If It's Christie VS Paul 2016,Bye Bye Liberals Forever.,GOP Wins Regardless


The Sniper Kitten
Aug 8, 2013
:eusa_boohoo:Christie running as a Democrat is our only sure hope. And if he can knock off Hillary early, The GOP has nothing to worry about. If Chris wins, he needs to choose someone in the ranks of either Scott Walker or Mike Pence to be his running mate. (That will be a slap in the face to the left). If Paul wins, he will have a list of about 12 excellent candidates to choose from.
It's a win win situation. Now we get even with "U-No-Who" for running as a moderate, and decided to go hard left!
This is the best thread I've ever seen! It's fucking beautiful!!!

Way to go Richard!!!

god, and how will PMS-NBC moderate the debates? who's side will they be on with two republicans running for President?
Christie is not going to run as a democrat. That's silly. I doubt Christie will run at all. If any one comes out of a rock to challenge Hillary it will be Eric Holder.
and who can't wait for the moment when Chris Christie confronts Hillary in the final debates, and in one of them he asks her, how could you have just stood there, watching our embassy under attack, and had to contemplate on whether our Embassador and 3 other Americans should live or die?
Anybody vs. Hillary or Biden is a sure victory for the GOP and the desperate left knows it. Who else would the dems run? Al Sharpton?
Anybody vs. Hillary or Biden is a sure victory for the GOP and the desperate left knows it. Who else would the dems run? Al Sharpton?

They will choose a clean articulate black man who will promise free gov't cheese to inner city Negroes. Deval Patrick or Cory Booker.
Anybody vs. Hillary or Biden is a sure victory for the GOP and the desperate left knows it. Who else would the dems run? Al Sharpton?

They will choose a clean articulate black man who will promise free gov't cheese to inner city Negroes. Deval Patrick or Cory Booker.


Omg... it's funny because you probably actually think that :lol:

Which part? Doesnt matter because that is exactly how it will turn out.
If It's Christie VS Paul 2016,Bye Bye Liberals Forever.,GOP Wins Regardless

and if it is Christie VS Paul in the Republican primaries, Bye Bye Wingnuts Forever., and the Republican Party Irregardless ....
so when Hillary runs for President, will she be bloating/bragging to her rallies of 3-5000 people of all of her outstanding/nobel prize winning accomplishments of the last five years?

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