If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

No it doesn't need to be re-done. Snafus happen every election and they have contingencies incase they do. You aren't getting a re-do and you're not getting the results over-turned. Instead what you're going to do is fuck around and find out that if Republican leaning districts refuse to certify their elections then other Republican candidates might find their races in trouble having been denied a chunk of Republican leaning votes.

Rural Arizona county delays certifying midterm results as election disputes persist

The state's election director Kori Lorick has confirmed in writing that the voting machines had been tested and certified -- a point Hobbs reiterated in Monday's lawsuit. She is asking the court to force the board to certify the results by Thursday.

An initial deadline of December 5 had been set for statewide certification. In the lawsuit, Hobbs' lawyers said state law does allow for a slight delay if her office has not received a county's results, but not past December 8 -- or 30 days after the election.

"Absent this Court's intervention, the Secretary will have no choice but to complete statewide canvass by December 8 without Cochise County's votes included," her lawyers added.

If votes from this Republican stronghold somehow went uncounted, it could flip two races to Democrats: the contest for state superintendent and a congressional race in which Republican Juan Ciscomani already has been projected as the winner by CNN and other outlets.
This isnt just some "snafu". :cuckoo:
This isnt just some "snafu". :cuckoo:
Low toner isn't exactly a conspiracy. It was corrected and before it was they had the option of depositing their ballots into a box that would be later hand counted or they could travel to another precinct. Big fucking whoop.
People LOVE Kari Lake. Hobbs is the lunatic. They put a gag on that bitch because, they knew that she would lose all debates.
Lunatics love Kari Lake. If you had a normal candidate, this wouldn’t be such a big deal. Instead you have a crazy election because you mainstreamed fringe conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Don’t be a child.
its not childish to state facts, its childish to lie about what really happened. How do you explain that every delayed election has gone to the dem candidate? every fricken one including senile Biden and brainless Fetterman. Delay the final announcement until enough fake votes can be put into the system. we all know that is what happened, even you dems know it but for some insane reason you think its ok.
How do you explain that every delayed election has gone to the dem candidate?
It hasn’t. It’s just that the only Republicans complain about “delayed” elections and they never complain about the elections they win.

There are no fake votes. That is fabricated. It’s not a “fact”.
you are very confused or deluded by the lying media. Neither lost, both elections were stolen and that act (stealing an election) is the beginning of the end of the USA, and you fricken libs are happy about it. you are stupidity on display, liberalism is a mental disease.
But you're the one in deep denial.
That is obviously false. We lost MANY elections and you didnt hear a peep from us. This Arizona thing is a much different situation. There are left wing news papers who also claim the same thing we are saying. The race is too close and too many things went wrong there. It needs to be redone.
You won't have a country anymore if you don't win back Kari's stolen election!

You will also be betraying your god by not standing up for what is so obviously a stolen election from one of the purest Americans.

And other stuff too!!
You won't have a country anymore if you don't win back Kari's stolen election!

You will also be betraying your god by not standing up for what is so obviously a stolen election from one of the purest Americans.

And other stuff too!!
How are these cowards going to stand up against the jack booted thugs of the federal government?
How are these cowards going to stand up against the jack booted thugs of the federal government?
If Trump stands up for Kari and enough people stand up for Trump, the federal government can be intimidated and made to drop all legal actions against Trump.

Trump's popularity or lack of, will dictate America's future.

Trying to get a fair deal at the ballot boxes will only result in more of the same that happened in the last election.

The Demonrats are depending on elections and everybody knows that by now.

Kari is the test case that is critical to keeping your country! It's up to Trump to rally the troops for her now!

Would you like to hear my opinion as a Canadian on the situation that has developed, as opposed to my predictions?

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