If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

If Kari is so dumb then why didn't Hobbs debate her?
She didn't need to, judging by how poor Kari just had her ass handed back to her. Btw, without makeup & a vaseline lens she looks like she was rode hard & put to bed wet.

Fooled again but you guys keep bending over for more.

It's sad.
Reality. What do you imagine your lack of confidence buys you? Will Biden be removed from office? Will Kari Lake be declared the winner? 😄 No. Of course not.
And chalk up another one incapable of understanding the point made.
That’s some “creative” pretzel logic there. Maybe you should just respond to what’s said instead of twisting yourself up like that.

Many Americans will whine baseless claims of election fraud when their side loses. Why? Because they’re sore loser crybabies.
Or some people will twist it trying to squirm out of their obvious error in logic. If a majority of voters distrust the elections and those who distrust the elections are 'whiners' or 'losers' or whatever, then it follows that the majority lost. And a minority won. Voila election fraud!

Now you can try to divert from that all you want but you can't argue with the logic.
You can’t get all Americans to agree on much of anything. There will always be a large amount of sore loser crybabies who will whine baseless claims of fraud when their side loses.

People like you need to grow up and accept that you win some and you lose some. If you have proof for your stupid claims, then that can be handled in the courts. If you don’t have proof for your stupid claims, then you’re just another conspiracy theorist.
Meaning you don't care whether all Americans or the large majority of Americans are confident in the integrity of our elections so long as your side wins. Meaning you don't care if your side cheats. End of argument.
Or some people will twist it trying to squirm out of their obvious error in logic. If a majority of voters distrust the elections and those who distrust the elections are 'whiners' or 'losers' or whatever, then it follows that the majority lost. And a minority won. Voila election fraud!
No. People distrust the elections WHEN THEY LOSE. They accuse the other side of cheating. You almost never hear people protesting that the elections are rigged when their side wins.

Any questions? Your pretzel logic isn’t going anywhere. You’re just embarrassing yourself.
Meaning you don't care whether all Americans or the large majority of Americans are confident in the integrity of our elections so long as your side wins.
It has nothing to do with whether my side wins or not.

I started a thread stating that I would accept the results of the 2022 midterm election regardless of who wins. Unlike you, I’m not a conspiracy theorist sore loser crybaby looking for an excuse when my side doesn’t win.

Hobbs didn't want to debate a moron. Btw, know why Kari just had her ass handed back to her? Because idiot Republicans in Arizona make it difficult for people to vote including Republicans who may have voted for poor toddler Kari.

That's what happens when stooooopid election deniers get involved with the voting process.
She didn't want to debate an idiot? That's a good one. You really believe that shit?
She didn't need to, judging by how poor Kari just had her ass handed back to her. Btw, without makeup & a vaseline lens she looks like she was rode hard & put to bed wet.

Fooled again but you guys keep bending over for more.

It's sad.
It's sad that you idiots will vote for a candidate who is afraid to debate.
And chalk up another one incapable of understanding the point made.
Was your point that if enough of you Soy Boys feel like elections you lost were stolen then that means they really were stolen? That's some hilarious Soy Boy logic there. 😄
No. People distrust the elections WHEN THEY LOSE. They accuse the other side of cheating. You almost never hear people protesting that the elections are rigged when their side wins.

Any questions? Your pretzel logic isn’t going anywhere. You’re just embarrassing yourself.
So once again you fail to understand your own logic. If a strong majority of Americans distrust the elections, and only those who lose distrust the elections, then the majority lost the elections. And the minority won the election aka election fraud.

So once again why would anybody not care if a strong majority of Americans distrust the election system and process unless that person wanted their minority side to be able to cheat and win?
It has nothing to do with whether my side wins or not.

I started a thread stating that I would accept the results of the 2022 midterm election regardless of who wins. Unlike you, I’m not a conspiracy theorist sore loser crybaby looking for an excuse when my side doesn’t win.

Your argument so far has been that it has everything to do with whether your side wins. If you were convinced the other side cheated to win or there were strong questions about an election you care about, you would likely be among those who question the integrity or process of our elections. If you say you would just shrug and accept it, then that's you. But you would be in a small minority because most people do care whether our elections are honest, fair, and accurate. Or, more to the point, want voters to be confident in the honesty, fairness, and integrity of our elections.

I can't understand people who would not care that a majority of the people have serious questions about the election system and/or process and/or integrity unless they are among those who want their side to be able to cheat.
Was your point that if enough of you Soy Boys feel like elections you lost were stolen then that means they really were stolen? That's some hilarious Soy Boy logic there. 😄
I didn't say that either so since you want to assign points that I didn't make, I'll just wish you a pleasant evening.
So once again you fail to understand your own logic. If a strong majority of Americans distrust the elections…
THAT THEY LOSE. They distrust the elections THAT THEY LOSE.

They don’t question the legitimacy of the elections they win. They only throw a crybaby hissy fit when the other side wins.

Why is this so difficult for you to understand? How many more times do I need to explain this to you?

I understand perfectly fine that you’re desperately trying to ignore what I’m saying so you can try to make your pretzel logic seem less ridiculous. It isn’t going anywhere. Quit while you’re behind.
I didn't say that either so since you want to assign points that I didn't make, I'll just wish you a pleasant evening.
Meaning you don't care whether all Americans or the large majority of Americans are confident in the integrity of our elections so long as your side wins. Meaning you don't care if your side cheats. End of argument.
Your little bitch feelings aren't evidence of cheating. 😄
Your argument so far has been that it has everything to do with whether your side wins. If you were convinced the other side cheated to win or there were strong questions about an election you care about, you would likely be among those who question the integrity or process of our elections. If you say you would just shrug and accept it, then that's you. But you would be in a small minority because most people do care whether our elections are honest, fair, and accurate.
No. Most people are whiny sore loser crybabies who will only throw a fit about election fraud when their side loses. Period.

If you have evidence, then present it to the courts and let them rule on it. If you don’t have evidence, then people like you need to grow the fuck up and stop pushing your baseless conspiracy theories.

I’m not a crybaby sore loser like you are. I stated that I would accept the results whether my side wins or loses.
I can't understand people who would not care that a majority of the people have serious questions about the election system and/or process and/or integrity unless they are among those who want their side to be able to cheat.
“Serious questions about the election system” translates to:

“Wahhhhhhhh the person I voted for lost and I’m sad. There’s no evidence for massive election fraud but I’m sad and I want a redo. WAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

You people don’t deal with facts. You deal with feelings. Grow up. You lost.
THAT THEY LOSE. They distrust the elections THAT THEY LOSE.

They don’t question the legitimacy of the elections they win. They only throw a crybaby hissy fit when the other side wins.

Why is this so difficult for you to understand? How many more times do I need to explain this to you?

I understand perfectly fine that you’re desperately trying to ignore what I’m saying so you can try to make your pretzel logic seem less ridiculous. It isn’t going anywhere. Quit while you’re behind.
I give up. Either you have a reading dysfunction or are deliberately refusing to acknowledge how illogical your argument is. But hey have a wonderful evening and a great Thanksgiving.
I give up. Either you have a reading dysfunction or are deliberately refusing to acknowledge how illogical your argument is. But hey have a wonderful evening and a great Thanksgiving.
Unbelievable. I explain the same thing over and over to you but you’re too stupid to understand. Oh well. Your stupidity is your problem, not mine.

Have fun with your loss, crybaby. Your tinfoil hat nonsense is going nowhere because it’s just a baseless conspiracy theory. Your feelings aren’t going to change the results. Sucks for you huh? Happy Thanksgiving.

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