Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

hahahahahhahahahahahahaha, I been posting the law, clarifying, quoting, researching. Yes, Pelosi approval is needed, and that approval is written into the laws and operating procedures she reviews and approves. Nothing has changed, certainly not your understanding of law.

You seem to struggle making up your mind...

elektra: I do not say it was needed

elektra: Yes, Pelosi approval is needed
Pelosi is derelict of duty, the only way Federal Troops could of been delayed is if the security measures already in place where obstructed by someone with the power to do so.

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Just flat out false

It was false the first time you claimed it and every one of the 25 times since

Fucking nutjob meth head
Capitol Police Board would have requested the National Guard help ahead of 1/6 if they had been TOLD THE TRUTH about what Trump secretly planned to do with his rally goers, 2 miles away at the Ellipse.
Pure speculation.
Yet, the National Guard was deployed along the street, up to the Capitol, in which Nancy Pelosi did not authorize the National Guard to enter.
Just flat out false
It was false the first time you claimed it and every one of the 25 times since
Fucking nutjob meth head
This is a precedent. Precedents are facts, not false.

Be crystal clear here... yes or no, could Trump have deployed the DCNG in Pelosi's jurisdiction without complying with the law.

Trump was in command of the DCNG. He could have deployed them at any time.
Pure speculation.
Yet, the National Guard was deployed along the street, up to the Capitol, in which Nancy Pelosi did not authorize the National Guard to enter.
They were deployed for traffic duty jackass
Pure speculation.
Yet, the National Guard was deployed along the street, up to the Capitol, in which Nancy Pelosi did not authorize the National Guard to enter.

Speaking of speculation, what's the verbiage in the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol about the Speaker of the requesting a president having the DCNG activated to defend the Capitol?
You seem to struggle making up your mind...
elektra: I do not say it was needed
elektra: Yes, Pelosi approval is needed
The one struggling is you, go back and quote. Go back and answer the questions that destroy your argument. When you skip over the points you make, that I counter with an argument and fact that you can reply to, only to post you opinion of what is said and not said, it shows you are wrong and attempting to distract from the facts.
They were deployed for traffic duty jackass
The National Guard, by demand of the Metro Police, in a meeting attended to by the Capitol Police, were stripped of their weapons and equipment.

Further, when authorized, the National Guard went to their nearby vehicle and retrieved their weapons and equipment.
Trump was in command of the DCNG. He could have deployed them at any time
Stupid is as stupid does, you have posted the same version of this rant in everyone except the first. And or, why are posting.

Show me one thread that quotes and links to a precedent. Go ahead, you can not do it. It is the details that you ignore, dont read, or do not comprehend that makes you stereotype all the threads as the same.e

I have been using laws, precedents, rules, and reports, that I link and quote, from the .gov website. Not one other thread.

Now show me a thread with a precedent. You got how many umpteenth threads to choose from. I will wait here.
Speaking of speculation, what's the verbiage in the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol about the Speaker of the requesting a president having the DCNG activated to defend the Capitol?


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