NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Asks All Private Employers to Impose Vaccine Mandates 'Immediately'

This is another case of the government asking private entities to do that which is illegal for the government to do directly. If a business decides that they won't obey deblasio, there is nothing that can be done. Plenty of businesses won't comply. None of it will last past the next election when democrats get buried.
When a state government pushes its political agenda on business owners, like Deblasio is trying to do, businesses will fight back in court and win or take their business to a better state. Many businesses have the means to relocate but a major hassle to avoid. Some will just pay the fine while many others will say- I’ll see you in court. These will be the legal cases to bolster private ownership rights and stomp on these authoritarian actions of uninformed governmental officials.

A five dollar fine is a reasonable fine for all businesses that do not comply with this ludicrous mandate. Anything over 5 bucks should lead to an appeal lol
This has variants just like they all do. It’s not unique and only hoaxed numbers of “dying with Covid” versus “dying from Covid” ever let this hoax plane take off.
What I find very telling and very amusing is the fact that if it were TRUMP demanding vaccinations, these SAME people would be screaming their heads off.

COMMIE LA and XIDEN both said they would NOT trust a Vaccine.

BOTH FUCKING SAID IT. When did that change?

You lefty commie fucks are not LIARS….are you?
Yes I would still be screaming at Trump if he was also calling for mandatory vaccines.Differerence in Xiden and Trump is the latter always said it should be a Persons choice where the other is making it mandatory violating human rights.I could care less about all the great stuff Trump did as potus,if he had gone and made vaccines mandatory,then I would be calling for his head.
Fine. COVID vaccine deniers can pay a fine to help offset the increased cost to our Heath system.
Are you willing to extend that to others who practice unsafe things and increase costs to our health care system? Drug use comes to mind, as does promiscuity. How many frat boys are you willing to charge extra to get their STD's cleared up? How many businessmen on the road drinking to ease their loneliness? How many high school athletes who get hurt playing sports? How many overweight, sedentary people? Or is it just this one thing you want to charge people extra for, because reasons and Orange Man Bad?
Are you willing to extend that to others who practice unsafe things and increase costs to our health care system? Drug use comes to mind, as does promiscuity. How many frat boys are you willing to charge extra to get their STD's cleared up? How many businessmen on the road drinking to ease their loneliness? How many high school athletes who get hurt playing sports? How many overweight, sedentary people? Or is it just this one thing you want to charge people extra for, because reasons and Orange Man Bad?
Yes. Decriminalize all drugs, legally sell some and use the taxes to pay for rehab and care. Sure I'm all in. Drinkers and smokers already pay a "sin" tax and the money for that can go to healthcare.

Better yet, have universal healthcare paid for by a sales tax and then everyone pays and everyone benefits. Just get the damn shot. You're fucking it up for the rest of us.
Yes. Decriminalize all drugs, legally sell some and use the taxes to pay for rehab and care. Sure I'm all in. Drinkers and smokers already pay a "sin" tax and the money for that can go to healthcare.

Better yet, have universal healthcare paid for by a sales tax and then everyone pays and everyone benefits. Just get the damn shot. You're fucking it up for the rest of us.
And right there you lost the argument by assuming I haven't gotten vaccinated against COVID.
What was the argument? I already won if you're vaccinated...
The argument was finding out where you would draw the line when making the practitioners of unsafe activities pay more to offset the costs they place on the healthcare system and you lose automatically when you make assumptions about me and attempt to insult me using them. It is to chuckle politely. Under your utopian socialist healthcare system, are you going to charge frat boys more to treat their STD's? What about girls coming in for their third abortion in the last 5 years? How much are you going to charge them?
It seems like you have to go to totalitarian asshole school before you can run for office as a Democrat.
De Blasio knows that the government can't mandate vaccines, as it is a fundamental right to be able to make your own medical decisions. It's as American as apple pie.

So, the dirty Dem instead digs deep and uses a coercive tactic to get private businesses to threaten employees with termination if they have personal reasons for which they wish not to be vaccinated.

'Private enterprise rights are different than for a public entity,' de Blasio said on Friday.

He's a tyrant.

As of March, over 2 million New Yorkers already had COVID (2nd link). There is no reason for them to be vaccinated, as they have better immunity than any of the vaccines can provide (3rd & 4th links).

The party of Science strikes again.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio asks ALL private employers to impose vaccine mandates 'immediately' and 'do the maximum you feel you can do'​

  • Bill de Blasio on Friday told WNYC radio he felt private employers should enforce proof of vaccination among their staff
  • The mayor of New York City said 'I urge every employer to go to any form of mandate that you're comfortable with.'
  • He praised San Francisco for forcing city workers to be vaccinated, saying that was setting the tone for the future
  • On Wednesday he announced mandatory COVID-19 testing for employees of the city's public hospital and health clinic systems beginning in August, or face weekly testing
  • Staff will have to get one of the vaccines or face weekly COVID tests after a third of all workers refused to get a shot
  • The order will cover Health and Hospitals employees in addition to those who work at the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's public clinics

"Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study."

I agree with the mandates especially in healthcare settings. The mandates work to my advantage. It eliminates competition and makes finding a job so much easier. I wish more states would do the same. I am employed in healthcare now because that is where they are crying for workers and I am fully vaccinated and I go into COVID rooms on a daily basis.

With so many people competing for jobs the mandates make it easier for those who have a rough time getting hired for jobs easier if they choose to be vaccinated. I for one have been fired 7 different times in my lifetime (learning disabled and labeled slow as a kid) and have a very hard time landing even minimum wage jobs due to bad references and work history, so being fully vaccinated now makes finding those jobs so much easier for me. Being fully vaccinated and doing a job that requires me to be in COVID rooms daily in healthcare pretty much eliminates a lot of the competition for me which for me is a good thing since I would have a hard time getting employed anywhere else.
I agree with the mandates especially in healthcare settings. The mandates work to my advantage. It eliminates competition and makes finding a job so much easier. I wish more states would do the same. I am employed in healthcare now because that is where they are crying for workers and I am fully vaccinated and I go into COVID rooms on a daily basis.

With so many people competing for jobs the mandates make it easier for those who have a rough time getting hired for jobs easier if they choose to be vaccinated. I for one have been fired 7 different times in my lifetime (learning disabled and labeled slow as a kid) and have a very hard time landing even minimum wage jobs due to bad references and work history, so being fully vaccinated now makes finding those jobs so much easier for me. Being fully vaccinated and doing a job that requires me to be in COVID rooms daily in healthcare pretty much eliminates a lot of the competition for me which for me is a good thing since I would have a hard time getting employed anywhere else.
The implications of your post are enormous. No offense intended at you specifically, but what you have implied is the following...

Basically, the vaccine mandates lower the bar and make it easier for the most incompetent and unqualified people to land health care jobs.

Most of these health care workers already had COVID. Over half of Americans have. Nearly all eventually will, as the vaccines don't work.

It's interesting that this new type of discrimination is helping you overcome yours. Who said two wrongs can't make a right?

As for your personal situation, I am very sorry to hear that you were discriminated against throughout your life. You sound particularly intelligent to me. Aspergers? If so, you probably make a better employee than much of the woke crowd coming out of universities these days.


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The vaccine mandates make no sense because these mRNA injections can't confer any immunity at all.
They may be temporarily effective because they temporarily stimulate antibody production, but they have no lasting effect.
They can't, because they can't train the immune system to target a virus when they do not have a virus in them.
And although the mRNA injects do produce spike proteins, that can't be used as an immunity trigger since our own exosome also use spike proteins.
De Blasio knows that the government can't mandate vaccines, as it is a fundamental right to be able to make your own medical decisions. It's as American as apple pie.

So, the dirty Dem instead digs deep and uses a coercive tactic to get private businesses to threaten employees with termination if they have personal reasons for which they wish not to be vaccinated.

'Private enterprise rights are different than for a public entity,' de Blasio said on Friday.

He's a tyrant.

As of March, over 2 million New Yorkers already had COVID (2nd link). There is no reason for them to be vaccinated, as they have better immunity than any of the vaccines can provide (3rd & 4th links).

The party of Science strikes again.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio asks ALL private employers to impose vaccine mandates 'immediately' and 'do the maximum you feel you can do'​

  • Bill de Blasio on Friday told WNYC radio he felt private employers should enforce proof of vaccination among their staff
  • The mayor of New York City said 'I urge every employer to go to any form of mandate that you're comfortable with.'
  • He praised San Francisco for forcing city workers to be vaccinated, saying that was setting the tone for the future
  • On Wednesday he announced mandatory COVID-19 testing for employees of the city's public hospital and health clinic systems beginning in August, or face weekly testing
  • Staff will have to get one of the vaccines or face weekly COVID tests after a third of all workers refused to get a shot
  • The order will cover Health and Hospitals employees in addition to those who work at the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's public clinics

"Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study."

Or what?

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