If Black people listened to Shelby Steele instead of Al Sharpton, they would be much better off.

Ok. All hail trump. I shall immediately dye my hair blond, find my bible and mount it so I can wave it at the crowds, and put my phone on standby so that I can contact the police immediately if I see a darker-skinned person barbecuing. What shall I do if I see a dark-skinned person actually driving a car? :rolleyes:

They are even allowing darker-skinned people and people who have vaginas instead of penises to fly airplanes. Oh the shame!
You wander around off topic and never address the OP or offer anything of value. Did you even listen to what Dr. Steele said?

I addressed the headline, which clearly displays the arrogance and condescension that is involved when an outsider tells a specific group of people whom they "should" listen to. Moreover, the header on the linked article contains the term "virtue signallng," which is a known right-wing propaganda catch-phrase, and this piece comes from Fox Noise, which is a known outlet for right-wing propaganda.

I'm not black, so I don't know what any black person thinks of this guy, much less all black people as a group. There is nothing to stop a black person from listening to him, and then maybe concluding that he's a moron. But I do know, as a woman, that people try to propagandize us all of the time.
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I'm not black, so I don't know what any black person thinks of this guy, much less all black people as a group. There is nothing to stop a black person from listening to him, and then maybe concluding that he's a moron. But I do know, as a woman, that people try to propagandize us all of the time.
Got it. So everything is defined by your DNA, the fact that you are not Black, and the fact that you are a woman therefore there is no need to open your mind to different perspectives. Super.
Good people don't invade a foreign land, kill its inhabitants, and import slaves.
What happened 400 years ago is a part of history and has nothing to do with the character of a person today. It is ridiculous to say White people today can't be good because of what their ancestors did 400 years ago. That is a false premise that has been sold to you by Sharpton, the 1619 commision, BLM and the rest of the Race Hucksters.
This man is so intelligent and analyzes issues so clearly it is sad he is ignored by Black people. Instead they listen to Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Obama etc. who all foment hatred and division.

And just who are you to say? Are you black? Next you will be saying that, because I'm white, I would be better off listening to trump, Mcconnell, gaetz, and frankie graham, all nutjobs, than Joe Biden, Kamela Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer.

I don't have to be black to see the cultural rot in their communities.
And this is why you see blacks beating Asians. There is no cultural rot in the black community any more than amywhere else. But your Asian ass has bought into white supremacy so you talk stupid.
Good people don't invade a foreign land, kill its inhabitants, and import slaves.
What happened 400 years ago is a part of history and has nothing to do with the character of a person today. It is ridiculous to say White people today can't be good because of what their ancestors did 400 years ago. That is a false premise that has been sold to you by Sharpton, the 1619 commision, BLM and the rest of the Race Hucksters.
Well the white boy excuses never stop. And this is the problem. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

And it's the same racism that was practiced for the last 400 years.
Shelby Steele is an idiot.
And this is why you see blacks beating Asians. There is no cultural rot in the black community any more than amywhere else. But your Asian ass has bought into white supremacy so you talk stupid.
It's obvious what a lifetime of listening to Al Sharpton has done to you. Everything is about race, hate everyone who isn't Black, you're the victim and it's THEIR fault. Whoever THEY is.
I'm not black, so I don't know what any black person thinks of this guy, much less all black people as a group. There is nothing to stop a black person from listening to him, and then maybe concluding that he's a moron. But I do know, as a woman, that people try to propagandize us all of the time.
Got it. So everything is defined by your DNA, the fact that you are not Black, and the fact that you are a woman therefore there is no need to open your mind to different perspectives. Super.

Then explain why you act like everything is defined by your DNA, the color of your skin, and the fact that you have a male body, so there is no need to open your mind to different perspectives. White males were the first to practice identity politics in the U.S. and elsewhere, telling other folks what they can and can't, or should and shouldn't do. This forces people who are not white and/or not male to practice identity politics, as well, just to defend ourselves and tell you guys to leave us the hell alone.

What "different perspectives" should I be open-minded about?

BTW: the worst and most flagrant bigotry that I have ever encountered was based on my sex, not my race. It permeates our society.
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It is ridiculous to say White people today can't be good because of what their ancestors did 400 years ago.
A certain percentage of the population has learned nothing from past mistakes.
The mindset of these people are exactly the same as 400 years ago.
They still view Bipoc folks as inferior to whites.
This needs to end.
So, if white people can't come to terms with the fact that we are just as important as you, just as valuable to American life as you, I can't call them good people.
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And this is why you see blacks beating Asians. There is no cultural rot in the black community any more than amywhere else. But your Asian ass has bought into white supremacy so you talk stupid.
It's obvious what a lifetime of listening to Al Sharpton has done to you. Everything is about race, hate everyone who isn't Black, you're the victim and it's THEIR fault. Whoever THEY is.
You've listened to more Sharpton than I have. I've actually live as a black person in America not as racist white trash or as an inflicted with internalized racism asian wannabe. I don't need Sharpton to tell me what it's like to black you stupid son of a bitch and you post in every thread talking about race denigrating black people then you have the motherfucking nerve to tell me how I make everything about race.
then you have the motherfucking nerve to tell me how I make everything about race.
Read your own posts IM2. You are in complete denial of who you are, skin color rules everything in your world. That is what a Racist is. What Shelby Steele is saying is stop defining yourself by your skin color. And that's all I ever say. You are the Racist using phrases like "You're Asian Ass" and "White MotherFucker". The hate just pours out of you, you can't hide it.
then you have the motherfucking nerve to tell me how I make everything about race.
Read your own posts IM2. You are in complete denial of who you are, skin color rules everything in your world. That is what a Racist is. What Shelby Steele is saying is stop defining yourself by your skin color. And that's all I ever say. You are the Racist using phrases like "You're Asian Ass" and "White MotherFucker". The hate just pours out of you, you can't hide it.
I read my words and you're wrong. Shelby Steele is full of shit. You and others here spend your days making racist comments. In this thread YOU started, you are trying to tell blacks what to think. Why should we think like Shelby Steele if color doesn't rule your thinking? Why can't we think like Thoreau, or Locke? You don't get to make up what racism is son. Racism is the assignment of an inherent trait to all members of a race. All asians aren't asses, but DTMB is. All whites aren't motherfuckers, but you are. You have decided that shelby steele is who blacks should think like. You make that comment based on your beliefs about blacks as a whole. That's racism.

Shelby Steele is a sellout. He's a college professor paid for by right wing think tanks. But he'll tell you that colleges are full of liberals and you suck it up.
"I don't have to be black to see the cultural rot in their communities."

This is a racist comment made by DTMB. He is asian.

To Marathon man, the Asians comment was not racist even though he attributed an inherent trait to the black community. I called HIM an ass, not all Asians, and Marathon man calls that racist.
The underlying problem is believing in group-think, instead of realizing that all people think as individuals. Stereotyping. IM2 has no more obligation to adopt this Shelby Steele's ideas than I do, as a white woman, to adopt the ideas of Marjorie Taylor Greene. She does NOT represent me at all. Quite the opposite.

Race and sex are two different immutable characteristics of a human, but they work in conjunction in social discourse. Unqualified people keep trying to tell us all how we should think and act, and what our "place" is in society, according to these immutable characteristics. Absolutely no one is entitled to, or has the brains to do so.
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All Rise!

This mornings lesson.

There is a reason Blacks Don't Listen to Sellouts.

“I think one of the cruelest things a society can do is to take the best and the brightest young black Americans and basically say to them you simply cannot compete with the best and brightest of other races. We won’t allow you to do that. You can’t do it. You have to depend on our paternalism.”

Shelby Steele, Is White Guilt Destroying the Promise of Civil Rights?

When a black person makes a comment like this you must ask if they are participating in the use of crack. Steele is a man who lived his first 19 years of life during legalized Jim Crow. He went to a small mostly white college in Iowa as an undergrad. He did his doctorate at Utah. He opposes Affirmative Action today. I wonder did it ever cross his mind that maybe, just maybe, that he was admitted into any of those schools thanks to Affirmative Action? It is said when you are living in history a person is not aware of the impact because people are too busy with the day to day. Was Steele oblivious to everything that was going on around him? Did Steele miss how whites could not compete without rigging the system in their favor?

I would like those like Steele to explain to me how it is wrong to ask government to fix a problem created by government at every level? Did he miss all the group preferences whites were getting from the government before he decided that blacks were betrayed by so called group preferences mandated by the government? Whites were getting them all around him and they didn’t seem to have any problems. It has been this type of thinking that has been the problem.

The late Walter Williams was another favorite black to the white racist crowd. Besides from his work as an “educator”, William served as a guest host for Rush Limbaugh. That alone rescinds his credibility to call have considered himself a representative speaker about issues in the black community. I am sure there are black conservatives and white racists who will declare how I refuse to accept anything from blacks outside of some mystical line blacks are supposed to be toeing upon command of white liberals. That is not what I am doing. Toe or line aside, there are some realities that blacks and other non-whites face that cannot be denied. Williams denial of reality is evident in 2 articles he posted at Townhall.com, one dated Jun 13, 2018, the second dated June 27, 2018 titled “Diversity and Inclusion Harm Pt. 1 and 2”.

“In conversations with most college officials, many CEOs, many politicians and race hustlers, it's not long before the magical words "diversity" and "inclusiveness" drop from their lips. Racial minorities are the intended targets of this sociological largesse, but women are included, as well. This obsession with diversity and inclusion is in the process of leading the nation to decline in a number of areas..”

Williams was a black man who served as a professor at a private majority white university. Without a program of diversity and inclusion he probably would not have been hired for that job. Certainly, my grades or formal academic record does not compare to Williams. Yet when you read his writings and look at his situation, the man’s intelligence must be critically assessed. One thing I have learned is that in America we are blessed with great freedom, meaning you are free to be dumb. Brother Williams is not with us anymore. May he rest in peace, but the thinking he put out there during his time in this existence must be challenged and erased.

The book, "Republicans and The Black Vote" details the relationship between blacks and the Republican party from the Emancipation Proclamation until at least the 2008 election. It is an indepth study of what republicans have and have not done for black support. Chapter 4 details a strategy by conservatives to find blacks who could counter civil rights leaders.

“Conservative philanthropy-the network of right wing foundations- has had a two sided relationship with black America. On one hand, conservatives have poured millions of dollars into efforts to win over conservative Africa Americans, particularly on issues such as school vouchers, charter schools and gay marriage. On the other hand conservatives have funded think tanks and have supported black and other scholars who produce research that often takes anti-black positions.”

Michael K. Fauntroy

So what we see is that conservatives were trying to create a divide in the black community in order to nullify any additional gains via civil rights. These foundations paid blacks to produce anti black research. During Walter Williams life, he was paid at least 1.9 million in grants by various conservative organizations. Thomas Sowell is another millionaire grant recipient from various conservative foundations. Shelby Steele is another ivory tower black conservative funded by right wing foundation to research and create silly anti-black position while claiming everything that helped him rise to the place has has is somehow bad, demeaning, unfair and creates a victim mentality on black people. These blacks have done great harm to the black community. There is no sense of victimhood when you man and woman up to stand for your rightful place in any society. The black victims are those like Sowell and Steele who have chosen to adopt the beliefs about those looking like them by whites. While white right wing extremists tell these so called intellectuals that it is wrong for blacks to depend on the government, they fight for every government dollar and program there is. In many casess the letters P H and d should be respected because they are credentials that are evidence of great acquired knowledge. But sometimes it only means the waste material is Piled Higher and deeper.

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