Don Lemon, Who Described White Men as ‘America’s Biggest Terror Threat,’ Marries White Man in New York

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Sickening! Utterly sickening! These two should be put in shackles and locked away. They should Honeymoon somewhere in the Middle East in a high-rise hotel bridal suit with rooftop access. As one of the comments says, we should return to Biblical principles or it's over. That is so true.

Which one is playing the husband is this relationship? Both guys were wearing men's clothing here, there is already problems in paradise I think.

Don Lemon, Who Described White Men as ‘America’s Biggest Terror Threat​

Don says that while White Men are murderers rapists and drug dealers….…some of them are good people
Sickening! Utterly sickening! These two should be put in shackles and locked away. They should Honeymoon somewhere in the Middle East in a high-rise hotel bridal suit with rooftop access. As one of the comments says, we should return to Biblical principles or it's over. That is so true.

Seriously? If you dont like gay people or black people, then just ignore them. I just fail to see why you feel the need to come here and tell everyone about your hatred for gay and black people.

As much as you hate them, they are people too, and you with your antics here do nothing to help the Republican Party.
Sickening! Utterly sickening! These two should be put in shackles and locked away. They should Honeymoon somewhere in the Middle East in a high-rise hotel bridal suit with rooftop access. As one of the comments says, we should return to Biblical principles or it's over. That is so true.

Lemon can't resist those crackers. :)
Which one is playing the husband is this relationship? Both guys were wearing men's clothing here, there is already problems in paradise I think.

Considering don lemon is always bitching and whining, crying, bringing up completely unrelated topics to win a fight, is emotional and irrational, and goes crying to the world everytime he gets his feelings hurt in a pathetic attempt to get some attention and pity by playing the victim constantly I'd say he has the female role down to a science.

No way the other dude could be as feminine as he is.
I guess Don like this kind of cake...:p

Sickening! Utterly sickening! These two should be put in shackles and locked away. They should Honeymoon somewhere in the Middle East in a high-rise hotel bridal suit with rooftop access. As one of the comments says, we should return to Biblical principles or it's over. That is so true.
Is this the Biblical principle you refer to: "Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater”? (Mark 12:31)
Seriously? If you dont like gay people or black people, then just ignore them. I just fail to see why you feel the need to come here and tell everyone about your hatred for gay and black people.

As much as you hate them, they are people too, and you with your antics here do nothing to help the Republican Party.
He’s not the one certifying and forcing others to subsidize male buttfucking. Don Lemon, etc., are.
He’s not the one certifying and forcing others to subsidize male buttfucking. Don Lemon, etc., are.
I’m not aware that anyone was forcing anyone to engage in intercourse.

My gripe is, whenever you have people make op routinely does, it does a disservice to the Republican Party and just gives these liberals here more ammunition to throw at you all
Sickening! Utterly sickening! These two should be put in shackles and locked away. They should Honeymoon somewhere in the Middle East in a high-rise hotel bridal suit with rooftop access. As one of the comments says, we should return to Biblical principles or it's over. That is so true.

Once you go white you know it's right.

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