If financial cliff talks fail....Republicans get the blaim

Poll: GOP to get more blame than Obama if fiscal cliff talks fail – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

A CNN/ORC International survey released last week indicated more Americans would blame the GOP in Congress (45%) rather than Obama (34%) if the fiscal cliff provisions actually go into effect next year.

Among independent voters, 52% would blame Republicans and 21% would point fingers at the president.

yes, they will.

on the other hand, they can then vote for taxes to be dropped for the middle class and go back to their districts and say they never voted to raise taxes on anyone.

then they won't be primaried by gover and his buddies ... which is what they're desperately afraid of.
I say give Obama whatever he wants.. watch it disintegrate and hilarity will ensue while Obama and the Dem's blame republicans for giving them exactly whet they wanted and the Obamabots lap it all up like the brain-dead lemmings they are.

Great theater.

It will still be the republicans fault, like it was George H.W. Bush's fault when he was manipulated into raising taxes. Like the housing bubble was republican's fault when the democrats engineered the crash.

Republicans should not rubber stamp anything. Just walk away. Vote present. Concentrate on strengthening republican states and let the democrats dismantle the economy.
What's Obama plan today, $3 Trillion in "revenues", $5 Trillion in new spending and a federal holiday a month?


So why pretend to negotiate?

Because republican politicians just don't get it. They still think that democrats are interested in fiscal stability. Anything is worth a try. It's time to give it up.

IF we go off the fiscal cliff, obama will introduce piecemeal legislation for targeted tax cuts ending up with the exact same result as if all his proposals had been passed. This was an extremely clever use of brinksmanship. obama has checkmated the nation.
Yup. We'll get the tax hikes and the spending cuts will be "somewhere down the road."

Dems have pulled that on Reagan and Bush I. They got what they wanted and the tax cuts, well, they just never happened. Guess that "somewhere down the road" never materialized.

I'm all for giving them what they want. Let them raise taxes in this sluggish economy. I'm sure it will take off like a rocket.

Then the Reps can say. Hey America. You voted this guy and his dimwitts in. Live with it. Sorry bout your luck.
Let them have anything they want.

Then sit back and watch people try to blame the disaster on the Republicans anyway.
Well, when the entire television media with only one exception is overwhelmingly positive toward Obama - it should be no surprise.
Republicans gave him a proposal, Obama rejected it. Now its his turn. Democrats helped pass the fiscal cliff by the way. Everybody gets to own that one.
Republicans gave him a proposal, Obama rejected it. Now its his turn. Democrats helped pass the fiscal cliff by the way. Everybody gets to own that one.

But with a hyperpartisan media, who seems complacent to tell "stories" instead of report facts, the republicans will get blamed. Bush got blamed for everything for eight years (on a lot of it, rightly so). Obama has spent four years without taking a single piece of any responsibility. Not one little bit.

So people will blame republicans overall. Even as neither of these two sides proposals are worth the salary paid to draw them up.
The Democrats/Obama are determined to lead the country over the cliff and to failure, I say let them, lets just get this over with and start again..
well, we weren't exactly expecting Democrats to take responsibilty for their actions.
That's what it's all about with these simple fuckers, "it's their fault!!!" never mind that the country going in the shitter.

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