If cartoons offend Muslims...doesn't Modern Family's gay family stories offend?

We are to respect Muslims being offended by cartoons.
So why aren't gay marriages in the USA, our entertainment "ABC's Modern Family" for example attacked because after all gays are to be executed in Sharia law.

Two men were hurled from the top of a tower block, two more were crucified in front of a baying crowd and a woman was stoned to death in the latest series of horrific executions by ISIS.

The men were thrown from the roof down to the crowd below in the brutal punishment for being gay.

Charges found against the accused were announced by a masked Islamic State fighter, using a small handheld radio. Reading from a list, he declares the men are guilty of engaging in homosexual activities and should be punished by death, in accordance with Islamic State’s radical interpretation of Sharia law.
ISIS execution of gay man shows the medieval brutality jihadists would bring to the West Daily Mail Online

Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of an organization who receives public or private assistance and charity to support the mentally disabled or those who suffer from severe traumatic brain injury?
What Christian wants or HAS HARMED GAYS???

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad

In March 2009, while in Kampala, Uganda, researching reports of U.S. right-wing evangelical involvement in attacks on LGBTQ equality and reproductive justice, I was invited to a three-day conference on homosexuality hosted by the Family Life Network, which is based in New York. The keynote speaker was Scott Lively from Springfield, Mass., who introduced himself as a leading expert on the "international homosexual agenda." I filmed Lively over the course of two days as he instructed religious and political leaders about how gays were coming to Uganda from the West to "recruit children into homosexuality."

Some of his assertions would have been laughable had he not been so deadly serious. He claimed that a gay clique that included Adolf Hitler was behind the Holocaust, and he insinuated that gay people fueled the Rwandan genocide.[...]

Lively was also invited to private briefings with political and religious leaders, and to address the Ugandan parliament during his 2009 visit. The next month, Ugandan lawmaker David Bahati unveiled his Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which in its original form called for the death penalty as punishment for a new crime of "aggravated homosexuality."

In recent years, millions of dollars have been funneled from anti-LGBTQ evangelical conservatives to Uganda, funding local pastors and training them to adopt and mirror the culture-war language of the U.S. Christian right. Bahati and a notorious anti-gay pastor, Martin Ssempa, were personally mentored by U.S. conservatives. And powerful Christian right organizations such as the Family Research Council lobbied Congress to change a resolution denouncing the Uganda legislation.

Not one sentence describing a "Christian harming gay".
Has there been one death from the bill that never passed?

You said "wants to". Christians in Uganda wanted to.
Yup... may want to but UNLIKE radical Muslims..no christians have resorted to violence!

Making absolute statements are dangerous. You sure you want to go there? Russia and Uganda (and the violence suffered by gays in those places) are from Christians.

I live in the United States. Here's what gay marriage looks like in the US.


I would like you to tell me exactly where Christians killed gays in Russia / Uganda.
But you have totally missed the point!
Why aren't the radical muslims offended by the MSM's overwhelming Gay agenda in news, TV programming,etc. ?
This is the point that why the same angst about this gay agenda support as we've seen the MSM attacking people like those making cartoons!
MSM et.al. are encouraging gay life style adoption... something that if radical Muslims would have their way would be killed. Facts.
How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad

In March 2009, while in Kampala, Uganda, researching reports of U.S. right-wing evangelical involvement in attacks on LGBTQ equality and reproductive justice, I was invited to a three-day conference on homosexuality hosted by the Family Life Network, which is based in New York. The keynote speaker was Scott Lively from Springfield, Mass., who introduced himself as a leading expert on the "international homosexual agenda." I filmed Lively over the course of two days as he instructed religious and political leaders about how gays were coming to Uganda from the West to "recruit children into homosexuality."

Some of his assertions would have been laughable had he not been so deadly serious. He claimed that a gay clique that included Adolf Hitler was behind the Holocaust, and he insinuated that gay people fueled the Rwandan genocide.[...]

Lively was also invited to private briefings with political and religious leaders, and to address the Ugandan parliament during his 2009 visit. The next month, Ugandan lawmaker David Bahati unveiled his Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which in its original form called for the death penalty as punishment for a new crime of "aggravated homosexuality."

In recent years, millions of dollars have been funneled from anti-LGBTQ evangelical conservatives to Uganda, funding local pastors and training them to adopt and mirror the culture-war language of the U.S. Christian right. Bahati and a notorious anti-gay pastor, Martin Ssempa, were personally mentored by U.S. conservatives. And powerful Christian right organizations such as the Family Research Council lobbied Congress to change a resolution denouncing the Uganda legislation.

Not one sentence describing a "Christian harming gay".
Has there been one death from the bill that never passed?

You said "wants to". Christians in Uganda wanted to.
Yup... may want to but UNLIKE radical Muslims..no christians have resorted to violence!

Making absolute statements are dangerous. You sure you want to go there? Russia and Uganda (and the violence suffered by gays in those places) are from Christians.

I live in the United States. Here's what gay marriage looks like in the US.


I would like you to tell me exactly where Christians killed gays in Russia / Uganda.
But you have totally missed the point!
Why aren't the radical muslims offended by the MSM's overwhelming Gay agenda in news, TV programming,etc. ?
This is the point that why the same angst about this gay agenda support as we've seen the MSM attacking people like those making cartoons!
MSM et.al. are encouraging gay life style adoption... something that if radical Muslims would have their way would be killed. Facts.

The answer to your question is...

The moon is made of cheese and you are a moron.
We are to respect Muslims being offended by cartoons.
So why aren't gay marriages in the USA, our entertainment "ABC's Modern Family" for example attacked because after all gays are to be executed in Sharia law.

Two men were hurled from the top of a tower block, two more were crucified in front of a baying crowd and a woman was stoned to death in the latest series of horrific executions by ISIS.

The men were thrown from the roof down to the crowd below in the brutal punishment for being gay.

Charges found against the accused were announced by a masked Islamic State fighter, using a small handheld radio. Reading from a list, he declares the men are guilty of engaging in homosexual activities and should be punished by death, in accordance with Islamic State’s radical interpretation of Sharia law.
ISIS execution of gay man shows the medieval brutality jihadists would bring to the West Daily Mail Online

Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of an organization who receives public or private assistance and charity to support the mentally disabled or those who suffer from severe traumatic brain injury?

And are you so brainwashed you don't have any critical thinking?
The point of this thread was to expose to LIPs like you the lack of angst against our society's outright support for activities that the Muslims find worthy of death!
Where is the concern for all that activity the gay tv shows, the gay political agenda... why aren't people like you concerned about offending Muslims as you are concerned
about a simple cartoon?
Don't you see the hypocrisy here? Both gay/cartoons are condemned by Muslims. So why are we promoting an activity i.e. gay behavior yet at the same time get
all bent out of shape over a simple cartoon?
People like you are good examples of a brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally....i.e....Schizophrenia!
Insulting the Prophet versus Bugs Bunny? Gee, I wonder which bothers the Muslims more? How will we ever be able to discover such a thing? It's a mystery that's fir sure.

Morons here, Total Fucking Morons.
And are you so brainwashed you don't have any critical thinking?
The point of this thread was to expose to LIPs like you the lack of angst against our society's outright support for activities that the Muslims find worthy of death!

You're confusing "critical thinking" with "critically obtuse thinking." :lol: You know, if you'd stop being such a loser and would go out and get laid a good twice a year, you'd be alot less stressed and bent out of shape over nothing.
We are to respect Muslims being offended by cartoons.
So why aren't gay marriages in the USA, our entertainment "ABC's Modern Family" for example attacked because after all gays are to be executed in Sharia law.

Two men were hurled from the top of a tower block, two more were crucified in front of a baying crowd and a woman was stoned to death in the latest series of horrific executions by ISIS.

The men were thrown from the roof down to the crowd below in the brutal punishment for being gay.

Charges found against the accused were announced by a masked Islamic State fighter, using a small handheld radio. Reading from a list, he declares the men are guilty of engaging in homosexual activities and should be punished by death, in accordance with Islamic State’s radical interpretation of Sharia law.
ISIS execution of gay man shows the medieval brutality jihadists would bring to the West Daily Mail Online

It's not cartoons.
Cartoons are fine with them.
It's about their prophet who is not to be made in any images.
No drawings, no Statues
It does not say that in the Quran . They just made it up.

And Muslim bakeries won't make cakes for gay weddings either yet the media is silent.
And are you so brainwashed you don't have any critical thinking?
The point of this thread was to expose to LIPs like you the lack of angst against our society's outright support for activities that the Muslims find worthy of death!

You're confusing "critical thinking" with "critically obtuse thinking." :lol: You know, if you'd stop being such a loser and would go out and get laid a good twice a year, you'd be alot less stressed and bent out of shape over nothing.

There is no such think as "critical obtuse thinking"...except in your brain which is missing the prefrontal cortex...the site for potential to consider and voluntarily control our thinking, emotional responses, and behavior.
We are to respect Muslims being offended by cartoons.
So why aren't gay marriages in the USA, our entertainment "ABC's Modern Family" for example attacked because after all gays are to be executed in Sharia law.

Two men were hurled from the top of a tower block, two more were crucified in front of a baying crowd and a woman was stoned to death in the latest series of horrific executions by ISIS.

The men were thrown from the roof down to the crowd below in the brutal punishment for being gay.

Charges found against the accused were announced by a masked Islamic State fighter, using a small handheld radio. Reading from a list, he declares the men are guilty of engaging in homosexual activities and should be punished by death, in accordance with Islamic State’s radical interpretation of Sharia law.
ISIS execution of gay man shows the medieval brutality jihadists would bring to the West Daily Mail Online

It's not cartoons.
Cartoons are fine with them.
It's about their prophet who is not to be made in any images.
No drawings, no Statues

I thought religious beliefs trumped all other rights, constitutionally.

You want Christians to be able to harm gays, why not Muslims being able to harm cartoon makers?
Dumb f...k! What Christian wants or HAS HARMED GAYS??? YOU LIP!
Cartoons causing beheadings? How uncivilized people like you must be!
Jews are more civilized, they only put people into debt and prison for publishing cartoons on the truth about Jew lies

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad

In March 2009, while in Kampala, Uganda, researching reports of U.S. right-wing evangelical involvement in attacks on LGBTQ equality and reproductive justice, I was invited to a three-day conference on homosexuality hosted by the Family Life Network, which is based in New York. The keynote speaker was Scott Lively from Springfield, Mass., who introduced himself as a leading expert on the "international homosexual agenda." I filmed Lively over the course of two days as he instructed religious and political leaders about how gays were coming to Uganda from the West to "recruit children into homosexuality."

Some of his assertions would have been laughable had he not been so deadly serious. He claimed that a gay clique that included Adolf Hitler was behind the Holocaust, and he insinuated that gay people fueled the Rwandan genocide.[...]

Lively was also invited to private briefings with political and religious leaders, and to address the Ugandan parliament during his 2009 visit. The next month, Ugandan lawmaker David Bahati unveiled his Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which in its original form called for the death penalty as punishment for a new crime of "aggravated homosexuality."

In recent years, millions of dollars have been funneled from anti-LGBTQ evangelical conservatives to Uganda, funding local pastors and training them to adopt and mirror the culture-war language of the U.S. Christian right. Bahati and a notorious anti-gay pastor, Martin Ssempa, were personally mentored by U.S. conservatives. And powerful Christian right organizations such as the Family Research Council lobbied Congress to change a resolution denouncing the Uganda legislation.

Not one sentence describing a "Christian harming gay".
Has there been one death from the bill that never passed?

You said "wants to". Christians in Uganda wanted to.
Yup... may want to but UNLIKE radical Muslims..no christians have resorted to violence!

Making absolute statements are dangerous. You sure you want to go there? Russia and Uganda (and the violence suffered by gays in those places) are from Christians.

I live in the United States. Here's what gay marriage looks like in the US.


I would like you to tell me exactly where Christians killed gays in Russia / Uganda.
But you have totally missed the point!
Why aren't the radical muslims offended by the MSM's overwhelming Gay agenda in news, TV programming,etc. ?
This is the point that why the same angst about this gay agenda support as we've seen the MSM attacking people like those making cartoons!
MSM et.al. are encouraging gay life style adoption... something that if radical Muslims would have their way would be killed. Facts.

The Russian Orthodox Church is adamantly anti-gay.

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