If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

I can't speak to that. I'm not a democrat, I'm an Indie and I take it seriously. I don't care much for either party - they're both worthless and corrupt.

I wanted Republicans to win the midterms but in Arizona the GOP ran a shitload of crackpots.

I listen to all candidates. Hobbs, over the preceding months simply sounded more intelligent and capable.

Kari Lake did nothing but parrot extreme rw talking points. She kissed trump's stinking, filthy ass Every time she opened her mouth.

AND, she began whining about election fraud and stolen elections even before any voting took place. She was obviously setting herself up for some serious whining after the election, if she lost.

I'm sick of Trump and all the election fraud crybabies. Someone has to lose in any election. Grow some balls and take your loss like a man. Stop whining.

I also HATE Biden. He's a worthless, traitorous piece of shit. He's allowing, and encouraging the invasion of our country by millions of ILLEGAL ALIENS. I want the border shut down. Shoot the fucking invaders if that's what it takes to stop them.
The Melting Pot Has Had a Long-Planned Meltdown

No one dares tell the truth about what was imposed on America from above and according to the ruling-class's anti-American Constitution. Most of the Democratic voters never deserved the right to vote; the rest had no right to immigrate here.
Laughing.....dude, we've been through this with the big lie. Every count, recount, hand count, machine count, forensic audit, formal tally, electoral tally and electoral vote had the same winner.

Not you.

But this time its different, huh?
Kari Lake was there. If she says she saw voter fraud, then she saw voter fraud.
Noting that this member is thoughtful, backs up everything he posts, is courteous and civil in all ways, and debates like an adult instead of a spoiled child.

But alas in the name of integrity I have to also note that my paragraph immediately above is:

AND. . . .

People who argue so strongly against elections that a large majority of Americans can trust must not want trustworthy elections. I can't come up with any other explanation for it.
Your posts are ALL filled with bullshit. You make assertions about cheating and fraud that you could NEVER prove.

You simply parrot trump's lies and whines. That asshole has tried everything in the last two years and has been laughed out of every court he lied to.

If you're willing to listen to stupid-asses like trump, that's your choice. But you can't blame sane people for laughing at your stupid conclusions. Your thinking is flawed, and you'll obviously believe anything the Trump nitwits want you to believe.

Any exchange with you is a fucking waste of time. You're stuck on stupid.
Count the votes again by hand. You have nothing to lose.
Absolutely none do you idiots cared about voter fraud prior to Obama being president. You didn’t give a shit about voting machines until Trump and other republicans started whining about them. You are whiny sore loser bitches who can’t think for yourselves.
Absolutely none do you idiots cared about voter fraud prior to Obama being president. You didn’t give a shit about voting machines until Trump and other republicans started whining about them. You are whiny sore loser bitches who can’t think for yourselves.
You whined when Bush bear Gore and you whined when Trump beat Hillary. Your brain is broken.
No one dares tell the truth about what was imposed on America from above and according to the ruling-class's anti-American Constitution. Most of the Democratic voters never deserved the right to vote; the rest had no right to immigrate here.

As someone whose father was an immigrant and is currently dating an immigrant... all I have to say is, "Fuck off".
You whined when Bush bear Gore and you whined when Trump beat Hillary. Your brain is broken.

Um, yeah, we complained because they lost the popular vote.

The people said no.

But because we use this bizarre system developed by slave rapists 200 years ago, someone can be rejected by the popular vote and still become President and to real damage to the country, as both Bush and Trump did.

you guys are already pretending you never met the guy with Bush, and it's only a matter of time before you all deny you inflicted Trump on us.
You whined when Bush bear Gore and you whined when Trump beat Hillary. Your brain is broken.
Lol I was 14 when Bush best Gore. When Hillary lost, i accepted the defeat as legitimate. I’m the adult here.
Measure of Unemployment...the one you were told to ignore from 2009-2017....the one which would eventually morph into the "Grifty Legacy Talking Bit".

You know, "3.5!"
The real rate is closer to 10%. they no longer count the long time unemployed and the ones returning to jobs that were ended due to covid are not new jobs.

Remember, figures don't lie, but liars figure. The government lies to us about virtually everything no matter which party in in power. That, my little friend, is the real problem and if we don't demand that it stop, the USA is over.
Absolutely none do you idiots cared about voter fraud prior to Obama being president. You didn’t give a shit about voting machines until Trump and other republicans started whining about them. You are whiny sore loser bitches who can’t think for yourselves.
should our elections be accurate or not? Should vote fraud be prosecuted or not? easy questions.
Lol I was 14 when Bush best Gore. When Hillary lost, i accepted the defeat as legitimate. I’m the adult here.
Hillary would have won if the machines had been set up as they were for Biden, That is why she is so pissed off at her fellow dems.

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