Zone1 Why dont Jews believe Jesus is their messiah?

you've been reading the islamo nazi literature. I know it well--
Are you also familiar with the site in my replies to theHawk ?

Are you also familiar with the site in my replies to theHawk ?

no---I did not access it----
Are you also familiar with the site in my replies to theHawk ?

silly site
The Messianic age never came.
Christians like to say that he will do it in his return, but the messiah is supposed to human. Humans dont die, come back to life then ascend into the sky. Nor do they descend from the sky thousands of years later.
The tanach teaches that all prophecies must be filled before one is the messiah. Such as being in the tribe of judah. Jesus didnt have a human father, so how could that work? No temple. No worldwide peace. No universal knowledge of god.
Jesus supposedly did miraculous things according to the bible, but not one thing he did is recognized by the NoI for being the messiah.
So how was he the messiah? Did the jews get their own prophecies wrong?
The Messianic Age did come, and included many self-proclaimed messiahs, from Theudas and Judas the Galilean (mentioned in Acts 5:36-37) to Bar-Jesus (Acts 13:6-12) to Simon bar Kokhba, whose rebellion against Rome resulted in the evaporation of every remaining vestige of Jewish presence in Judea. According to Josephus, the Jewish Zealots suborned many false prophets to rally the Jews against Rome (Wars 6.5.2).

The Jews got quite a bit wrong. They were idolatrous, adulterous, genocidal, and all-around wayward and wicked, as they described themselves. Who's to say that they didn't caricature God or that their expectations of what messiah ought to be wasn't erroneous? (Although Christ did ultimately come as a warrior-like anointed one, as the converted Jews believed, but that may be another discussion.)
Acts 10:9-29

While talking with him, Peter went inside and found a large gathering of people. 28 He said to them: “You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile. But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean. 29 So when I was sent for, I came without raising any objection.

So, where's the citation showing that first-century church leaders were vegan?
Jewish people continued their faith of the Law and Prophets
No they didn’t.

Do they follow any of the laws laid out in the Torah?

Are they doing animal sacrifices? Stoning homosexuals to death? Have they had any prophets in the last 2000 years?

They totally reinvented their religion after the temple was destroyed and they had a few false messiahs in response to their big oopsie with Jesus.

These modern day Rabbinic Jews have nothing in common with the Jews of 2000+ years ago.

When you confront them with the many passages in the Tanakh that show God talking in person with one of the early prophets, while also referring to “the Lord” in the third person, they do their Talmud tap dance and deny the text says what it says.
No they didn’t.

Do they follow any of the laws laid out in the Torah?

Are they doing animal sacrifices? Stoning homosexuals to death? Have they had any prophets in the last 2000 years?

They totally reinvented their religion after the temple was destroyed and they had a few false messiahs in response to their big oopsie with Jesus.

These modern day Rabbinic Jews have nothing in common with the Jews of 2000+ years ago.

When you confront them with the many passages in the Tanakh that show God talking in person with one of the early prophets, while also referring to “the Lord” in the third person, they do their Talmud tap dance and deny the text says what it says.
^^^^ bullshit-----gas up your Ouija board
The Messianic age never came.
Christians like to say that he will do it in his return, but the messiah is supposed to human. Humans dont die, come back to life then ascend into the sky. Nor do they descend from the sky thousands of years later.
The tanach teaches that all prophecies must be filled before one is the messiah. Such as being in the tribe of judah. Jesus didnt have a human father, so how could that work? No temple. No worldwide peace. No universal knowledge of god.
Jesus supposedly did miraculous things according to the bible, but not one thing he did is recognized by the NoI for being the messiah.
So how was he the messiah? Did the jews get their own prophecies wrong?
Jews who do not believe there is a New Testament Covenant between man and God........have had their minds eye blinded as punishment from God, only a Remanent loyal to the first covenant (THE LAW and PROPHETS) would be saved. The prophets predicted a the New Testament Covenant because the majority of the Jews were not obeying God even though He was as a Husband onto them (Jer. 31:31-34) When the chance for salvation is spread all over the gentile world.......then and only then will the vale be lifted from their minds. And all the Jews will then have the chance to be grafted back into the original vine of heritage. Read the entire 11th chapter of Romans.

Re: 2 Cor. 3:14, Romans 11:25, John 12:40
you use Constantine's book like a OUIJA board
Is that how you use the Tanakh? Like a OUIJA board?

I don’t doubt it. I already stated that so-called “Jews” of today skip the text they don’t like. Thanks for proving it.
Is that how you use the Tanakh? Like a OUIJA board?

I don’t doubt it. I already stated that so-called “Jews” of today skip the text they don’t like. Thanks for proving it.
Wrong again. The TANACH is a scriptural writing. It does not
PREDICT the future like the Oracle at Delphi. The NT is a manual for the cult of Constantine---it is a propaganda device for the unholy
Roman Empire
Wrong again. The TANACH is a scriptural writing. It does not
PREDICT the future like the Oracle at Delphi. The NT is a manual for the cult of Constantine---it is a propaganda device for the unholy
Roman Empire
You’re right, it doesn’t tell us “predictions” like a weather forecaster. It tells us what WILL happen.

The Roman Empire was conquered by Christianity. Weird how you Jews would prefer the old Roman Empire that subjugated the Jews and destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple. Anything but Christians, eh? Was it because the good old pagan Romans were easier to manipulate? Pay them a few shekels and they’d keep persecuting Christians on behalf of the “Jews”.

To this day Jews prefer anyone over Catholics. They support Muslims, atheists, LGBTQ, trannies, fake Christians, ANYTHING but a real Christian.
Jews who do not believe there is a New Testament Covenant between man and God........have had their minds eye blinded as punishment from God, only a Remanent loyal to the first covenant (THE LAW and PROPHETS) would be saved. The prophets predicted a the New Testament Covenant because the majority of the Jews were not obeying God even though He was as a Husband onto them (Jer. 31:31-34) When the chance for salvation is spread all over the gentile world.......then and only then will the vale be lifted from their minds. And all the Jews will then have the chance to be grafted back into the original vine of heritage. Read the entire 11th chapter of Romans.

Re: 2 Cor. 3:14, Romans 11:25, John 12:40
^^^^ bullshit
You’re right, it doesn’t tell us “predictions” like a weather forecaster. It tells us what WILL happen.

The Roman Empire was conquered by Christianity. Weird how you Jews would prefer the old Roman Empire that subjugated the Jews and destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple. Anything but Christians, eh? Was it because the good old pagan Romans were easier to manipulate? Pay them a few shekels and they’d keep persecuting Christians on behalf of the “Jews”.

To this day Jews prefer anyone over Catholics. They support Muslims, atheists, LGBTQ, trannies, fake Christians, ANYTHING but a real Christian.
the Roman Empire was not conquered by Christianity---it
INCORPORATED Christianity. Weird how you believe that Jews
prefer the pre-christian Roman Empire to the Christian Roman
Empire. The two are the same----both enjoyed killing jews. As
to the Christian Roman Empire---from its outset it was as genocidal
to Jews as was the Pre-Constantine regime---and continued so from the first to the second and thru the third REICHS. Your "catholics
are persecuted" complex is true----Protestants hate your guts
The two are the same----both enjoyed killing jews. As
to the Christian Roman Empire
Nope. The Christian Roman Empire converted Jews to Christians, thus saving their eternal souls and preventing them from suffering an eternity in hell. But you’d prefer all Jews go to hell….that’s weird.
Nope. The Christian Roman Empire converted Jews to Christians, thus saving their eternal souls and preventing them from suffering an eternity in hell. But you’d prefer all Jews go to hell….that’s weird.
well----they tried----the descendants of those who escaped the
genocidal maniacs of the Inquisition are still popping out now and then. A few million escapees are still speaking hebraized Spanish
Your "catholics
are persecuted" complex is true----Protestants hate your guts
So you admit Catholics have been persecuted by Protestants, because they hate Catholics for staying true to God and the Bible.

Thanks for showing your hand, again. You prefer Bible perverts like Protestants that fly LGBtQ flags, supporting sodomy that your Tanach clearly calls an abomination. Yet “Israel” supports Pride parades just like Protestants. Two peas in a pod.
So you admit Catholics have been persecuted by Protestants, because they hate Catholics for staying true to God and the Bible.

Thanks for showing your hand, again. You prefer Bible perverts like Protestants that fly LGBtQ flags, supporting sodomy that your Tanach clearly calls an abomination. Yet “Israel” supports Pride parades just like Protestants. Two peas in a pod.
oh---knocking the Protestants----this is fun----reminds me of the playgrounds of my childhood----are the monasteries still burying
the products of nun/monk dalliances in the potato garden?
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