Zone1 If Jesus Was A Jew

nope. Why?
You are trying to pass yourself off as a rational thinker. Thats why.
that's fanciful. Oh, and irrelevant.
Not really. Its actually simple logical deduction. Seriously, the talking serpent was condemned as the lowest of all lowlifes which is about a despicable human archetype who coincidentally is on the forbidden menu. And swine that do not ruminate has direct and specific human implications.

What do "the wild beasts of the field" represent to you if not barbaric tribes of lawless people?

And why would this theme not apply to the laws of ritual slaughter? This is just as absurd as believing the crucifixion of Jesus removed sins as if a ritual celebrating his death can nullify the laws of individual cause and effect. Ridiculous. What about the prophets citing individual responsibility? Killing a goat renders that null and void? Is that what you are trying to peddle here?

so no one built the temple. Got it.
I heard the temple was built and destroyed twice. Can't take a hint? Didn't Moses say you would turn aside from the way he taught to follow the law and be corrupted by the work of your hands?

What did he mean if not building a fancy schmancy house for God [sic] as if he was homeless?
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you do know that you are using the word "ironically" inaccurately. The material was written down because of a fear of loss. But because it was given and transmitted orally until that point, it has the title of "Oral Law".

Here are some other unwritten rules written down

Once committed to paper they become 'holy writ'. Have the Jews incorporated the once-oral-now-written laws into the Bible? And why weren't these hidden laws revealed to all of Israel, not just to the Jews? And if the laws penned by Moses are clearly understandable to most everyone why do the Jews need special schooling about them?
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Not really. Its actually simple logical deduction. Seriously, the talking serpent was condemned as the lowest of all lowlifes which is about a despicable human archetype who coincidentally is on the forbidden menu.
why invent this notion of "archetype"?
What do "the wild beasts of the field" represent to you if not barbaric tribes of lawless people?
who says they represent anything? They are a classification of animal.
And why would this theme not apply to the laws of ritual slaughter?
what "theme"?
Its just as absurd as believing that Jesus died removes sins as if a ritual can nullify the laws of individual cause and effect?
what are you talking about? What "cause and effect"? Ritual slaughter is about eating hamburgers.
I heard the temple was built and destroyed twice. Can't take a hint?
What hint? God commanded us to build it, so we did, and there were many years of peace and prosperity. But then we sinned, so the temples were destroyed. The hint we take is "stop sinning."
Didn't Moses say you would turn aside from the way he taught to follow the law and be corrupted by the work of your hands?
and we would be punished for sinfulness. So?
What did he mean if not building a fancy scmancy house for God [sic] as if he was homeless?
he referred to the whole host of laws we follow. He, himself, built the tabernacle in the desert, so claiming no one can build a place for God is wrong. And God commanded the building if the temple, but you fault people for following God's command?
Once committed to paper they become 'holy writ'. Have the Jews incorporated the once-oral-now-written laws into the Bible? And why weren't these hidden laws revealed to all of Israel?
that's your position. Judaism doesn't agree, but clearly, you know better...
You do know that the Oral Torah has been (ironically) written down. Not ironically written but it is ironic that the 'oral' Torah is now Jewish written literature.
Yes, it was captured in writing so as not to be lost, but the Oral Torah is considered part of the Torah - just not the 5 Books of Moses.
Once committed to paper they become 'holy writ'. Have the Jews incorporated the once-oral-now-written laws into the Bible? And why weren't these hidden laws revealed to all of Israel, not just to the Jews? And if the laws penned by Moses are clearly understandable to most everyone why do the Jews need special schooling about them?
Because the Law doesn’t apply to non-Jews. Gd chose the Jews, specifically, to follow the Law. That’s what “the chosen people” refer to.
Because the Law doesn’t apply to non-Jews. Gd chose the Jews, specifically, to follow the Law. That’s what “the chosen people” refer to.

moses was a liar from the beginning to the end same for abraham and all those who have decieved heavenly personifications that never existed including those who use those lies for their own personal gain. 558.

the 1st century events were the heavenly repudiation of judaism its radical religion of degenerative servitude and denial - for the heavenly goals set through liberation theology, self determination as the correct path to the everlasting.
Because the Law doesn’t apply to non-Jews. Gd chose the Jews, specifically, to follow the Law. That’s what “the chosen people” refer to.
God has chosen two peoples.
The Jews to follow the OT laws.
The Church to follow the NT laws.

The foundational people called into the church are the other Israelites.
God has chosen two peoples.
The Jews to follow the OT laws.
The Church to follow the NT laws.

The foundational people called into the church are the other Israelites.

not a syllable from either of you is true ... there is no god that has spoken to anyone mythical or monotheist ever in a concerted manner as described.

what's stopping them from a 1000 years ago putting on video for everyone to know what was said than privately were there any laws or commandments from the heaves or anytime in history a monolith from the heavens etched by them for all to see.

than made and destroyed never to be read by anyone - the liar and heretic moses.
Are you saying that Verden didn't happen?

I do not have any light idea about what could be "Verden". ... Got it. The name was used in the "Reichsanalen" of the Frankonians had been "Ferdun" what sounds more French like "Verdun" for example.

The whole sentence seems to be „usque ad quattuor milia D traditi et super Alaram fluvium in loco, qui Ferdun vocatur, iussu regis omnes una die decollati sunt.“ A German translation is „bis zu viertausend wurden ausgeliefert, und alle wurden an einem Tag auf Befehl des Königs am Fluss Aller an einem Ort namens Verden enthauptet.“ English translation of this German translation is “up to four thousand were handed over, and all of them were beheaded in one day by order of the king on the River Aller at a place called Verden.”

"decollati" means "to decollate sth.". In German could this also mean"separate".
So another possible Germans translation could perhaps also be: „bis zu viertausend wurden ausgeliefert, und alle wurden noch am gleichen Tag auf Befehl des Königs am Fluss Aller an einem Ort namens Verden separiert.“ - “up to four thousand were handed over, and all were separated on the same day by order of the king at the river Aller at a place called Verden.”

And in general had been written the "Reichsanalen" from the Frankonians. Whatever they wrote has to have not really something to do with reality. They liked just simple to show that they are tough and their enemies never will have any chance.

Other examples: Somwhere is for example written that Sarazens murdered 11,000 women. Indeed it had only been 11. Or crusaders wrote they were up to their ankles in the blood of their enemies. Who calculates the size of the place and the number of enemies knows immediatelly that this is totally impossible.

When Charlesmagne for example conquered Bavaria (an area in the South including Austria) the duke of Bavaria saw not any chance to win so he abdicated and he and his family went into retirement in monasteries. No drop of blood was wasted. The Bavarians were related to the Frankonians anyway.
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We have gone over this before. If I recall Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this age." Until then animals can be slaughtered and eaten.

You're either intentionally or unintentionally butchering that verse.

First of all, if you're talking about John 18:36, what Jesus actually said was "My kingdom is not of this world" - which obviously is true, but here's where you're getting things all wrong...

Just because Jesus' Kingdom has not yet come (in a physical, literal way) to this earth doesn't mean that we're supposed to throw our hands up in the air and say "It's not time yet for God's Kingdom so I'm going to do whatever the hell I want!"

No. Jesus teaches the exact opposite of that! :)

Here's an important and pertinent scripture that completely contradicts your world-focused perspective. The bold and underline is mine, because you keep missing it.

Jesus taught us to pray for the following:

"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
- Matthew 6:10​

That verse teaches us to have an eternal (as opposed to worldly) perspective. And it means He wants us to manifest God's Kingdom in our lives and in this world. Not put it off til later while living just like this fallen world lives. Did you forget the parable of the Ten Virgins? It clearly teaches being READY for God's Kingdom, as opposed to being unprepared like the foolish virgins in that parable.

2Peter 2
But these, as natural brute beasts, (which are) made to be taken and destroyed (slaughtered and eaten), speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

I'm not going to go through all your misused, handpicked verses that have nothing to do with the point.

The point of my previous post - that you completely missed - stands. It is not God's perfect will. And it's unnecessary. If it WAS necessary, then you would have a point. But it's not.

And since it's off topic, I'm not going to go round in circles with you again, since as I just mentioned, we have been over this many times before. But I had to reply to your misuse of John 18:36 and your complete opposition to what Jesus taught us in the Lord's prayer - to want God's will to be done and Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.
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It exists indeed a place called "Verden an der Aller" - but the people who live there call Verden "Veern" - what in German more sounds like "Wien" when Austrians speak out the name of Wien "Wean". And whether "Alaram" is really "Aller" I'm also not sure. Perhaps it could be somehow that is has something to do with the French expression "Alarm" (=to the weapons) only on poetic reasons ... No idea what the authors of this sentence really thought about and what they really had been told when they wrote it down.

By the way: What is your problem if Charlesmagne really gave the order to execute 4000 Saxons about 1200-1300 years ago - what was perhaps seen to be a totally normal punishment in this time of history? Do you know for example how many millions the USA murdered? In the Korea war for example had been killed about 40,000 US-American soldiers. It died about 500,000 Korean and 400,000 Chinese soldiers - and 2.5 million Korean civilists and 1 million Chinese civilists.
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