Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

Just flat out false

It was false the first time you claimed it and every one of the 25 times since

Fucking nutjob meth head
Not only is Pelosi The most responsible for whatever happens
in the People's House ... but she acts guilty as hell.
By helping to craft a Plot { January 6th Insurrection }
The more we know about January 6th the more Pelosi and'
her gang are behind it.What else explains on her Wikipedia
Bio { talk about lenghty } Not a word was mentioned about her
creations of a Select Committe Investigating January 6th.
Or the Infamous Insurrection.
Because the more we get to the bottom of it ...
seems really apparent.It was used just as the Summer of Life
{ 2020 } riots were used.Just as these College Protests are used.
To slowly guarantee the demise of our Country's greatness.
Covid was also used.But super pampered pols like Pelosi
have not a thing to fret over.Nor other wealthy pampered pols.
Think about it.Our Country is being Micromanaged into the ground.
"Specific authority was neither requested by nor received from the Speaker or other Capitol officials prior to the assignment of troops to guard the Capitol."
Authority as defined by law and precedent

The National Guard, by demand of the Metro Police, in a meeting attended to by the Capitol Police, were stripped of their weapons and equipment.

Further, when authorized, the National Guard went to their nearby vehicle and retrieved their weapons and equipment.
Not by demand jackass

At the request of. Huge difference
The one struggling is you, go back and quote. Go back and answer the questions that destroy your argument. When you skip over the points you make, that I counter with an argument and fact that you can reply to, only to post you opinion of what is said and not said, it shows you are wrong and attempting to distract from the facts.

You keep saying her declaration of an emergency was needed (when you're not saying it wasn't needed)...

You keep saying she didn't declare an emergency...

But Trump's Secretary of Defense had the DCNG activated.

How was that possible without Pelosi declaring an emergency if that was truly required as you continuously insist?
Not by demand jackass
At the request of. Huge difference
The difference being your opinion as to what happened in a meeting your have not read the transcript of, quoted in anyway, nor linked to.

start posting facts you can substantiate
You keep saying her declaration of an emergency was needed (when you're not saying it wasn't needed)...
You keep saying she didn't declare an emergency...
But Trump's Secretary of Defense had the DCNG activated.
How was that possible without Pelosi declaring an emergency if that was truly required as you continuously insist?
Start quoting my comments instead of revealing how confused you are in your head. Nobody can answer your confusion.

My thread is based on facts, and laws, all quoted and linked to. Start quoting and end the confusion you are inserting into the thread.
You keep saying her declaration of an emergency was needed (when you're not saying it wasn't needed)...
You keep saying she didn't declare an emergency...
But Trump's Secretary of Defense had the DCNG activated.
How was that possible without Pelosi declaring an emergency if that was truly required as you continuously insist?
Why do you keep ignoring every response to your comments, following with a new comment, reworded?
How come you are not quoting me comments.
The difference being your opinion as to what happened in a meeting your have not read the transcript of, quoted in anyway, nor linked to.

start posting facts you can substantiate
No idea what meeting that was.

Fact remains… DC Metro can ONLY request. They can not demand or order
Start quoting my comments instead of revealing how confused you are in your head. Nobody can answer your confusion.

My thread is based on facts, and laws, all quoted and linked to. Start quoting and end the confusion you are inserting into the thread.

No, it's not. It's based on you making shit up. You're relying heavily on the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol but you've never read it. You don't know if it actually backs your position or not. You're just saying it does.
You asked about the Emergency Plan, that is how


You're the one using that plan to prop up your position. Now you run from it claiming asking you about it is "deflection." Look at how easily your position crumbles.
Start quoting my comments instead of revealing how confused you are in your head. Nobody can answer your confusion.

My thread is based on facts, and laws, all quoted and linked to. Start quoting and end the confusion you are inserting into the thread.

I've been quoting you.

I'm also pointing out you can't answer....

You keep saying her declaration of an emergency was needed...

You keep saying she didn't declare an emergency...

But Trump's Secretary of Defense had the DCNG activated.

How was that possible without Pelosi declaring an emergency if that was truly required as you continuously insist?
You're still using a plan you've never seen, and don't know what it says, to push a narrative that history already proves is false.
Precedents are never false. That is a weak attempt to prove yourself correct.
It is a precedent that is followed

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And if the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol included something to the effect of, the Speaker of the House may request the president to deploy the DCNG to the Capitol, when LBG deployed them, that would still be in accordance with the Emergency Plan for Protection of the Capitol, correct?
You're still using a plan you've never seen, and don't know what it says, to push a narrative that history already proves is false.
You’re arguing with a meth head troll

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