Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

That's bunk. The CP's website lists the pecking order, and Pelosi is not on it.

The CP day to day ops are controlled by a board of directors:

Capitol Police Board

  • William McFarland, U.S. House of Representatives Sergeant at Arms (Chair)
  • Karen H. Gibson, United States Senate Sergeant at Arms (Member)
  • Joseph DiPietro, Acting Architect of the Capitol (Member)
  • J. Thomas Manger, Chief of Police (Ex-Officio Member)

The argument that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was responsible for calling the National Guard on January 6th is not accurate based on the structure of authority and responsibility for security at the Capitol. Here are the key points to consider:

Role of the Speaker of the House: While Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House on January 6, 2021, her role did not include direct operational control over Capitol security. The Speaker of the House has oversight responsibilities over many aspects of the House of Representatives, but they do not directly control security operations.

Capitol Police and the Capitol Police Board: The U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) is responsible for the security of the Capitol complex. The USCP is overseen by the Capitol Police Board, which includes the House Sergeant at Arms, the Senate Sergeant at Arms, and the Architect of the Capitol. The Chief of the Capitol Police reports to this board.

*Role of the Sergeant at Arms (SAA): The House Sergeant at Arms is an officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the Capitol complex. While the SAA does report to the Speaker in some capacities, operational security decisions, such as calling in the National Guard, involve consultation with the Capitol Police Board and other authorities.

Authority to Call the National Guard: The authority to deploy the National Guard in the District of Columbia lies with the President, the Secretary of Defense, and, for certain local matters, the Mayor of D.C. In the case of the Capitol, while the Capitol Police can request National Guard assistance, this request usually needs to go through the Department of Defense and involves coordination with other federal entities.

Events of January 6, 2021: On January 6, the request for National Guard assistance was indeed made, but there was significant delay and confusion regarding the approval and deployment of these forces. The decisions and delays have been the subject of extensive inquiry and criticism, but they do not directly implicate Nancy Pelosi as being personally responsible for the immediate security response.

So, for all you on the right, please understand that the assertion that Pelosi could or should have unilaterally called the National Guard is not supported by the actual operational structure and authority governing Capitol security.

And that's a fact.

The SAA coordinates with the Speaker in the following areas:

The House Sergeant at Arms (SAA) reports to the Speaker of the House in several capacities that are primarily administrative and ceremonial. The key responsibilities and areas where the SAA might report to the Speaker include:
  1. Administrative Oversight: The SAA is responsible for certain administrative functions within the House of Representatives, such as maintaining order and security within the House chamber, managing access to the House side of the Capitol complex, and overseeing the movement of the Mace, the symbol of authority of the House.
  2. Ceremonial Duties: The SAA has various ceremonial roles, such as announcing the President and other dignitaries during joint sessions of Congress or during formal addresses to the House. These functions often require coordination with the Speaker's office.
  3. Coordination on Security Policy: While the SAA does not have the authority to make unilateral decisions about Capitol security, they do coordinate with the Speaker's office on policies that affect the safety and security of the House side of the Capitol. This might include updates, briefings, and recommendations on security measures.
  4. Budgetary and Operational Oversight: The SAA is involved in the preparation and management of the budget for operations under their purview. This would involve reporting to the Speaker regarding budgetary needs, expenditures, and financial planning for areas under their control.
  5. Emergency Communication: In the event of an emergency involving the security of the House, the SAA would communicate directly with the Speaker to inform and coordinate an appropriate response, although operational control would typically involve the Capitol Police and relevant security agencies. Note: Neither the SAA nor Pelosi have unilateral authority call in the NG>
Overall, the relationship between the SAA and the Speaker is more about administrative reporting and coordination rather than direct operational control over security decisions, especially those involving external forces like the National Guard.

The most correct answer to who had the authority to call the National Guard on January 6, 2021, emphasizes the role of the Department of Defense (DoD). Here’s a clearer summary:

  • The Capitol Police could request National Guard assistance, but did not have the authority to deploy them directly.
  • The Secretary of Defense was responsible for approving the deployment of the National Guard in the District of Columbia, following a request from authorized entities like the Capitol Police.
  • The President, as Commander-in-Chief, also had overarching authority over National Guard deployments, particularly in a national security context.
The Mayor of D.C. could request the National Guard but, like the Capitol Police, required approval from the Department of Defense. The process involves multiple levels of communication and approval, and no single official in the Capitol complex had unilateral authority to deploy the National Guard directly.

So, not a simple answer, but my research points to two or three characters:

1. Secretary of Defense/Secretary of The Army (I'm believing the latter)
2. The President.
She changed the rules after the riot with her emergency powers and stopped any objections to the vote count. That is a fact no one wants you to know.
You do know both he and Patel testified behind closed doors in a classified setting?

Wonder why he'd say something like that?

Donald Trump's former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller claims the January 6 committee threatened to 'make his life hell' if he kept claiming his former boss authorized National Guard deployment during the Capitol riot.

In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, the former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center said he became 'fearful' of aggressive tactics by members of the Democrat-led panel who tried to stop him speaking publicly about a narrative that didn't align with their final report.
Cheney did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether she or any other members of the Select Committee corresponded with witnesses in a way that could be interpreted as threatening.
Miller claims the members intimidated him, and warned they would repeatedly bring him in for 'hours' of additional testimony if he kept going on TV and defending the former president's actions.
At the time, Miller said, he did not have the 'resources to continue to battle' the committee and didn't want to face more depositions for speaking to media outlets about his experiences.

It was a Sean Hannity segment on June 6, 2022 featuring Miller and Trump national security official Kash Patel that seemed to 'hit a nerve,' according to the former DOD head.

'The two of us were on [the Fox News show] and the next day my lawyer got a call from the Jan. 6 staff director – I forgot exactly who it was – but basically saying, very legalistic: 'Well, if your client has additional information he wants to share, we'd be happy to have him re-interviewed,'' Miller recalled.

He continued: 'It was more that latent threat of: 'If you want to keep going on TV, we're gonna drag you in here again for additional hours of hearing testimony.' So that was the nature of that whole thing.'

'It was the latent threat of the government continuing to intrude into my life.'

That was a year after he'd already testified the number was 10000.
The failure is your comprehension. Lack of. I have had a monumental success with your help.

No, it's a monumental failure. Yuge failure.

Your entire premise is that there was no emergency declared; but we know there was an emergency declared since the DCNG was deployed.

She changed the rules after the riot with her emergency powers and stopped any objections to the vote count. That is a fact no one wants you to know.

You're lying again FruitLoops as evidenced by the objection entered by Pennsylvania.
It is now clear there should never of been a riot on the Capitol Grounds.

Congress, writes the law that protects the Capitol.

The laws were written long ago, and as time went by, there have been bombings in the Capitol Building. There have been shootings inside the Capitol Building. There have been riots in Washington D.C. that threatened the Capitol Building.

More significant then the tragedies prior to today, we had 9/11. There were four planes, 2 that destroyed the World Trade Center buildings, one that partially destroyed the Pentagon, and one that hero fought the hijackers over control, forcing it to crash, killing all on board, to save Nancy Pelosi and Congress in the Capitol.

All the events in the past have set precedents. Congress revises the security so that the past dangers will be very difficult to happen again. Security plans and procedures, are all revised, enhanced, to address all situations.

How is it, that the man with horns was able to breach the most secure, the most guarded place, on earth, and at that, the man with horns had no weapon, was not stopped, and literally allowed to enter?

Dereliction of Duty, that starts with the leadership. Speaker of the House, President of the Senate. All security protocols, plans, procedures, laws, were ignored. The only question is for how long.
After they reconvened in an emergency session after the riot? I do not think so.

They reconvened. I don't know if it was an emergency session or not, but they reconvened and then Pennsylvania objected.
And all of those yokels who were wearing riot gear BEFORE the “peaceful protest” were wearing why exactly?
I have to ask, why did they not secure the Capitol Building and grounds. What happened to all the security procedures that built on over two centuries of previous bombings, shooting, riots, and terrorist attacks.
It is now clear there should never of been a riot on the Capitol Grounds.

Congress, writes the law that protects the Capitol.

The laws were written long ago, and as time went by, there have been bombings in the Capitol Building. There have been shootings inside the Capitol Building. There have been riots in Washington D.C. that threatened the Capitol Building.

More significant then the tragedies prior to today, we had 9/11. There were four planes, 2 that destroyed the World Trade Center buildings, one that partially destroyed the Pentagon, and one that hero fought the hijackers over control, forcing it to crash, killing all on board, to save Nancy Pelosi and Congress in the Capitol.

All the events in the past have set precedents. Congress revises the security so that the past dangers will be very difficult to happen again. Security plans and procedures, are all revised, enhanced, to address all situations.

How is it, that the man with horns was able to breach the most secure, the most guarded place, on earth, and at that, the man with horns had no weapon, was not stopped, and literally allowed to enter?

Dereliction of Duty, that starts with the leadership. Speaker of the House, President of the Senate. All security protocols, plans, procedures, laws, were ignored. The only question is for how long.

There was no dereliction of duty on Pelosi. An emergency was declared which then authorized the CPB to request DCNG assistance. The dereliction of duty falls upon the CPB for not doing so.
I have to ask, why did they not secure the Capitol Building and grounds. What happened to all the security procedures that built on over two centuries of previous bombings, shooting, riots, and terrorist attacks.

Because the police were grossly outnumbered.
There was no dereliction of duty on Pelosi. An emergency was declared which then authorized the CPB to request DCNG assistance. The dereliction of duty falls upon the CPB for not doing so.
So it is not Trump's fault. Thanks.
So it is not Trump's fault. Thanks.

Of course it's his fault too. He could have had the DCNG deployed the moment a riot was declared and the first Proud Boy broke into the Capitol building.

Then again, he did tell the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by," so he prolly didn't want to interfere with their plans.
Of course it's his fault too. He could have had the DCNG deployed the moment a riot was declared and the first Proud Boy broke in to the Capitol building.

Then again, he did tell the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by," so he prolly didn't want to interfere with their plans.
What did Maxine Watters say? When is her trial?
And if they were told they would not be heard what good did it do. Stop lying, that rule change guaranteed the theft of the election.

They were heard, you fucking idiot. They objected... the two houses separated and debated the objection... then they voted on the objection; which was voted down, 282-138 in the House and 92-7 in the Senate.

Like I said, you're fucked in the head beyond repair. Not even 3-4 weeks of shock therapy can help you.
They were heard, you fucking idiot. They objected... the two houses separated and debated the objection... then they voted on the objection; which was voted down, 282-138 in the House and 92-7 in the Senate.

Like I said, you're fucked in the head beyond repair. Not even 3-4 weeks of shock therapy can help you.
That was before the riot. Try the truth.

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