If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

We are sorry, the page you're looking for can’t be found on the Department of Justice website.

Now what?
here yhttps://www.justice.gov/usao-edpa/pr/former-us-congressman-and-philadelphia-political-operative-sentenced-30-months-prison
It has been proven many times in many places, the DC/media cabal has just hidden it from view in order to retain their ultimate power over YOU and ME.

the 2020 election was a successful coup of the US government, until america wakes up to that reality the decline of the USA will continue.
"Proven many times in many places?"
In what places?

No it hasn't. See, that's the thing. It has NEVER been "proven."
There is no PROOF.
Only people who claim to have some kind of proof....but who can't produce it.
"Proven many times in many places?"
In what places?

No it hasn't. See, that's the thing. It has NEVER been "proven."
There is no PROOF.
Only people who claim to have some kind of proof....but who can't produce it.
the proof has been posted on this forum many times, if you choose to ignore it, that is on you, not others. But fear not, more is coming as the twitter corruption and bribery scheme is released.
the proof has been posted on this forum many times, if you choose to ignore it, that is on you, not others. But fear not, more is coming as the twitter corruption and bribery scheme is released.
Did not...

Over to you.

Did not...

Over to you.

your party and your leaders are corrupt traitors, the proof is slowly coming out. Your left wing ideology is being proven to be a fraud and a loser. I know that is hard to accept but you really have no choice if you are even semi honest.
your party and your leaders are corrupt traitors, the proof is slowly coming out. Your left wing ideology is being proven to be a fraud and a loser. I know that is hard to accept but you really have no choice if you are even semi honest.
It's proven with every unsupported whine...
If the Democrats are going to do the voter fraud thing, sooner or later Republicans will feel they have to do the same.

That's ticket. You should counter our "voter fraud" with your own. Catching criminal charges is what MAGA demands. 😄
That's ticket. You should counter our "voter fraud" with your own. Catching criminal charges is what MAGA demands. 😄
here yhttps://www.justice.gov/usao-edpa/pr/former-us-congressman-and-philadelphia-political-operative-sentenced-30-months-prison

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