If man made climate change really is an existential threat aren’t democrats to blame?


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
For not prioritizing climate change ahead of all their other “bold policy ideas”? I mean how is it possible to destroy industry, give free healthcare, free college tuition, free everything all at the same time? It seems to me if climate Change is real both parties are guilty of not taking it seriously
If "the world" actually believed that human activity were a main contributor to making the earth uninhabitable within the foreseeable future, our activities would be much different than they are now.

But even the serious proponents know that warming - to the extent that it actually occurs - will be gradual and its effects obvious, and mankind will devise engineering solutions to resolve the problems in due time. Populations may be moved, irrigation and desalination will be a higher priority, and big, prosperous cities next to the Sea will be protected by physical barriers, as they are now in New Orleans and the Netherlands.
If American Democrats believed their own propaganda about global warming they would demand massive tariffs on the Chinese Democrats until they cleaned up their act.

Democrats around the world simply use global warming as a tool to fleece America.
If American Democrats believed their own propaganda about global warming they would demand massive tariffs on the Chinese Democrats until they cleaned up their act.

Democrats around the world simply use global warming as a tool to fleece America.

My whole point is their actions tell us they don’t believe what they’re pushing
If man made climate change was real then obama wouldn't have just spent 15 million on ocean front property.
If man made climate change was real then obama wouldn't have just spent 15 million on ocean front property.

Their personal actions contradict their words. That is well documented, but what people fail to realize Is so do the policies they promote. If it really were a problem one with have to believe it would be managed totally differently
For not prioritizing climate change ahead of all their other “bold policy ideas”? I mean how is it possible to destroy industry, give free healthcare, free college tuition, free everything all at the same time? It seems to me if climate Change is real both parties are guilty of not taking it seriously

They don't take it seriously because it's all nonsense and isn't happening. Everyone can see that.

It's just a way not to talk about gross overpopulation, which is a rude thing for white people to talk about because we are depopulating: it's all the other colors that are overpopulating. So they talk about global warming, which isn't the point and isn't happening anyway. I'm guessing people will figure it out within a few years.

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