If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

And they solved the problem by voiding the original counts that the machine originally accepted, and started from square one, so the ones not accepted were separated and counted.

Why do you not know this?
You do not know that. Source your bullshit.
And when you provide proof that is happening, let the rest of us know, M'kay?

Um, right. 60 years ago, they said the same thing about literacy tests and poll taxes to keep "those people" from voting.

I have no doubt that the poll results were 100% accurate. They just didn't produce the results you wanted, but your side hasn't won the popular vote nationally since 2004, and you had to scare the hell out of the country to do it.

So you keep coming up with these schemes to make it harder for poor people to vote.
You better check the vote nationally for this election. Republicans got 4-5 million more votes than democrats.
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She lost.
The issue is not whether she lost. Maybe she did. Maybe she didn't.

The issue is that neither the people of Arizona or any others have any way to know. Of course unscrupulous supporters of Hobbs don't care whether the election was honest or fair or accurate and want the results neither investigated nor the process tightened up.

Honorable people want a system and process of elections in ALL states that make sure only citizens eligible to vote can vote, that they vote in the precinct in which they live, vote only once, and the tabulation of those votes is honest, fair, and accurate.

The easier it is made to vote and the more high tech the process becomes, the longer it takes to determine who won and the less confidence there is that the actual winner won.

If the high tech processes were honest, fair, and accurate, they should produce results within a short time after the polls close. Certainly they should be able to report 99% of the races by midnight on election day like they used to. And when that was the case, complaints about irregularities, malfunctions, fraud were very few and far between and the electorate accepted the results whatever those were.

I can't understand people who don't want that much better system back instead of having a strong majority of Americans not trusting the system or process. Unless they want their party to be able to cheat.
The polls obviously show that a strong majority of Americans distrust the system and process. That means that at least some Democrats distrust the system and the process. This observation has zero to do with what candidates run, and trying the shift the discussion to that instead of election integrity is not helpful. I don't know whether Kari Lake was compromised in the last election. But the fact that so many people think she was, and the reported significant problems with the process and that the vote counting went on and on and on does not inspire confidence in any honorable person.
These days, especially since the crybaby, trump, lost his election and whined endlessly, it's common for a losing candidate to scream "FRAUD!!!" "I've been cheated!!!"

Then a bunch of the bawlbabies supporters come out of the woodwork saying, "I heard big boxes of ballots were stolen from election headquarters. Those votes were ALL for my favorite candidate." "He was cheated."

And the endless lawsuits a d investigations begin, anew. Always with the same result: our elections work as they should. The amount of fraud found is microscopic and could not change the results of ANY election.

If a candidate is such a weakling - as Trump is - that they cannot emotionally handle losing, then they should avoid running for office, and stick to clinging to a baby blanket, for security.

It's time candidates were expected to behave like men. Take their losses with dignity. And quit their fucking whining.
These days, especially since the crybaby, trump, lost his election and whined endlessly, it's common for a losing candidate to scream "FRAUD!!!" "I've been cheated!!!"

Then a bunch of the bawlbabies supporters come out of the woodwork saying, "I heard big boxes of ballots were stolen from election headquarters. Those votes were ALL for my favorite candidate." "He was cheated."

And the endless lawsuits a d investigations begin, anew. Always with the same result: our elections work as they should. The amount of fraud found is microscopic and could not change the results of ANY election.

If a candidate is such a weakling - as Trump is - that they cannot emotionally handle losing, then they should avoid running for office, and stick to clinging to a baby blanket, for security.

It's time candidates were expected to behave like men. Take their losses with dignity. And quit their fucking whining.
Actually it started with Democrats right after Trump won in 2016.
These days, especially since the crybaby, trump, lost his election and whined endlessly, it's common for a losing candidate to scream "FRAUD!!!" "I've been cheated!!!"

Then a bunch of the bawlbabies supporters come out of the woodwork saying, "I heard big boxes of ballots were stolen from election headquarters. Those votes were ALL for my favorite candidate." "He was cheated."

And the endless lawsuits a d investigations begin, anew. Always with the same result: our elections work as they should. The amount of fraud found is microscopic and could not change the results of ANY election.

If a candidate is such a weakling - as Trump is - that they cannot emotionally handle losing, then they should avoid running for office, and stick to clinging to a baby blanket, for security.

It's time candidates were expected to behave like men. Take their losses with dignity. And quit their fucking whining.
Well it appears that a substantial majority of Americans are "f*cking whining'" as they no longer trust the system or process to be honest, fair, and/or accurate. Democrats whine as long and loud as anybody else when they lose a close election. I can cite several examples but won't bother as I'm sure you won't care given your posts.

But I just can't understand why people like you resist/oppose/argue against tightening up the system so that only eligible U.S. citizens can register to vote and the system and process are as secure as it can realistically be made so that the large majority of Americans trust the outcome. That is, unless people like you want your side to be able to cheat.
And when you provide proof that is happening, let the rest of us know, M'kay?

Um, right. 60 years ago, they said the same thing about literacy tests and poll taxes to keep "those people" from voting.

I have no doubt that the poll results were 100% accurate. They just didn't produce the results you wanted, but your side hasn't won the popular vote nationally since 2004, and you had to scare the hell out of the country to do it.

So you keep coming up with these schemes to make it harder for poor people to vote.
What were the real tax levels than? The real real taxation.

If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.​

I have some really, really bad news for you.

These grossly stupid pandering fucktards who have hijacked the conservative moment have already done grievous damage.

Everywhere abortion was on the ballot, the pro-abortionists came out on top, even in the red states.

America is rejecting the sadistic, cruel fucks the GOP has become.
I have some really, really bad news for you.

These grossly stupid pandering fucktards who have hijacked the conservative moment have already done grievous damage.

Everywhere abortion was on the ballot, the pro-abortionists came out on top, even in the red states.

America is rejecting the sadistic, cruel fucks the GOP has become.
Everywhere people look at prices expanding they are more concerned. To get to get people like yourselves karma and slowly kill will be a pleasure and it will come. It will be easy and of your power.
The polls obviously show that a strong majority of Americans distrust the system and process. That means that at least some Democrats distrust the system and the process. This observation has zero to do with what candidates run, and trying the shift the discussion to that instead of election integrity is not helpful. I don't know whether Kari Lake was compromised in the last election. But the fact that so many people think she was, and the reported significant problems with the process and that the vote counting went on and on and on does not inspire confidence in any honorable person.
They recount votes and conduct endless investigations. Both parties participate - and STILL, they find microscopic amounts of cheating. Never enough to change any election.

Our elections work well. Only sore losers who are too weak to emotionally stand a loss continue to bitch and moan. In doing so, they are proving they are losers in more ways than one.
Everywhere people look at prices expanding they are more concerned. To get to get people like yourselves karma and slowly kill will be a pleasure and it will come. It will be easy and of your power.
What a class act you are! Wishing death on me and others. You craven sickos are really far around the bend.

As for inflation, that is all on the Fed and Congress for running massive deficits for the past 20 years.

And yes, that includes Trump and the Republicans. Another example of how the hijackers are inflicting grievous harm on our republic.

I'd explain it to you, but you don't have the intellect.
Well it appears that a substantial majority of Americans are "f*cking whining'" as they no longer trust the system or process to be honest, fair, and/or accurate. Democrats whine as long and loud as anybody else when they lose a close election. I can cite several examples but won't bother as I'm sure you won't care given your posts.

But I just can't understand why people like you resist/oppose/argue against tightening up the system so that only eligible U.S. citizens can register to vote and the system and process are as secure as it can realistically be made so that the large majority of Americans trust the outcome. That is, unless people like you want your side to be able to cheat.
I want honest elections too. Non-Americans should never be able to vote.

But all you, and Trump whiners like you do, is throw baseless assertions around.

Your goal is transparent and harmful for our country. You want to instill a disbelief in our democratic system. All because you're too weak and lack the honesty to accept an election loss like a grown up.

Imo, you're the very worst kind of "American." You're willing to hurt your country simply to CHEAT your candidate into office.
They recount votes and conduct endless investigations. Both parties participate - and STILL, they find microscopic amounts of cheating. Never enough to change any election.

Our elections work well. Only sore losers who are too weak to emotionally stand a loss continue to bitch and moan. In doing so, they are proving they are losers in more ways than one.
Maybe if I type more slowly I can get through though somehow I think that might be an exercise in futility.

The evidence of cheating and/or error has been far larger than microscopic. But when you have already separated mail in ballots from their signatures they cannot be legitimately checked for validity. And the drop boxes come with no chain of custody making ability to cheat much higher.

So yes, there is often inadequate evidence that cheating was sufficient to overturn elections. But since most of the evidence has already been destroyed or cannot be paired with an actual ballot, there is no way to honestly know.

A substantial majority of Americans do not trust the system or process. That is not acceptable to any country based on democratic principles. That alone is sufficient reason to tighten it up so that a very large majority of Americans can trust the system or process.

ALL honorable people want there to be confidence in our election systems and processes so that we know the winner is a legitimate winner regardless of which party wins.

Why in the world do people like you not want that?
Maybe if I type more slowly I can get through though somehow I think that might be an exercise in futility.

The evidence of cheating and/or error has been far larger than microscopic. But when you have already separated mail in ballots from their signatures they cannot be legitimately checked for validity. And the drop boxes come with no chain of custody making ability to cheat much higher.

So yes, there is often inadequate evidence that cheating was sufficient to overturn elections. But since most of the evidence has already been destroyed or cannot be paired with an actual ballot, there is no way to honestly know.

A substantial majority of Americans do not trust the system or process. That is not acceptable to any country based on democratic principles. That alone is sufficient reason to tighten it up so that a very large majority of Americans can trust the system or process.

ALL honorable people want there to be confidence in our election systems and processes so that we know the winner is a legitimate winner regardless of which party wins.

Why in the world do people like you not want that?
Your posts are utterly worthless.

All you do is fill them with baseless assertions and opinions which you CANNOT prove.

You say signatures are not compared properly. Boxes of votes are mishandled, on and on and on. ALL COMPLETE BULLSHIT that you could not possibly know to be true.

You post your stupid opinions as if they are truth. They are not. Your posts are totally worthless. Go out and buy a fucking brain.
Your posts are utterly worthless.

All you do is fill them with baseless assertions and opinions which you CANNOT prove.

You say signatures are not compared properly. Boxes of votes are mishandled, on and on and on. ALL COMPLETE BULLSHIT that you could not possibly know to be true.

You post your stupid opinions as if they are truth. They are not. Your posts are totally worthless. Go out and buy a fucking brain.

Your posts are utterly worthless.

All you do is fill them with baseless assertions and opinions which you CANNOT prove.

You say signatures are not compared properly. Boxes of votes are mishandled, on and on and on. ALL COMPLETE BULLSHIT that you could not possibly know to be true.

You post your stupid opinions as if they are truth. They are not. Your posts are totally worthless. Go out and buy a fucking brain.
Noting that this member is thoughtful, backs up everything he posts, is courteous and civil in all ways, and debates like an adult instead of a spoiled child.

But alas in the name of integrity I have to also note that my paragraph immediately above is:

AND. . . .

People who argue so strongly against elections that a large majority of Americans can trust must not want trustworthy elections. I can't come up with any other explanation for it.

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