If Bill de Blasio Becomes New York Mayor.Mass Exodus Of The Rich And Police?

New York 1950's

New York City now:
Mayor to Ignore ISIS Threat to New York, Take Syrian Refugees
It's not there if you pretend it isn't
November 19, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Bill de Blasio, New York City's extreme left-wing mayor, is one of the few politicians to double down on taking in Syrian migrants, fake Muslim refugees trying to reach the US while the genuine Christian and Yazidi refugees remain left behind, even though the city has been the most frequent terror target in the country.

Even though ISIS just threatened an attack on New York.

A new ISIS propaganda video makes threats against New York City — and shows Manhattan streetscapes that include Times Square and Herald Square, The Post has learned.

The slick production includes storefront shots of TGI Fridays in Times Square and the Gap in Herald Square — along with footage of yellow taxicabs driving past.

The images of New York City are spliced between disturbing clips of suicide bombers preparing for attacks. A fighter also holds an explosives trigger as the screen goes black.

French President François Hollande then appears on screen, giving an address just after the Paris attacks. At the end of his speech, he says, “it’s horrible.”

Then words flash on the screen, saying, “And what’s coming next will be far worse and more bitter.”

But Bill de Blasio has an easy response to the ISIS threat against New York City Just ignore it.


Mayor to Ignore ISIS Threat to New York, Take Syrian Refugees
Mayor to Ignore ISIS Threat to New York, Take Syrian Refugees
It's not there if you pretend it isn't
November 19, 2015
Daniel Greenfield

Bill de Blasio, New York City's extreme left-wing mayor, is one of the few politicians to double down on taking in Syrian migrants, fake Muslim refugees trying to reach the US while the genuine Christian and Yazidi refugees remain left behind, even though the city has been the most frequent terror target in the country.

Even though ISIS just threatened an attack on New York.

A new ISIS propaganda video makes threats against New York City — and shows Manhattan streetscapes that include Times Square and Herald Square, The Post has learned.

The slick production includes storefront shots of TGI Fridays in Times Square and the Gap in Herald Square — along with footage of yellow taxicabs driving past.

The images of New York City are spliced between disturbing clips of suicide bombers preparing for attacks. A fighter also holds an explosives trigger as the screen goes black.

French President François Hollande then appears on screen, giving an address just after the Paris attacks. At the end of his speech, he says, “it’s horrible.”

Then words flash on the screen, saying, “And what’s coming next will be far worse and more bitter.”

But Bill de Blasio has an easy response to the ISIS threat against New York City Just ignore it.

Mayor to Ignore ISIS Threat to New York, Take Syrian Refugees

It gets better. According to a recent poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College, half of New Yorkers claim to be in deep financial doo-doo.
A few thousand refugees should solve that problem!


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