If Democrats really wanted to help blacks improve would they offer ‘sanctuary’ to Mexico’s finest?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
What ‘group(s)’ are illegals the biggest threat to?
They aren’t exactly a threat to evil educated whitey, or Asians, or even middle eastern folks....they are a detriment to blacks and legal Mexicans.....and THATS IT...right?
Are they really “looking out” for blacks by encouraging an invasion from our south?
You know it must be frustrating for African Americans in the inner city to watch their city turn Spanish Language and watch the minimum wage jobs taken away from their kids.....I heard a poll done where 70% of Blacks in Los Angeles want the wall built....and I believe it....some inner city fast food places and food stores will not hire you if you don't speak Spanish because you won't be able to take instructions....its unreal....
You know it must be frustrating for African Americans in the inner city to watch their city turn Spanish Language and watch the minimum wage jobs taken away from their kids.....I heard a poll done where 70% of Blacks in Los Angeles want the wall built....and I believe it....some inner city fast food places and food stores will not hire you if you don't speak Spanish because you won't be able to take instructions....its unreal....

But, but, but...Democrats swear they want to improve the quality of life for blacks...Can they do that by flooding our nation with thirdworlders from our south?
How many brown folks do blacks have to wait in line behind at social service offices, in emergency rooms, in public schools and in the job market...how many neighborhoods will blacks be flushed from by brown people?
You know it must be frustrating for African Americans in the inner city to watch their city turn Spanish Language and watch the minimum wage jobs taken away from their kids.....I heard a poll done where 70% of Blacks in Los Angeles want the wall built....and I believe it....some inner city fast food places and food stores will not hire you if you don't speak Spanish because you won't be able to take instructions....its unreal....

I wonder if blacks even recognize how the Democrat Party has manifested and fostered the dynamic of illegal Hispanics displacing Blacks?
Compton, a long known predominantly Black city has been completely taken over by illegals as they have driven up rent values and flushed out blacks.
Here in Southern Mexifornia we never see Blacks working the jobs they used to....No blacks work for landscaping companies, for waste management firms, for the restaurant and hospitality industries...Democrat policy here has crushed the Black way of life. Are Blacks aware of this?
IM2 Asclepias MarcATL

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