If al-Qid Preferes to Starve, Let Him.

However there is no evidence that he did anything wrong. Given Israel's past history with journalists, I suspect that what they are detaiming him for.

More conjecture based on your Jew hatred, now you will deny that you show any Jew hatred

Sorry dude, you're stuck on "jew hatred" - maybe that's to cover up deficiencies on your part :dunno: My "conjecture" is backed, I'll repost the source: Reporters Without Borders

Dodging the issue again I see because you would incriminate yourself if you gave a lucid answer.

Are you denying that you show Jew hatred in your posts.............. YES or NO

Now you're just throwing mud trying to see if it hits. Grow up a little. I provided a source showing Israel's suppression and intimidation of Palestinian journalists.

The smear campaign against Israel is so pervasive in the Israeli Arab Muslim mindset that they even have a nick for it. Pallywood.

Its not journalism, its a film and media smear campaign devoid of anything even remotely resembling the ethics of news broadcasting.

We've all see the staged scenes in both still and film accompanied by various propaganda pieces being passed off as legitimate news.

But they're not fooling anyone. Or at least not those of us bright enough to face the reality of the situation.

Stage a rock throwing event, film, slander, does not equal a legitimate use of freedom of the press.

While I don't really advocate the use of Wiki for anything to important this seems like an appropriate use


Pallywood, a portmanteau of "Palestinian" and "Hollywood", is a coinage that has been used to describe media manipulation, distortion or fraud by the Palestinians and other Arabs designed to win the public relations war against Israel.[1] The incidents of the Muhammad al-Durrah tapes and the 2006 Lebanon War photographs controversies (dubbed "Hizbollywood" or "Hezbollywood")[2] are notable events which have been cited as examples.[3]

The term has been coined and publicized in part by Richard Landes, as a result of an online documentary video he produced called Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources, alleging specific instances of media manipulation.[4][5]

End Quote

Not everything is a "smear campaign". Everytime there is criticism of Israel it's labeled a smear campaign, propoganda, anti-semitism etc. in an effort to shut down dialogue. The press freedom index is a well regarded indication of journalistic freedom around the world as is Reporters without Borders.
I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

You're inventing a false equivalence again. The Arab league declared war on Israel from day one. Under the Geneva Conventions the conditions for that war to have ended have yet to be established. Ergo the war continues and Israel is the defending party.

Which is nothing at all like the two examples you've offered

That war is over.

According to the Geneva Conventions a period of one year without violent acts by either party must exist before a condition of war is considered obsolete.

If you look not one of the many peace treaties were honored by the Arab Muslims of Israel. Which of course includes all of the disputed territories. Gaza as we all know is independent.

Since these Arab Muslims were Jordanian when a condition of war was declared by the Arab League which included Jordan, and since these Arab Muslims have maintained a condition of war through their own violent acts; only SOME parties to the original waring signatories have successfully ended hostilities. Egypt for instance.

The war grinds on.

The Gazans are also at war, they split from Egypt but fall under Egypts participation in the Arab Leagues declaration of war as well as they too have refused to honor any of the proffered peace treaties.

ONE YEAR is the accepted international requirement for a secession of hostilities.

I doubt that. Egypt signed a peace deal with Israel as did Jordan and some others. The "Arab League" has launched no attacks (does it still even exist?). There is no "war" - only terrorist attacks and occupied territory. You're stretching.
More conjecture based on your Jew hatred, now you will deny that you show any Jew hatred

Sorry dude, you're stuck on "jew hatred" - maybe that's to cover up deficiencies on your part :dunno: My "conjecture" is backed, I'll repost the source: Reporters Without Borders

Dodging the issue again I see because you would incriminate yourself if you gave a lucid answer.

Are you denying that you show Jew hatred in your posts.............. YES or NO

Now you're just throwing mud trying to see if it hits. Grow up a little. I provided a source showing Israel's suppression and intimidation of Palestinian journalists.

The smear campaign against Israel is so pervasive in the Israeli Arab Muslim mindset that they even have a nick for it. Pallywood.

Its not journalism, its a film and media smear campaign devoid of anything even remotely resembling the ethics of news broadcasting.

We've all see the staged scenes in both still and film accompanied by various propaganda pieces being passed off as legitimate news.

But they're not fooling anyone. Or at least not those of us bright enough to face the reality of the situation.

Stage a rock throwing event, film, slander, does not equal a legitimate use of freedom of the press.

While I don't really advocate the use of Wiki for anything to important this seems like an appropriate use


Pallywood, a portmanteau of "Palestinian" and "Hollywood", is a coinage that has been used to describe media manipulation, distortion or fraud by the Palestinians and other Arabs designed to win the public relations war against Israel.[1] The incidents of the Muhammad al-Durrah tapes and the 2006 Lebanon War photographs controversies (dubbed "Hizbollywood" or "Hezbollywood")[2] are notable events which have been cited as examples.[3]

The term has been coined and publicized in part by Richard Landes, as a result of an online documentary video he produced called Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources, alleging specific instances of media manipulation.[4][5]

End Quote

Not everything is a "smear campaign". Everytime there is criticism of Israel it's labeled a smear campaign, propoganda, anti-semitism etc. in an effort to shut down dialogue. The press freedom index is a well regarded indication of journalistic freedom around the world as is Reporters without Borders.

And this is exactly what Pallywood is counting on. That SOME of the information being released is accurate, it means that SOME readers might be fooled into believing its all accurate. Which we can easily demonstrate its not.

Its downright shameless that the various Pallywood factions try and align themselves with actual reporters or protections under freedom of the press laws.
Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

You're inventing a false equivalence again. The Arab league declared war on Israel from day one. Under the Geneva Conventions the conditions for that war to have ended have yet to be established. Ergo the war continues and Israel is the defending party.

Which is nothing at all like the two examples you've offered

That war is over.

According to the Geneva Conventions a period of one year without violent acts by either party must exist before a condition of war is considered obsolete.

If you look not one of the many peace treaties were honored by the Arab Muslims of Israel. Which of course includes all of the disputed territories. Gaza as we all know is independent.

Since these Arab Muslims were Jordanian when a condition of war was declared by the Arab League which included Jordan, and since these Arab Muslims have maintained a condition of war through their own violent acts; only SOME parties to the original waring signatories have successfully ended hostilities. Egypt for instance.

The war grinds on.

The Gazans are also at war, they split from Egypt but fall under Egypts participation in the Arab Leagues declaration of war as well as they too have refused to honor any of the proffered peace treaties.

ONE YEAR is the accepted international requirement for a secession of hostilities.

I doubt that. Egypt signed a peace deal with Israel as did Jordan and some others. The "Arab League" has launched no attacks (does it still even exist?). There is no "war" - only terrorist attacks and occupied territory. You're stretching.

Some of the members of the original signatories of the declaration of war on Israel have signed peace treaties AND HONORED THEM but not all. The signatories have since split into separate populations.

The Arab Muslims of the mandated area were all Jordanian according to Jordanian law dating back to 1928, long before the declaration of war.

Jordan didn't sign a peace treaty with Israel until 1994 long after Jordan abandoned its citizens in Israeli controlled areas.

Also those Jordanians in Israeli controlled areas have maintained hostile acts against the state of Israel. Now and inaccurately called palestinians by the revisionists this particular group of Arab Muslims have maintained a wartime footing with Israel.

Under the Geneva Conventions a state of war exists when consistent violent acts against a state are made by one or more groups of belligerents.

Actually lets look at the actual language


Article 2

In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peace time, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.

The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.

Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to the said Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.

End Quote
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Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

You're inventing a false equivalence again. The Arab league declared war on Israel from day one. Under the Geneva Conventions the conditions for that war to have ended have yet to be established. Ergo the war continues and Israel is the defending party.

Which is nothing at all like the two examples you've offered

That war is over.

So when did the arab league rescind their declaration of war then. How about a link to prove it.

As far as I can tell only two of the members have rescinded the declaration of war issued in 1947, and one new one has issued it in their place.
You won't get a rational response. The arguments supporting the terrorists aren't themselves rational nor are the beliefs needed to maintain the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mind set concerning Israel.

I provided a rational response.

Who has made an argument supporting terrorists? Show me the evidence he is a terrorist and I'll support it. I happen to believe in the value of a justice system that relies on evidence.

The simple fact is that Israel has every right to detain him indefinitely or until the end of hostilities.

That's your belief, and that might be technically legal under international law but I disagree with it. I find it interesting that you guys are happy to quote international law and UN decisions when it suits you, but label them racist and anti-semitic when they work against you.

Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Tried for what, and what should he get if he is found guilty ?

Tried for whatever charges are brought and whatever penalty the law provides.

But not is the Law allows charges to be brought as that would not be fair to the Palestinian terrorists facing punishment for their close relationships with terrorist groups.
To have a fair trial the courts need all the details, if the defendant refuses to give their details them the wrong person could be found guilty. So the Geneva conventions were changed to reflect this and allowed for prisoners to be detained until the end of hostilities. This was deemed the fairest result possible under the circumstances, after the first released prisoner was arrested engaging in terrorism the doors should have been shut for good.

Except it's being abused. It's allowing people to be detained indefinately for any or no reason - and no transparency.

So any comment on it happening much more in Egypt then, have you heard about the 4 year old sentenced to life for his part in a terror attack. Or how about this one, In June 2014, Baher Mohamed, Mohamed Fahmy and Peter Greste were found guilty of aiding a terrorist organization all journalists

Actually, it's funny you should mention Egypt - I've complained plenty about Egypt's crack down on political dissent and journalists recently, but the standard response has been to ignore it or justify it as a remedy for the Muslim Brotherhood. Where were you?

For example - this thread. Morsi sentenced to death

So I'm curious - do you think administrative detainment doesn't get abused? How many journalists (including the one in the OP) never get charged with anything or convicted of anything?

Proving that it does work as it puts fear into their hearts, and stops the LIES being spread. If a journalist is suspected of having ties to a terrorist group then they should come clean and let the authorities know what they have learnt. Keeping it hidden shows they are hiding something and under suspicion of more than just fact finding.


So...you do realize that free non-government controled media is essential to a functioning democracy - not a media that is only allowed to print government-approved truths? So you support Egypt's crackdowns?

I'm thinking more that a government that has a reputation for jailing Palestinian journalists (link previously provided) might be the one who has something to hide.

But to the point you deliberately singled out Israel for unfair criticism as all racists do, even when shown that other nations acts just the same and are not demonised or attacked for their actions. This shows a level of hatred akin to that of the Nazis in the 1930's and your denial shows that you know this to be true

And this is not the case in Israel, anymore than it is in the US or the UK. No I oppose them but not because I have a problem with muslims.

Which it doesn't as you cant find anymore that a few cases of unwarranted arrest. If the Palestinian journalists get out of hand they can expect to be arrested. And many do so just so they do get arrested, and then complain in print about their treatment. Why don't they bring actions against the IDF and have it out in open court ?

Yes you do single out Israel all the time and just don't realise you are doing it.
Such is the wages of the terrorist supporter. We see them being arrested all the time in the UK, and their lawyers know better than to keep demanding evidence of their ties to terrorist organisations.

Most of what Palestinians do are just tantrums, until they realise that they wont get their own way and have gone too far to back down. The IRA soon learnt their lessons when they were allowed to die alone and in pain, even the church were banned from seeing them.

However there is no evidence that he did anything wrong. Given Israel's past history with journalists, I suspect that what they are detaiming him for.

More conjecture based on your Jew hatred, now you will deny that you show any Jew hatred

Sorry dude, you're stuck on "jew hatred" - maybe that's to cover up deficiencies on your part :dunno: My "conjecture" is backed, I'll repost the source: Reporters Without Borders

Dodging the issue again I see because you would incriminate yourself if you gave a lucid answer.

Are you denying that you show Jew hatred in your posts.............. YES or NO

Now you're just throwing mud trying to see if it hits. Grow up a little. I provided a source showing Israel's suppression and intimidation of Palestinian journalists.

Is this derailment because you are scared of giving a proper answer.

No you showed a source allegedly showing Israel's suppression and intimidation, you did not show any corroborative evidence from another source. Want to do so now ?
Martial law as defined within the Geneva Conventions doesn't require that a detainee be charged. Period. End of subject.

By speaking out in favor and support of the terrorists and joining your voice with theirs for their release rather than continued detention you are supporting the terrorists.

Oh and they did give him a reason, "incitement" which is a big deal in Israel.

So again your response simply defies rational when you blatantly ignore the applicable international laws

I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

And the biggest culprits happen to be the USA who detain people without trial, withhold lawyers and refuse to try them in a court. So why aren't you comparing your own country and others doing the same with Israel, or is it your Jew hatred stepping in and stopping you

Your Jew hatred schtick gets old, and you clearly don't venture out of IP much. I've complained about GITMO since it's inception. Are you going to continue these redirections and deflections or, shall we discuss the issues as they relate to IP?

Because it will never get old, and I will point it out every time I see it. And you just ooze Jew hatred when you single out Israel as if they are the only nation doing such things.
I've not spoken out in favor of support of TERRORISTS. I've asked for evidence, and if there is evidence then he should be tried - beyond just Israel's say-so. The same as I would demand of Egypt. But keep on distorting it.

Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

And the biggest culprits happen to be the USA who detain people without trial, withhold lawyers and refuse to try them in a court. So why aren't you comparing your own country and others doing the same with Israel, or is it your Jew hatred stepping in and stopping you

Your Jew hatred schtick gets old, and you clearly don't venture out of IP much. I've complained about GITMO since it's inception. Are you going to continue these redirections and deflections or, shall we discuss the issues as they relate to IP?

Because it will never get old, and I will point it out every time I see it. And you just ooze Jew hatred when you single out Israel as if they are the only nation doing such things.

You aren't pointing out anything. You just scream "Jew hatred" anytime someone criticizes Israel. It does nothing more than shut down communication. Like someone calling you a "racist" every time you criticize Palestinians. Are you one? Do you ooze racism everytime you single out the Palestinians as if they are the only people doing such things? Food for thought little man.

If you want to start a thread on GITMO - and my country's exportation of terrorist suspects (many of whom were found to be innocent and just swept up in broad ranging sweeps) to countries that engage in torture - be my guest. My feelings are well known on this and I won't back down on the wrongness of it or of torture by anyone. Same with Egypt's current regime.
Yes you asked for evidence.

But under international law as set forth in the Geneva Conventions no evidence is required to hold prisoners of war or those who forfeit their protected persons status indefinitely

Ergo Israel isn't required to try or charge detainees.

So by taking up the pali cause and demanding that charges be filed or the prisoner released what you are doing is not only ignoring international law ( thus me claim that your view is irrational ) but also you are supporting the pali propaganda machine in its false claims that Israel is somehow required to press charges.

So you are supporting the terrorist diatribe and by extension the terrorists themselves

Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

And the biggest culprits happen to be the USA who detain people without trial, withhold lawyers and refuse to try them in a court. So why aren't you comparing your own country and others doing the same with Israel, or is it your Jew hatred stepping in and stopping you

Your Jew hatred schtick gets old, and you clearly don't venture out of IP much. I've complained about GITMO since it's inception. Are you going to continue these redirections and deflections or, shall we discuss the issues as they relate to IP?

Because it will never get old, and I will point it out every time I see it. And you just ooze Jew hatred when you single out Israel as if they are the only nation doing such things.

You aren't pointing out anything. You just scream "Jew hatred" anytime someone criticizes Israel. It does nothing more than shut down communication. Like someone calling you a "racist" every time you criticize Palestinians. Are you one? Do you ooze racism everytime you single out the Palestinians as if they are the only people doing such things? Food for thought little man.

If you want to start a thread on GITMO - and my country's exportation of terrorist suspects (many of whom were found to be innocent and just swept up in broad ranging sweeps) to countries that engage in torture - be my guest. My feelings are well known on this and I won't back down on the wrongness of it or of torture by anyone. Same with Egypt's current regime.

That would require the people who you'd prefer to think of as palestinians be a race. Which they are not. They are a subset of the Arab Muslims common to the middle east. Having no distinctive characteristics whatsoever from any other Arab Muslims within the immediate area. Jordan Syria, they're all the same.

But again we are miles off topic.

If some combatant under the Geneva Conventions definition wants to starve. Let him.

Of course now this clown has said his demands will be met while at the same time the Israeli's say "what" ?

And Pallywood goes nuts ;--)
Which makes it really convenient for Israel doesn't it (kind of like Russia does, and Egypt does all in the name of a war on terrorism and extremism? And if one dares to question it, one is accused of supporting terrorists. Israel can do no wrong.

And the biggest culprits happen to be the USA who detain people without trial, withhold lawyers and refuse to try them in a court. So why aren't you comparing your own country and others doing the same with Israel, or is it your Jew hatred stepping in and stopping you

Your Jew hatred schtick gets old, and you clearly don't venture out of IP much. I've complained about GITMO since it's inception. Are you going to continue these redirections and deflections or, shall we discuss the issues as they relate to IP?

Because it will never get old, and I will point it out every time I see it. And you just ooze Jew hatred when you single out Israel as if they are the only nation doing such things.

You aren't pointing out anything. You just scream "Jew hatred" anytime someone criticizes Israel. It does nothing more than shut down communication. Like someone calling you a "racist" every time you criticize Palestinians. Are you one? Do you ooze racism everytime you single out the Palestinians as if they are the only people doing such things? Food for thought little man.

If you want to start a thread on GITMO - and my country's exportation of terrorist suspects (many of whom were found to be innocent and just swept up in broad ranging sweeps) to countries that engage in torture - be my guest. My feelings are well known on this and I won't back down on the wrongness of it or of torture by anyone. Same with Egypt's current regime.

That would require the people who you'd prefer to think of as palestinians be a race. Which they are not. They are a subset of the Arab Muslims common to the middle east. Having no distinctive characteristics whatsoever from any other Arab Muslims within the immediate area. Jordan Syria, they're all the same.

But again we are miles off topic.

If some combatant under the Geneva Conventions definition wants to starve. Let him.

Of course now this clown has said his demands will be met while at the same time the Israeli's say "what" ?

And Pallywood goes nuts ;--)

Race is a fluid construct and often very artificial. What exactly constitutes "a race" - there is no clear answer to that. The term "racism" has come to mean more than just discrimmination against a race, but rather discrimination against race and ethnic or cultural groups. I use it in the broader context. Usually, when people attempt to restrict it via semantics, it is a way of deflecting ;)

He's not a clown. He's been detained, in prison, without charges. His actions are not a tantrum. If you were detained in such a manner I think you would want to know why you were imprisoned, now long, and what legal rights you might have. I doubt you'd sit in prison quietly accepting it.
And the biggest culprits happen to be the USA who detain people without trial, withhold lawyers and refuse to try them in a court. So why aren't you comparing your own country and others doing the same with Israel, or is it your Jew hatred stepping in and stopping you

Your Jew hatred schtick gets old, and you clearly don't venture out of IP much. I've complained about GITMO since it's inception. Are you going to continue these redirections and deflections or, shall we discuss the issues as they relate to IP?

Because it will never get old, and I will point it out every time I see it. And you just ooze Jew hatred when you single out Israel as if they are the only nation doing such things.

You aren't pointing out anything. You just scream "Jew hatred" anytime someone criticizes Israel. It does nothing more than shut down communication. Like someone calling you a "racist" every time you criticize Palestinians. Are you one? Do you ooze racism everytime you single out the Palestinians as if they are the only people doing such things? Food for thought little man.

If you want to start a thread on GITMO - and my country's exportation of terrorist suspects (many of whom were found to be innocent and just swept up in broad ranging sweeps) to countries that engage in torture - be my guest. My feelings are well known on this and I won't back down on the wrongness of it or of torture by anyone. Same with Egypt's current regime.

That would require the people who you'd prefer to think of as palestinians be a race. Which they are not. They are a subset of the Arab Muslims common to the middle east. Having no distinctive characteristics whatsoever from any other Arab Muslims within the immediate area. Jordan Syria, they're all the same.

But again we are miles off topic.

If some combatant under the Geneva Conventions definition wants to starve. Let him.

Of course now this clown has said his demands will be met while at the same time the Israeli's say "what" ?

And Pallywood goes nuts ;--)

Race is a fluid construct and often very artificial. What exactly constitutes "a race" - there is no clear answer to that. The term "racism" has come to mean more than just discrimmination against a race, but rather discrimination against race and ethnic or cultural groups. I use it in the broader context. Usually, when people attempt to restrict it via semantics, it is a way of deflecting ;)

He's not a clown. He's been detained, in prison, without charges. His actions are not a tantrum. If you were detained in such a manner I think you would want to know why you were imprisoned, now long, and what legal rights you might have. I doubt you'd sit in prison quietly accepting it.

Race is not fluid, its an absolute. You are either part this or part that but you're part something. Or all something. But race is a distinct heritage, not an illusion to be invented whenever its convenient.

Oh and he was told what his criminal acts were. Incitement. He's apparently a Pallywood producer and as such NOT protected by freedom of the press laws or bound by journalism ethics.

The interesting thing about this guys so called agreement with Israel is that Israel apparently hasn't agreed to anything. He has no better chance of being released now than he did before his fictional agreement with Israel.



Israel’s military said “following the end of Mohammed al-Qeq’s hunger strike, he will continue to remain in custody until May 21. On that date the situation will be examined to determine whether there is new information or security circumstances which require extending detention.”

End Quote

But just listen to all the Pallywooders going off about what a great victory it is.

I call complete BS

This guy chickened out on deaths door and started eating again. As usual the Arab Muslims are simply lying.
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