Famous UK Oncologist Calls for Halt to COVID Vaccines Due to Rise in Fast Cancers in Young People

They were just repeating what the majority of doctors recommended.

It's hard to malign them in the face of a great achievement such as the Trump vaccine.
If the Trump vaxx is so bad, why did democrats FORCE everyone they could to take it?

Why don't Democrats FORCE illegal immigrants to get the jab?

Americans know why.

Nuremberg 2.0 is near :19:
If the Trump vaxx is so bad, why did democrats FORCE everyone they could to take it?

Why don't Democrats FORCE illegal immigrants to get the jab?

Americans know why.

Nuremberg 2.0 is near :19:

And the poor guy in the video knew.

If only those who had known had chosen in time to simply go AWOL or..........................

This is what they get for being loyal patriots for their country.



"The one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA before you have a signal of efficacy," he said.

"One of the potential dangers if you prematurely let a vaccine out is that it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the other vaccines to enrol people in their trial."

"To me, it's absolutely paramount that you definitively show that a vaccine is safe and effective," he added.


"They call them therapeutic, but to me it wasn't therapeutic, it just made me better. I call that a cure," he said in the video posted Wednesday. "I have emergency use authorization all set and we got to get it signed now."
That's a fail. Trump did not push the vaccines out before the FDA had said they were "safe and effective".

It takes a particular kind of stupid to think a President would even have the ability to do something like that.

The vaccine that BBC piece was talking about was the AstraZenica jab, which never received approval in the US. Maybe because there was nothing in it for Fauci?

That AZ vaccine received approval in the UK 4 days before the first US approval for Pfizer was granted***. Moderna followed in the US about a week later, and the J&J jab about 2 months after that. All of them went through the FDA approval process...

*** edit to correct, the Pfizer jab was approved in the US 20 days before the AZ vax in the UK.

Now, do you have an actual example of Trump refusing to follow Fauci's advice (esp regarding the EUA as you claimed)?
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They didn't.


^^^ WEF/Democrat shill that does nothing but gaslight Americans

This one doesn't believe democrats were behind vaccine mandates. You might think these WEF/Democrat shills are stupid or just wrong, but they are much worse. They are knowingly lying and gaslighting.

The economy could crash tomorrow and this guy would blame Trump.

Democrats = pure evil
That's a fail. Trump did not push the vaccines out before the FDA had said they were "safe and effective".

Right. That is why he bullied them to authorize the vaccine because he had an election to win.

Just a note. Don't confuse the EUA and fast tracking. Two different things.

It takes a particular kind of stupid to think a President would even have the ability to do something like that.

He did it in the form of Bullying as I have stated.

He complained his own agencies were slow walking the release of the Trump vaccine for political reasons.

The vaccine that BBC piece was talking about was the AstraZenica jab, which never received approval in the US. Maybe because there was nothing in it for Fauci?

I can't speak to the Astrazenica Jab. What I know is Fauci stated this during Trump's presidency.

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Monday warned against the notion of early emergency use authorization for a potential coronavirus vaccine, explaining that such a step could damage efforts to develop other vaccines.

His comments come as White House officials have raised the possibility of an early emergency authorization before late-stage trials are finished, two sources have told CNN. Michael Caputo, the assistant secretary for public affairs at the US Department of Health and Human Services, has denied that there was any effort to fast-track vaccine development for political purposes.

Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, told Reuters that "the one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA before you have a signal of efficacy."

That AZ vaccine received approval in the UK 4 days before the first US approval for Pfizer was granted. Moderna followed in the US about a week later, and the J&J jab about 2 months after that. All of them went through the FDA approval process...

And as I said, Trump bullied his own agencies.

Now, do you have an actual example of Trump refusing to follow Fauci's advice?
Yes. You seem to have falsely correlated the example with a jab I never heard of before.
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Yes he was. Masks do nothing against a virus and they never did.

Yes they did and they always will.

Fauci funded the experiment that created the virus through EcoHealth Alliance. Then he lied about it over and over again.
More speculation. Simply a narrative to give Trump the illusion of victimhood.
Right. That is why he bullied them to authorize the vaccine because he had an election to win.

Just a note. Don't confuse the EUA and fast tracking. Two different things.

He did in the form of Bullying as I have stated.

He can't complained his own agencies were slow walking the release of the Trump vaccine for political reasons.

I can't speak to the Astrazenica Jan. What I know is Fauci stated this during Trump's presidency.

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Monday warned against the notion of early emergency use authorization for a potential coronavirus vaccine, explaining that such a step could damage efforts to develop other vaccines.

His comments come as White House officials have raised the possibility of an early emergency authorization before late-stage trials are finished, two sources have told CNN. Michael Caputo, the assistant secretary for public affairs at the US Department of Health and Human Services, has denied that there was any effort to fast-track vaccine development for political purposes.

Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, told Reuters that "the one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA before you have a signal of efficacy."
And it never happened. The trials were done as required by the FDA. The only vaccine that was delayed in the US was the Novavax jab because it was a conventional vaccine, and apparently Fauci didn't want the competition to the mRNA jabs.
And as I said, Trump bullied his own agencies.
Did Trump pressure the agencies to move faster? Of course he did.

That is a completely different thing than you are claiming, i.e. that he somehow interfered, or vetoed the advice of the experts, or forced them to sidestep the process.
Yes. You seem to have falsely correlated the example with a jab I never heard of before.
The AstraZeneca vaccine was the vaccine they were talking about with Fauci in the first article you linked. Your example of Trump "not listening to Fauci regarding the EUA".

Don't blame me because you never heard of it. The rest of us were paying attention to the various vaccines being developed around the world.

I am still waiting for you to show how Trump failed to listen to Fauci regarding the EUA's. No vaccine received EUA BEFORE the election, as Trump wanted, and it was Fauci's pet projects- Pfizer and Moderna that received the first EUA's and no other vaccine was available in the US until after those two were distributed to the vast majority of people.

Fauci's own previous comments in the fall of 2019 was that mRNA vaccines should NOT be introduced without a conventional vaccine alongside. (So that people could choose for themselves if they wanted to be guinea pigs for the new technology).
Yes they did and they always will.
That statement proves you don't know a goddamn thing about it.
More speculation. Simply a narrative to give Trump the illusion of victimhood.
Wrong. EcoHealth alliance first pitched the experiment to DARPA, who rejected it for GoF reasons. Fauci picked it up and funded it under the excuse that it was work "already in progress". Fauci and Peter Daszak have a long history.

The spike protein was designed by Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, and inserted into a recombinant SARS virus collected from bats in Wuhan. The work was done by the bat lady at the WIV.

Without Fauci, there would have been no experiment.


That statement proves you don't know a goddamn thing about it.

Hmm. So is it your contention that a virus does not reside in saliva and/or that masks are unable to filter out saliva droplets?

Wrong. EcoHealth alliance first pitched the experiment to DARPA, who rejected it for GoF reasons. Fauci picked it up and funded it under the excuse that it was work "already in progress". Fauci and Peter Daszak have a long history.

The spike protein was designed by Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, and inserted into a recombinant SARS virus collected from bats in Wuhan. The work was done by the bat lady at the WIV.

Without Fauci, there would have been no experiment.
So will Fauci be arrested for lying under oath?

What happened with that?
Countless Americans died because Democrats blocked cheap easy medications like ivermectin. All intentional. All to kill Americans to jack up covid deaths. Ivermectin could have saved many lives in the beginning of covid if democrats weren't hell bent on killing as many Americans as possible.
Look, you ain't seen anything yet, the die off just this upcoming year is going to be biblical in scale, and the typical fascist democEveryrat cretins infesting the web laugh, they are clueless how close they are to their extermination! I intend to thoroughly enjoy watching their eradication, they are literally fucking clueless, thinking selves valuable fascist members of the team, they are not on the team, the team wants them dead more than they do Americans, at least the team knows Americans possess character & honor, no fascist democrat basehead possesses such!

The die off is going to be absolutely epic.... :yes_text12:

Any day now.

What kind of a human being is waiting and wishing for the death of millions of people??????
Hmm. So is it your contention that a virus does not reside in saliva and/or that masks are unable to filter out saliva droplets?
No, but saliva is not the primary path to infection. Masks do not filter out airborne virus. If you are infected, you will re-inhale the virus that is trapped in droplets by the mask, and you will increase your own viral load, which will make you sicker than if you had no mask at all.

The only thing that will block a virus like C19 is a full face respirator, and they are very uncomfortable to wear. A true N95 like a 3M 8210 will help, but it also must be very tight fitting, and you should smoke test the fit. NO ear loop mask will do anything at all to block the virus, they are way too leaky.

Surgical masks are worn to protect the patient from saliva drops from the surgeon during a surgery. They are not meant to protect the wearer.
So will Fauci be arrested for lying under oath?

What happened with that?
Of course not. He retired with full benefits just like every other bureaucrat who lies to Congress. You have to be some kind of idiot if you think it works any other way...
Countless Americans died because Democrats blocked cheap easy medications like ivermectin. All intentional. All to kill Americans to jack up covid deaths. Ivermectin could have saved many lives in the beginning of covid if democrats weren't hell bent on killing as many Americans as possible.

Countless Americans died because the believed that Ivermectin would cure them and it didn't.

50,000 Americans died of covid last year. Most were unvaxinated. On average, 2455 Americans are still dying every week.

Dr. Faucci warned at the beginning that if the virus were allowed to run free, you would never be rid of it, and that's what it's come to. While not an absolutely, generally speaking the redder the state, the lower the vaccination rate, and the lower the vaccination rate, the higher the death count.
Countless Americans died because the believed that Ivermectin would cure them and it didn't.

50,000 Americans died of covid last year. Most were unvaxinated. On average, 2455 Americans are still dying every week.

Dr. Faucci warned at the beginning that if the virus were allowed to run free, you would never be rid of it, and that's what it's come to. While not an absolutely, generally speaking the redder the state, the lower the vaccination rate, and the lower the vaccination rate, the higher the death count.
^^^ total gaslighting

Ivermectin is effective and could have saved many lives.

UNKNOWN kills more people than covid. We need a new vaxx for UNKNOWN.

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