If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

I can't believe that many people would vote for a person too cowardly to debate.
Hobbs didn't want to debate a moron. Btw, know why Kari just had her ass handed back to her? Because idiot Republicans in Arizona make it difficult for people to vote including Republicans who may have voted for poor toddler Kari.

That's what happens when stooooopid election deniers get involved with the voting process.
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A minority? What do you mean?

The people who won got a majority of the votes. It’s very simple.
You say it is the losers who are whining about election integrity. Well a substantial majority of Americans distrust our election systems and processes these days. So by your logic, it is the majority who lost.

I still say that honorable people want all Americans to be confident that our elections are honest, fair, and accurate. Those who don't care about that are people who want to be able to cheat.
This is a lie.

The election wasn’t ‘stolen.’

Lake lost a fair, accurate, and legal election.

We won’t have a country anymore if conservatives continue their war on democracy, if conservatives continue to propagate lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating,’ and if conservatives continue to hobble the political process.
They tried the same crap in 1940 when Roosevelt won his 3rd term.
You say it is the losers who are whining about election integrity. Well a substantial majority of Americans distrust our election systems and processes these days. So by your logic, it is the majority who lost.

I still say that honorable people want all Americans to be confident that our elections are honest, fair, and accurate. Those who don't care about that are people who want to be able to cheat.
Your link isn't working.
You say it is the losers who are whining about election integrity. Well a substantial majority of Americans distrust our election systems and processes these days. So by your logic, it is the majority who lost.

I still say that honorable people want all Americans to be confident that our elections are honest, fair, and accurate. Those who don't care about that are people who want to be able to cheat.
Your confidence isn't required you cuck. We only require your obedience.
You say it is the losers who are whining about election integrity. Well a substantial majority of Americans distrust our election systems and processes these days. So by your logic, it is the majority who lost.
That’s some “creative” pretzel logic there. Maybe you should just respond to what’s said instead of twisting yourself up like that.

Many Americans will whine baseless claims of election fraud when their side loses. Why? Because they’re sore loser crybabies.
I still say that honorable people want all Americans to be confident that our elections are honest, fair, and accurate.
You can’t get all Americans to agree on much of anything. There will always be a large amount of sore loser crybabies who will whine baseless claims of fraud when their side loses.

People like you need to grow up and accept that you win some and you lose some. If you have proof for your stupid claims, then that can be handled in the courts. If you don’t have proof for your stupid claims, then you’re just another conspiracy theorist.
What the fuck is taking so long. Shit like this screams fraud and anyone with a brain knows that. Are you an exception?
Keep allowing halfwit stooooopid election deniers a voice in how elections are run & people like Toddler Kari will continue to have their ass handed back to them. Please do that.

You guys keep stepping in shit by running borderline retarded candidates like Poor Kari then to top it off you make it more difficult for your own voting block to even.cast a ballot, then piss & moan when yooo loooose.

Keep up the good work. :abgg2q.jpg:

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