If Biden, Pelosi are Schumer are in control in January 2021, America is over

It will be our darkest time in history.

Radical left wingers in charge of our entire government.

We will be communist.

Even if we experience a worst case scenario wherein the modern radical democrats seize the White House, Senate and Congressional House, all will not be lost. In order for an actionable, actual transition to occur from our present American form of government and economy to say, green communism, two very important groups of Americans would need to essentially go down on their knees and surrender without any kind of resistance. Keep in mind we're assuming that the 2020 victorious democrats have ceased the functions of both the legislative and judicial branches. The first of those important groups are fleet, division and corps level military commanders. The communist revolutionaries can pretend to seize all the power they can fantasize, however, without the support of the men who command and control our conventional military forces, that kind of power grab means zilch, nada. The second group? We The People, my friend.

In essence, the communist revolutionaries can't achieve communism 101 here in America so long as the tens and tens of millions of us "unwashed" masses resist. Now, most average Americans won't want to lift a finger regardless of the evil bad shit they see coming down all around their heads. But if enough of us form resistance groups and we have the support of at least a quarter of the regular military, we'll be capable of putting up one hell of a fight.

All of that said, the speed at which America's way of life was changed almost overnight with the lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing does not bode well for the mettle and willingness to resist of most Americans. However, we really can't blame each other and the rest of the American people for their recent capitulation in this regard. Americans tend to want to trust their leaders, give them the benefit of the doubt—that and most Americans genuinely care about protecting their families and communities, which is what we all thought we were doing with this China virus bullshit. We were duped, decieved, stabbed in the back.

In closing, I believe that even in the aforementioned worst case scenario We The People will come out victorious against the pure evil of the modern radical left . . . but only if we see and recognize what's really going on and enough of us stand up and actually fight for our liberty and freedom and God given rights.
It will be our darkest time in history.

Radical left wingers in charge of our entire government.

We will be communist.

It'll be sad for you.

The majority of Americans, not so much.

So what do you think is going to change so horribly about your life after they take over? I mean worse than 25% unemployment that we have now?
We're already a fiscally and morally bankrupt nation, it does not matter who mans the helm here anymore


It will be our darkest time in history.

Radical left wingers in charge of our entire government.

We will be communist.

Even if we experience a worst case scenario wherein the modern radical democrats seize the White House, Senate and Congressional House, all will not be lost. In order for an actionable, actual transition to occur from our present American form of government and economy to say, green communism, two very important groups of Americans would need to essentially go down on their knees and surrender without any kind of resistance. Keep in mind we're assuming that the 2020 victorious democrats have ceased the functions of both the legislative and judicial branches. The first of those important groups are fleet, division and corps level military commanders. The communist revolutionaries can pretend to seize all the power they can fantasize, however, without the support of the men who command and control our conventional military forces, that kind of power grab means zilch, nada. The second group? We The People, my friend.

In essence, the communist revolutionaries can't achieve communism 101 here in America so long as the tens and tens of millions of us "unwashed" masses resist. Now, most average Americans won't want to lift a finger regardless of the evil bad shit they see coming down all around their heads. But if enough of us form resistance groups and we have the support of at least a quarter of the regular military, we'll be capable of putting up one hell of a fight.

All of that said, the speed at which America's way of life was changed almost overnight with the lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing does not bode well for the mettle and willingness to resist of most Americans. However, we really can't blame each other and the rest of the American people for their recent capitulation in this regard. Americans tend to want to trust their leaders, give them the benefit of the doubt—that and most Americans genuinely care about protecting their families and communities, which is what we all thought we were doing with this China virus bullshit. We were duped, decieved, stabbed in the back.

In closing, I believe that even in the aforementioned worst case scenario We The People will come out victorious against the pure evil of the modern radical left . . . but only if we see and recognize what's really going on and enough of us stand up and actually fight for our liberty and freedom and God given rights.

Cheer up. We still might have that civil war you crazy right wingers have been having so many vivid wet dreams about. There is only about one in a billion chance of that, but it could happen.
We're already a fiscally and morally bankrupt nation, it does not matter who mans the helm here anymore



Then pack your shit and get out if you don't like it here. We don't need you.
It will be our darkest time in history.

Radical left wingers in charge of our entire government.

We will be communist.

Yes....you are correct. FDR prolonged and deepened the Great Depression with his socialist policies.....the democrat party today sees his foolishness as a goal, rather than a lesson in what not to do....so if they get power, they are going to put us into a Great Depression that could last longer than the first Great Depression did.......

They would rather rule in Hell than live in Heaven.......and they will do whatever they have to to create that Hell...
Two republican presidents in a row have absolutely run this country into ruin and somehow people still think they are the best choice? Two democratic presidents in a row have presided over economic growth undreamed of and they are bad? How many more times can we repeat this cycle of stupidity?
We're already a fiscally and morally bankrupt nation, it does not matter who mans the helm here anymore



Then pack your shit and get out if you don't like it here. We don't need you.
Nope, i'm going down with the ship , which is a world of difference from idiot partisans who are the primary cause of it all ~S~
Yes....you are correct. FDR prolonged and deepened the Great Depression with his socialist policies.....the democrat party today sees his foolishness as a goal, rather than a lesson in what not to do....so if they get power, they are going to put us into a Great Depression that could last longer than the first Great Depression did.......

Uh, guy, the Great Depression had already been going on for three years when FDR got there. He had us out of it by 1936, which is why he won a second term.

He won four terms... all of them by landslides. that's how good of a job he did.

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