Debate Now If Blackface Isn't Allowed Then Why Is Womanface?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
The only two rules are stay on topic and no twisting anybody's words around.

Anyways, I was reading a YouTube comment to this Officer Tatum video and they had a really good point. If putting on black makeup and impersonating a black person is considered offensive to black people, then why isn't putting on women's makeup and impersonating a woman offensive to women?

I am offended by very little stuff. I wasn't even offended about what B. Tatum was saying about women being so crazy and all over the place with their moods wings, how a lot of the times they vote, or that they are the problem in encouraging this delusional behavior and mental illness/identity crisis. (Mostly because I know that he wasn't talking about me.)

However, what I am offended with is women being mocked like this and pretending the man in the video putting on makeup is a woman. So, my questions are why is this allowed? Why isn't this being censored and people putting on black face paint at sporting events is? America has truly lost its common sense.

The only two rules are stay on topic and no twisting anybody's words around.

Anyways, I was reading a YouTube comment to this Officer Tatum video and they had a really good point. If putting on black makeup and impersonating a black person is considered offensive to black people, then why isn't putting on women's makeup and impersonating a woman offensive to women?

I am offended by very little stuff. I wasn't even offended about what B. Tatum was saying about women being so crazy and all over the place with their moods wings, how a lot of the times they vote, or that they are the problem in encouraging this delusional behavior and mental illness/identity crisis. (Mostly because I know that he wasn't talking about me.)

However, what I am offended with is women being mocked like this and pretending the man in the video putting on makeup is a woman. So, my questions are why is this allowed? Why isn't this being censored and people putting on black face paint at sporting events is? America has truly lost its common sense.

Where is it written that blackface is not allowed?
The only two rules are stay on topic and no twisting anybody's words around.

Anyways, I was reading a YouTube comment to this Officer Tatum video and they had a really good point. If putting on black makeup and impersonating a black person is considered offensive to black people, then why isn't putting on women's makeup and impersonating a woman offensive to women?

I am offended by very little stuff. I wasn't even offended about what B. Tatum was saying about women being so crazy and all over the place with their moods wings, how a lot of the times they vote, or that they are the problem in encouraging this delusional behavior and mental illness/identity crisis. (Mostly because I know that he wasn't talking about me.)

However, what I am offended with is women being mocked like this and pretending the man in the video putting on makeup is a woman. So, my questions are why is this allowed? Why isn't this being censored and people putting on black face paint at sporting events is? America has truly lost its common sense.

Who says blackface isn't allowed? Canada is currently being led by a blackface devotee.

Which one and then what was? In both situations kids were cancelled with having black paint on their faces.
There are consequences for racist actions.
The kid at the Chiefs issue was not the half blackface. It was the headdress. The headdress is something that is earned, not something bought on Amazon and used during a football game
There are consequences for racist actions.
The kid at the Chiefs issue was not the half blackface. It was the headdress. The headdress is something that is earned, not something bought on Amazon and used during a football game

What's racist about face paint at a sporting event and with the headdress, not too long ago it was seen as a gesture to honor Native Americans, not insult them, but as soon as the leftist media claimed that it was offensive that all went out the window. And liberals call us Trump supporters sheep? 🙄

If Blackface Isn't Allowed Then Why Is Womanface?​

Growing up, it was common for houses to have a little lamp statue of a small black porter out front holding a light to see up the walk. It was based on the fact that porter jobs were at one time largely taken by black folks, not as any dig against black people. It was simply a reflection of reality. But a big stink was made of them and now they are gone.

Likewise, blackface was a common thing, shown plainly on national TV shows and such or nightclubs, again, not as any particular racial dig against blacks, but merely as a parody of people for the moment intimidating or pretending they were black, much as a stage show about the old west would have people dress up as period cowboys, but not be any dig against westerners. Then the left got offended and made a big stink and called it racist, and now minstrel shows are verboten.


But the Left are hypocrites and don't accord women any such offenses nor rights. They are perfectly fine taking away your privacy and dignity, your sports and your jobs now. Just get any old dude, strap a bra on him, put him in a dress, and they are good to go.


Just don't point that out to them, leftists hate to be proven wrong.
What's racist about face paint at a sporting event and with the headdress, not too long ago it was seen as a gesture to honor Native Americans, not insult them, but as soon as the leftist media claimed that it was offensive that all went out the window. And liberals call us Trump supporters sheep? 🙄
Blackface is racist. Wearing a headdress is disrespectful. I’m a Native and I would not wear one because I haven’t earned the right to.
I would compare it to me wearing a Purple Heart knowing I haven’t earned the right to do so
Blackface is racist. Wearing a headdress is disrespectful. I’m a Native and I would not wear one because I haven’t earned the right to.
I would compare it to me wearing a Purple Heart knowing I haven’t earned the right to do so

You never answered my question about what is so racist about black paint, you keep avoiding the point that I made about what the left is constantly doing to women, and the other stuff you said is just plain utter nonsense. None of this was ever a problem until the leftist media said that it was because liberals are all about making problems up out of nothing.
You never answered my question about what is so racist about black paint, you keep avoiding the point that I made about what the left is constantly doing to women, and the other stuff you said is just plain utter nonsense. None of this was ever a problem until the leftist media said that it was because liberals are all about making problems up out of nothing.
I’m neither a liberal nor am I black. Black people think blackface is racist. If you want to go out of your way to offend an entire culture go right ahead. There will be consequences of doing so.
The only two rules are stay on topic and no twisting anybody's words around.

Anyways, I was reading a YouTube comment to this Officer Tatum video and they had a really good point. If putting on black makeup and impersonating a black person is considered offensive to black people, then why isn't putting on women's makeup and impersonating a woman offensive to women?

I am offended by very little stuff. I wasn't even offended about what B. Tatum was saying about women being so crazy and all over the place with their moods wings, how a lot of the times they vote, or that they are the problem in encouraging this delusional behavior and mental illness/identity crisis. (Mostly because I know that he wasn't talking about me.)

However, what I am offended with is women being mocked like this and pretending the man in the video putting on makeup is a woman. So, my questions are why is this allowed? Why isn't this being censored and people putting on black face paint at sporting events is? America has truly lost its common sense.

Tatum is completely right that it's liberal women encourage the trans stuff, I would take it one step further and say it's mostly liberal white women encouraging/supporting men thinking they are women.

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