If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

Count the votes again by hand. You have nothing to lose.
Arizona law does allow hand recounts only if the Candidate requesting one, pays for it. Trump collected 200 million from you guys, are you willing to donate some to pay for the hand recount? If so, go for it! The state pays for an automatic machine recount if it is within 1/2%.

I personally like hand recounts, with paper ballots....feels safer.

But the machine recount is likely more accurate....and there are checks that catch any ballots not counted and rejected by the machine, which then those could be hand counted and added to the total count.
Take it easy you silly wankers, it was only meant as a joke, to break the cycle of violent threats that are building.
The fact America's enemies hate Kari Lake this much only straightens my support for her.

Nobody Cares.jpg
Actually, the way we run elections is pretty impressive, given we have over 100 million people voting in off year elections.

Because when your side insists on doing it, it usually means, "Keeping minorities from voting". Not that you have any proof that there is election fraud, because you guys have been singing that song since 2000. And every time you do an "investigation", you find maybe a few anecdotal cases of people who voted who shouldn't have because they weren't citizens or otherwise disqualified, or someone who voted for a dead relative.

So let's be honest about what this is about. Higher turnout favors the Democrats. Voter suppression favors Republicans, because when you make it harder to vote, only those with means can do it.

If you clowns put half the effort into winning votes you put into suppressing them, you might make progress.

Rasmussen isn't a truthsworthy poll. The system as it is now is fine.
Rasmussen is ALWAYS cited on RCP polls and almost always gives Joe Biden his highest approval ratings. I think it is quite trustworthy, much more so than highly partisan groups doing polling.

Certainly higher turnout through manipulation, lax policies, giving far more ways and opportunity to cheat certainly does favor Democrats. It is pretty sad to characterize Democrats as being unable or unwilling to use a system that is honest, fair, secure, and trusted by all.
Rasmussen is ALWAYS cited on RCP polls and almost always gives Joe Biden his highest approval ratings. I think it is quite trustworthy, much more so than highly partisan groups doing polling.

RCP is more biased than Ratmuffin. Let's not forget, they came up with a bizarre model that had the GOP winning PA, AZ, NV, GA, and NH. Whoops. Oh, yeah, and 40 house seats and 5 governorships. Again. Whoops.

Certainly higher turnout through manipulation, lax policies, giving far more ways and opportunity to cheat certainly does favor Democrats. It is pretty sad to characterize Democrats as being unable or unwilling to use a system that is honest, fair, secure, and trusted by all.

Except you guys have offered NO proof that any of that happened.

The current system is hardly fair, if you are requiring people to travel when they don't have reliable transportation, take time out of a workday when their employer might not allow that, come up with a current ID when they can't afford to update their info when they are transient. It's a system that favor affluence.

If mail in voting gives people more access, and they are otherwise entitled to vote, I'm just not seeing a problem.

Horror if poor people vote to change things.
RCP is more biased than Ratmuffin. Let's not forget, they came up with a bizarre model that had the GOP winning PA, AZ, NV, GA, and NH. Whoops. Oh, yeah, and 40 house seats and 5 governorships. Again. Whoops.

Except you guys have offered NO proof that any of that happened.

The current system is hardly fair, if you are requiring people to travel when they don't have reliable transportation, take time out of a workday when their employer might not allow that, come up with a current ID when they can't afford to update their info when they are transient. It's a system that favor affluence.

If mail in voting gives people more access, and they are otherwise entitled to vote, I'm just not seeing a problem.

Horror if poor people vote to change things.
So many excuses to cheat. Vote in person on voting day.
RCP is more biased than Ratmuffin. Let's not forget, they came up with a bizarre model that had the GOP winning PA, AZ, NV, GA, and NH. Whoops. Oh, yeah, and 40 house seats and 5 governorships. Again. Whoops.

Except you guys have offered NO proof that any of that happened.

The current system is hardly fair, if you are requiring people to travel when they don't have reliable transportation, take time out of a workday when their employer might not allow that, come up with a current ID when they can't afford to update their info when they are transient. It's a system that favor affluence.

If mail in voting gives people more access, and they are otherwise entitled to vote, I'm just not seeing a problem.

Horror if poor people vote to change things.
Again I think it's pretty pathetic to think Democrats are too stupid or too ignorant or too incapable or too unmotivated to vote if you don't provide a system easy to cheat.

Have a wonderful day Joe.
So many excuses to cheat. Vote in person on voting day.

So many excuses to suppress poor people from voting.

Again I think it's pretty pathetic to think Democrats are too stupid or too ignorant or too incapable or too unmotivated to vote if you don't provide a system easy to cheat.

Again, I think it's pretty pathetic for people with privilege telling people without privilege how easy they have it.

You aren't worried about "cheating". You are worried the poor might vote against you interests...
So many excuses to suppress poor people from voting.

Again, I think it's pretty pathetic for people with privilege telling people without privilege how easy they have it.

You aren't worried about "cheating". You are worried the poor might vote against you interests...
Same old weak lame excuses, suppression of poor people. I've been poor all my life and never had a problem voting in person on election day. Bullshit.
So many excuses to suppress poor people from voting.

Again, I think it's pretty pathetic for people with privilege telling people without privilege how easy they have it.

You aren't worried about "cheating". You are worried the poor might vote against you interests...
My husband and I were poorer than poor for several years before we were able to work our way out of poverty. There was no welfare or other assistance for us but we managed to survive quite nicely and, while not rich, we are sufficiently comfortable. But I know full well how it is to have to hock something just to eat until the end of the week or pay the bill to keep the lights on or borrow from mom or dad to pay the hospital bill. (It took awhile at times but we never failed to repay a debt.)

And for decades we went to the polls on election day and stood in line to vote in person. In all those years we never once failed to vote except for one primary election when we were out of state attending a funeral. And by midnight every one of those years, we knew pretty much who had won every election.

Shame on you for thinking the poor are too stupid or ignorant or incapable or unmotivated to vote if you don't make it easy to cheat.
My husband and I were poorer than poor for several years before we were able to work our way out of poverty. There was no welfare or other assistance for us but we managed to survive quite nicely and, while not rich, we are sufficiently comfortable. But I know full well how it is to have to hock something just to eat until the end of the week or pay the bill to keep the lights on or borrow from mom or dad to pay the hospital bill. (It took awhile at times but we never failed to repay a debt.)

And for decades we went to the polls on election day and stood in line to vote in person. In all those years we never once failed to vote except for one primary election when we were out of state attending a funeral. And by midnight every one of those years, we knew pretty much who had won every election.

Shame on you for thinking the poor are too stupid or ignorant or incapable or unmotivated to vote if you don't make it easy to cheat.

Joeb is your typical progressive, a hater of brown people, and the poor.
Same old weak lame excuses, suppression of poor people. I've been poor all my life and never had a problem voting in person on election day. Bullshit.

Yet you keep voting Republican.

My husband and I were poorer than poor for several years before we were able to work our way out of poverty.

Nobody who was actually poor would be so flippant about the burdens poverty creates.
I don't know that he hates them, but he apparently has a very poor opinion of them and what they are capable of doing.

He hates them. Look at the disdain with which he views them. You only get that level of racism through a profound hatred of that group.
Shame on you for thinking the poor are too stupid or ignorant or incapable or unmotivated to vote if you don't make it easy to cheat.
Nobody is making it easy to cheat. We are making it easy to vote. Voter participation is a good thing.

You guys whine about cheating every time you lose, rather than just admit that your ideas are stupid and only benefit the wealthy.

Joeb is your typical progressive, a hater of brown people, and the poor.
Yes, that's why I want to help them, because I hate them.

The bizarre thinking of wingnuts.

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