Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

And if the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol included something to the effect of, the Speaker of the House may request the president to deploy the DCNG to the Capitol, when LBG deployed them, that would still be in accordance with the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol, correct?
If? If it is in there, then it may be in there.
Prove she did. You've been saying all along she didn't.
One of two things happened. An emergency was declared, or it was not.

When an emergency is declared, the Law is followed.
When an emergency is not declared, chaos and anarchy follows.

If an emergency was declared, Pelosi was not derelict of duty
If an emergency was not declared, Pelosi was derelict

Numerous phone calls were made by the Capitol Police, we know that. We can pinpoint exactly what the Capitol Police Chief did.

What you Faun can not do, is give us the timeline of exactly what Nancy Pelosi did. Nobody can. Nobody can show who called Nancy Pelosi, who texted Nancy Pelosi. Nobody can tell us if Nancy Pelosi watched from the window of the Capitol.

All you tell us, is she had no idea that she was about to die, does that summarize what I can learn from everyone's opposing comments.

My thread is titled, Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty. Has faun or lesh established any facts in regards to Pelosi.

The worst day in Nancy Pelosi's career, and what do we know about what she knew, when she knew it, and what did she do about it.
That is the problem, this is why Pelosi is derelict of duty. Pelosi did nothing.
Trump watched on TV and tweeted. HE was the chief executive. The buck is supposed to stop with him! The governor of MD wasn’t waiting for Pelosi’s call. This phony legalistic argument is just an attempt to gaslight us by saying a man who claims absolute immunity would worry about the rules, unless he wanted the insurrection to succeed.

But it may not not be the requirement you're claiming it is. You don't lnow.
The law says, during an emergency. Somebody must say, this is an emergency


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Trump watched on TV and tweeted. He was the chief executive. The buck is supposed to stop with him.
The buck stops at the end of Trump's jurisdiction, which is where Nancy Pelosi's jurisdiction begins. Where Pelosi's jurisdiction begins is where the laws the House writes and approves of, begin.
Oh, you are not here to establish what happened and how it happened. Thank you.
I am only here, to establish facts with links to the .gov sites, where there is law, precedent, and rules.


Yet you're relying heavily on a plan you've never seen and don't know what it contains.
Did nothing? You just said she must've declared an emergency.
I have been replying to your comments, like you said, you are not here to establish facts, you are here having fun. It would be nice if you quoted.

Without quoting and putting the comment in context, you are just having fun, like you said.
One of two things happened. An emergency was declared, or it was not.

When an emergency is declared, the Law is followed.
When an emergency is not declared, chaos and anarchy follows.

If an emergency was declared, Pelosi was not derelict of duty
If an emergency was not declared, Pelosi was derelict

Numerous phone calls were made by the Capitol Police, we know that. We can pinpoint exactly what the Capitol Police Chief did.

What you Faun can not do, is give us the timeline of exactly what Nancy Pelosi did. Nobody can. Nobody can show who called Nancy Pelosi, who texted Nancy Pelosi. Nobody can tell us if Nancy Pelosi watched from the window of the Capitol.

All you tell us, is she had no idea that she was about to die, does that summarize what I can learn from everyone's opposing comments.

My thread is titled, Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty. Has faun or lesh established any facts in regards to Pelosi.

The worst day in Nancy Pelosi's career, and what do we know about what she knew, when she knew it, and what did she do about it.

Same with you. You have no idea if and when she declared an emergency or even if she had to.

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