If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

Oh, I know for a fact you tards are proud of your retardation. You revel in it. It really is a badge of honor to be that stupid.

You don't have to tell me!

Now if you will excuse me, it's my turn on the Jewish space laser.
Tell me though smart guy.

What makes me "stupid"?
The voters were clear this November: they’re tired of Republican lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating,’ they’re tired of rightwing lies about ‘stolen elections,’ and they’re tired of Republican election deniers – hence the 2022 GOP midterm disaster.
Because you say so? What about that pesky truth?
This is a lie.

The election wasn’t ‘stolen.’

Lake lost a fair, accurate, and legal election.

We won’t have a country anymore if conservatives continue their war on democracy, if conservatives continue to propagate lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating,’ and if conservatives continue to hobble the political process.
Nobody has even lost yet, have they, much less had anything stolen, right? I thought the certification dates were for Nov 28th and then Dec 5th. Until then, it is just the new services.
This is a lie.

The election wasn’t ‘stolen.’

Lake lost a fair, accurate, and legal election.

We won’t have a country anymore if conservatives continue their war on democracy, if conservatives continue to propagate lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating,’ and if conservatives continue to hobble the political process.

Most of the machines weren't certified you ignorant lemming.

That makes the election ILLEGAL.


There's just no way Kari could have lost. Look at Hobbs for the proof!
Kari is pretty but she's dumb as a fence post. No class and no brains. A typical Trump unelectable reject.

Hobbs won fair and square. Let's act like adults and get on with it.

It's time to end the tired old "election fraud" clown show.
It's time for Democrats to stop ignoring the American people, most of whom believe there are serious problems with the way we are running elections and who have lost confidence in the system and process.

Why is it Democrats resist so strongly tightening the rules and requirements for registration and ensuring that the public can be confident that there is little opportunity to cheat in any election? Why would everybody agreeing to a process that everybody could be sure elections were as accurate and honest as we can make them be such a terrible thing?

Recent polls are consistently showing a majority of voters do not trust the system as it is now. Even 20% of Americans who distrust the system should be sufficient to look at ways to restore that trust.
It's time for Democrats to stop ignoring the American people, most of whom believe there are serious problems with the way we are running elections and who have lost confidence in the system and process.

Why is it Democrats resist so strongly tightening the rules and requirements for registration and ensuring that the public can be confident that there is little opportunity to cheat in any election? Why would everybody agreeing to a process that everybody could be sure elections were as accurate and honest as we can make them be such a terrible thing?

Recent polls are consistently showing a majority of voters do not trust the system as it is now. Even 20% of Americans who distrust the system should be sufficient to look at ways to restore that trust.
Congress knew 40% of voters had serious questions about 2020. They did nothing. Both parties. That should have been a huge wake up call.
Kari is pretty but she's dumb as a fence post. No class and no brains. A typical Trump unelectable reject.

Hobbs won fair and square. Let's act like adults and get on with it.

It's time to end the tired old "election fraud" clown show.

She has more brains than you ever will. Machines were not certified, thus the election is illegal so no, the twice convicted racist, Hobbs, did not "win".
Congress knew 40% of voters had serious questions about 2020. They did nothing. Both parties. That should have been a huge wake up call.
I can find zero justification for not having registration rules and election rules that allow there to be pretty much universal trust in the system and process. I can think of no reason anybody would resist or oppose that unless there was intention to cheat.
Because you say so? What about that pesky truth?
And Republicans are going to continue to lose elections with their lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating,’ lies about ‘stolen elections,’ and Republican election deniers – the 2022 GOP midterm disaster will become the 2024 GOP general election disaster.

The voters are sick of it, and understandably so.
The voters were clear this November: they’re tired of Republican lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating,’ they’re tired of rightwing lies about ‘stolen elections,’ and they’re tired of Republican election deniers – hence the 2022 GOP midterm disaster.
Then you won't mind if they're counted again.
I simply accept that they are going to arrange the politicians without voter consideration and I choose not to participate and I pay no attention to the process. I am not interested with personally investigating these things and fully depend on the actions of empowered and resourced peoples who intend to do so to fix the broken election system, if they can. Pointless for me.

Sad state of affairs, sorry to see this happening, ultimately unable and disinterested in taking part of any side.

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