Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

The Capitol Police Board, is 4 people. One is there as the representative of the Capitol Police. Subordinate to the other three. The Sergeant at Arms, has many duties and in addition to those duties, is the eyes and ears of the Speaker of the House. Who can force Sergeant at Arms to retire, or fire him. I understand the Speaker of the House's role if I do not articulate it in a thousand words to every comment you make.

But heck, you are not serious, are you.

I just posted the law. Irrespective of paragraph 4. It says if it's for a temporary and reimbursable basis, the CPB is authorized to request DCNG assistance...

Executive departments and Executive agencies may assist the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties by providing services (including personnel), equipment, and facilities on a temporary and reimbursable basis when requested by the Capitol Police Board and on a permanent and reimbursable basis upon advance written request of the Capitol Police Board
I just posted the law. Irrespective of paragraph 4. It says if it's for a temporary and reimbursable basis, the CPB is authorized to request DCNG assistance...

Executive departments and Executive agencies may assist the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties by providing services (including personnel), equipment, and facilities on a temporary and reimbursable basis when requested by the Capitol Police Board and on a permanent and reimbursable basis upon advance written request of the Capitol Police Board
I know, but it's fun. And I'm only here for fun.
enough said
Why did the GOP do nothing? Is that answer in a classified document such as the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol
Precedent states that the Senate President and the Speaker of the House approve of the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol. I do not disagree with the statement of yours I am quoting. You are right. We need hearings, the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol was approved and will spell out how both these assholes, GOP and Democrats are Derelict in their duty. Can we get the name of this thread changed to reflect Pence and Pelosi?

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Conspiracy theory alert!
Looks like I finished you off.
No, what you did was force me to get all my facts in one place, and then to go get more facts, and after that get the facts to support all the facts. And I did that with only .gov websites! Thank you faun, for making the thread, factual.

faun, you helped make the point, infallible.

And all the promises of using the guns to stop government's criminal behaviour turned out to be just blowing smoke up a dead dog's ass.

Maybe next time?
hmmm, an admission of "government criminal behaviour"/behavior...guns are to give one side an enormous advantage over the other side in the event a civil war, which is of course undeniably true.
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No, what you did was force me to get all my facts in one place, and then to go get more facts, and after that get the facts to support all the facts. And I did that with only .gov websites! Thank you faun, for making the thread, factual.

faun, you helped make the point, infallible.


So you say Pelosi was derelict because no emergency was declared but clearly an emergency was declared since the DCNG was deployed and the CPB were therefore authorized to request DCNG but didn't. Now we all know why they were forced to resign. Looks like Nancy is in the clear and this thread is just another monumental failure.
hmmm, an admission of "government criminal behaviour"/behavior...guns are to give one side an enormous advantage over the other side in the event a civil war, which is of course undeniably true.
And to protect America from corrupt government. But the guns were expected to have the balls, while everybody already knew that guns never kill people.

Next time they won't look for the missing balls on the guns, and another election won't be stolen.
Your only problem is in the piece from Hanitty, Miller stated he was under oath and corroborated Patel's statement.....

You'll note on that show, only Patel said it was 10L to 20K. Miller never said that. Under oath, Miller said 10K and that he didn't take Trump seriously.
Under oath, Miller said 10K and that he didn't take Trump seriously.
You do know both he and Patel testified behind closed doors in a classified setting?

Wonder why he'd say something like that?

Donald Trump's former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller claims the January 6 committee threatened to 'make his life hell' if he kept claiming his former boss authorized National Guard deployment during the Capitol riot.

In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, the former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center said he became 'fearful' of aggressive tactics by members of the Democrat-led panel who tried to stop him speaking publicly about a narrative that didn't align with their final report.
Cheney did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether she or any other members of the Select Committee corresponded with witnesses in a way that could be interpreted as threatening.
Miller claims the members intimidated him, and warned they would repeatedly bring him in for 'hours' of additional testimony if he kept going on TV and defending the former president's actions.
At the time, Miller said, he did not have the 'resources to continue to battle' the committee and didn't want to face more depositions for speaking to media outlets about his experiences.

It was a Sean Hannity segment on June 6, 2022 featuring Miller and Trump national security official Kash Patel that seemed to 'hit a nerve,' according to the former DOD head.

'The two of us were on [the Fox News show] and the next day my lawyer got a call from the Jan. 6 staff director – I forgot exactly who it was – but basically saying, very legalistic: 'Well, if your client has additional information he wants to share, we'd be happy to have him re-interviewed,'' Miller recalled.

He continued: 'It was more that latent threat of: 'If you want to keep going on TV, we're gonna drag you in here again for additional hours of hearing testimony.' So that was the nature of that whole thing.'

'It was the latent threat of the government continuing to intrude into my life.'


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