territory, into the institutions or government of the said territory, nor by any agreement concluded between the authorities of the occupied territories and the Occupying Power, nor by any annexation by the latter of the whole or part of the occupied territory.
Article 49 prohibits the forced mass movement of people out of or into occupied state's territory:

Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. ... The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.
Military occupation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do you manipulate the links so they say differently to what they intend, You missed out at least 60% to reach your POV and changed the meaning completely

Article 49 in full

Article 49[edit]
Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.

Nevertheless, the Occupying Power may undertake total or partial evacuation of a given area if the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand. Such evacuations may not involve the displacement of protected persons outside the bounds of the occupied territory except when for material reasons it is impossible to avoid such displacement. Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased.

The Occupying Power undertaking such transfers or evacuations shall ensure, to the greatest practicable extent, that proper accommodation is provided to receive the protected persons, that the removals are effected in satisfactory conditions of hygiene, health, safety and nutrition, and that members of the same family are not separated.

The Protecting Power shall be informed of any transfers and evacuations as soon as they have taken place.

The Occupying Power shall not detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war unless the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand.

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

Now the protecting power in this case is Jordan, as that is who had control of the Land when Israel occupied it. If they wash their hands of the land then it reverts to being public land and free to anyone. But they cant claim occupied status as the law is not in favour of them doing so
Within the West Bank and Gaza Strip, any Israeli district army commander can issue an administrative detention order, and the order can be appealed at the Israeli district military court, or, if denied there, at the Supreme Court. Here too, an administrative detention order is valid for at most six months, but can be renewed by the appropriate authority. Israel refers its use of administrative detention in the occupied territories to Article 78 of the Fourth Geneva Convention 1949, which states that "If the Occupying Power considers it necessary, for imperative reasons of security, to take safety measures concerning protected persons, it may, at the most, subject them to assigned residence or to internment."[23]

According to Addameer, Israel held 285 Palestinians in administrative detention in June 2012.[24] Eighteen of them were members of parliament, out of 4,706 political prisoners. According to B'Tselem, as of April 2012, about 308 Palestinians were being held under administrative detention by the Israel Prisons Service(IPS) and statistics on those held by the IDF were unavailable.[25] According to IPS figures for December 2012, 178 Palestinians were being held in administrative detention (without charge or trial).[26] As of December 2013, B'Tselem reported that 140 Palestinians were being held under administrative detention by the IPS
Administrative detention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All perfectly legal and covered by the Geneva conventions. You just cant stand to see Israel and the Jews get support from International law. Now how many prisoners are held in the US under administrative detention, just to put a balance on the attempt at demonising the Jews
Except it's being abused. It's allowing people to be detained indefinately for any or no reason - and no transparency.

So any comment on it happening much more in Egypt then, have you heard about the 4 year old sentenced to life for his part in a terror attack. Or how about this one, In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were found guilty of aiding a terrorist organization all journalists

You won't get a rational response. The arguments supporting the terrorists aren't themselves rational nor are the beliefs needed to maintain the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mind set concerning Israel.

I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

The simple fact is that Israel has every right to detain him indefinitely or until the end of hostilities.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Tried for what, and what should he get if he is found guilty ?
You won't get a rational response. The arguments supporting the terrorists aren't themselves rational nor are the beliefs needed to maintain the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mind set concerning Israel.

I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

The simple fact is that Israel has every right to detain him indefinitely or until the end of hostilities.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

And the biggest culprits happen to be the USA who detain people without trial, withhold lawyers and refuse to try them in a court. So why aren't you comparing your own country and others doing the same with Israel, or is it your Jew hatred stepping in and stopping you
I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

You're inventing a false equivalence again. The Arab league declared war on Israel from day one. Under the Geneva Conventions the conditions for that war to have ended have yet to be established. Ergo the war continues and Israel is the defending party.

Which is nothing at all like the two examples you've offered

That war is over.
So any comment on it happening much more in Egypt then, have you heard about the 4 year old sentenced to life for his part in a terror attack. Or how about this one, In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were found guilty of aiding a terrorist organization all journalists

You won't get a rational response. The arguments supporting the terrorists aren't themselves rational nor are the beliefs needed to maintain the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mind set concerning Israel.

I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

The simple fact is that Israel has every right to detain him indefinitely or until the end of hostilities.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Tried for what, and what should he get if he is found guilty ?

Tried for whatever charges are brought and whatever penalty the law provides.
Not happy with Gitmo either - they should be tried and done with and whether it ends in execution or life or whatever, I don't care - they deserve a trial. That applies to anyone in captivity.

To have a fair trial the courts need all the details, if the defendant refuses to give their details them the wrong person could be found guilty. So the Geneva conventions were changed to reflect this and allowed for prisoners to be detained until the end of hostilities. This was deemed the fairest result possible under the circumstances, after the first released prisoner was arrested engaging in terrorism the doors should have been shut for good.

Except it's being abused. It's allowing people to be detained indefinately for any or no reason - and no transparency.

So any comment on it happening much more in Egypt then, have you heard about the 4 year old sentenced to life for his part in a terror attack. Or how about this one, In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were found guilty of aiding a terrorist organization all journalists

Actually, it's funny you should mention Egypt - I've complained plenty about Egypt's crack down on political dissent and journalists recently, but the standard response has been to ignore it or justify it as a remedy for the Muslim Brotherhood. Where were you?

For example - this thread. Morsi sentenced to death

So I'm curious - do you think administrative detainment doesn't get abused? How many journalists (including the one in the OP) never get charged with anything or convicted of anything?

Proving that it does work as it puts fear into their hearts, and stops the LIES being spread. If a journalist is suspected of having ties to a terrorist group then they should come clean and let the authorities know what they have learnt. Keeping it hidden shows they are hiding something and under suspicion of more than just fact finding.


So...you do realize that free non-government controled media is essential to a functioning democracy - not a media that is only allowed to print government-approved truths? So you support Egypt's crackdowns?

I'm thinking more that a government that has a reputation for jailing Palestinian journalists (link previously provided) might be the one who has something to hide.

But to the point you deliberately singled out Israel for unfair criticism as all racists do, even when shown that other nations acts just the same and are not demonised or attacked for their actions. This shows a level of hatred akin to that of the Nazis in the 1930's and your denial shows that you know this to be true[/QUOTE]
We do. It is not a secret. However, I have never before heard of a jailed journalist's hunger strike being labeled a "tantrum". That must only apply to Palestinian Journalists detained indefinately without charges.

Such is the wages of the terrorist supporter. We see them being arrested all the time in the UK, and their lawyers know better than to keep demanding evidence of their ties to terrorist organisations.

Most of what Palestinians do are just tantrums, until they realise that they wont get their own way and have gone too far to back down. The IRA soon learnt their lessons when they were allowed to die alone and in pain, even the church were banned from seeing them.

However there is no evidence that he did anything wrong. Given Israel's past history with journalists, I suspect that what they are detaiming him for.

More conjecture based on your Jew hatred, now you will deny that you show any Jew hatred

Sorry dude, you're stuck on "jew hatred" - maybe that's to cover up deficiencies on your part :dunno: My "conjecture" is backed, I'll repost the source: Reporters Without Borders

Dodging the issue again I see because you would incriminate yourself if you gave a lucid answer.

Are you denying that you show Jew hatred in your posts.............. YES or NO

Now you're just throwing mud trying to see if it hits. Grow up a little. I provided a source showing Israel's suppression and intimidation of Palestinian journalists.
I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

And the biggest culprits happen to be the USA who detain people without trial, withhold lawyers and refuse to try them in a court. So why aren't you comparing your own country and others doing the same with Israel, or is it your Jew hatred stepping in and stopping you

Your Jew hatred schtick gets old, and you clearly don't venture out of IP much. I've complained about GITMO since it's inception. Are you going to continue these redirections and deflections or, shall we discuss the issues as they relate to IP?
Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

You're inventing a false equivalence again. The Arab league declared war on Israel from day one. Under the Geneva Conventions the conditions for that war to have ended have yet to be established. Ergo the war continues and Israel is the defending party.

Which is nothing at all like the two examples you've offered

That war is over.

According to the Geneva Conventions a period of one year without violent acts by either party must exist before a condition of war is considered obsolete.

If you look not one of the many peace treaties were honored by the Arab Muslims of Israel. Which of course includes all of the disputed territories. Gaza as we all know is independent.

Since these Arab Muslims were Jordanian when a condition of war was declared by the Arab League which included Jordan, and since these Arab Muslims have maintained a condition of war through their own violent acts; only SOME parties to the original waring signatories have successfully ended hostilities. Egypt for instance.

The war grinds on.

The Gazans are also at war, they split from Egypt but fall under Egypts participation in the Arab Leagues declaration of war as well as they too have refused to honor any of the proffered peace treaties.

ONE YEAR is the accepted international requirement for a secession of hostilities.
Such is the wages of the terrorist supporter. We see them being arrested all the time in the UK, and their lawyers know better than to keep demanding evidence of their ties to terrorist organisations.

Most of what Palestinians do are just tantrums, until they realise that they wont get their own way and have gone too far to back down. The IRA soon learnt their lessons when they were allowed to die alone and in pain, even the church were banned from seeing them.

However there is no evidence that he did anything wrong. Given Israel's past history with journalists, I suspect that what they are detaiming him for.

More conjecture based on your Jew hatred, now you will deny that you show any Jew hatred

Sorry dude, you're stuck on "jew hatred" - maybe that's to cover up deficiencies on your part :dunno: My "conjecture" is backed, I'll repost the source: Reporters Without Borders

Dodging the issue again I see because you would incriminate yourself if you gave a lucid answer.

Are you denying that you show Jew hatred in your posts.............. YES or NO

Now you're just throwing mud trying to see if it hits. Grow up a little. I provided a source showing Israel's suppression and intimidation of Palestinian journalists.

The smear campaign against Israel is so pervasive in the Israeli Arab Muslim mindset that they even have a nick for it. Pallywood.

Its not journalism, its a film and media smear campaign devoid of anything even remotely resembling the ethics of news broadcasting.

We've all see the staged scenes in both still and film accompanied by various propaganda pieces being passed off as legitimate news.

But they're not fooling anyone. Or at least not those of us bright enough to face the reality of the situation.

Stage a rock throwing event, film, slander, does not equal a legitimate use of freedom of the press.

While I don't really advocate the use of Wiki for anything to important this seems like an appropriate use


Pallywood, a portmanteau of "Palestinian" and "Hollywood", is a coinage that has been used to describe media manipulation, distortion or fraud by the Palestinians and other Arabs designed to win the public relations war against Israel.[1] The incidents of the Muhammad al-Durrah tapes and the 2006 Lebanon War photographs controversies (dubbed "Hizbollywood" or "Hezbollywood")[2] are notable events which have been cited as examples.[3]

The term has been coined and publicized in part by Richard Landes, as a result of an online documentary video he produced called Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources, alleging specific instances of media manipulation.[4][5]

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