A Balanced View of Climate Change

You’re the illusionist that insist that every research facility in the world, every accredited school and our military, lies to us…..and they are all paid to out of funds derived from Hunter Biden’s Lao top and Hillary’s email account. Tell us again how 30 k facilities dedicated to science, make up shit that only you and Trump know better.
Motto of These Drooling Lab Mice: "If It's Weird, It's Wise"

Postmodern geek freaks don't practice science; they wallow in a primitive, mindless, and escapist worship of Nature, grunting for Gaia. Before this contemptible contemporary decadence, worthy scientists knew that Nature is a crime against humanity, so they saw it as their duty to try to change it any way they could for mankind's safety, prosperity, and pleasure.

Today's narrow-minded conformists are second-raters, jealous of their predecessors' achievements, nostalgic for the stagnancy of the pre-Renaissance, pre-industrial world. Their controlling mindset gloats at releasing Nature's destructive capacity on us.
M.D. Stands for "Memorization Degree"

If, like Foul-see, it talks like a quack and struts like a quack, it's a Doc.
So, you’re your own doctor. Amazing. What medicine man do you listen to ? Oh, Dr. Rand Paul ? No wonder you have such a foul view of “ doctors”.
Motto of These Drooling Lab Mice: "If It's Weird, It's Wise"

Postmodern geek freaks don't practice science; they wallow in a primitive, mindless, and escapist worship of Nature, grunting for Gaia. Before this contemptible contemporary decadence, worthy scientists knew that Nature is a crime against humanity, so they saw it as their duty to try to change it any way they could for mankind's safety, prosperity, and pleasure.

Today's narrow-minded conformists are second-raters, jealous of their predecessors' achievements, nostalgic for the stagnancy of the pre-Renaissance, pre-industrial world. Their controlling mindset gloats at releasing Nature's destructive capacity on us.
A new record in babble with the perfunctory amount of woo woo.
Have you always believed man can master climates? Not just one, all of them?
Robert, I thought you and I started out on a good footing. However, your obsession with irrelevant or erroneous points is honestly annoying. Your pointless questions about controlling the climate are not a gotcha and have been fully answered for you on numerous occasions. Pretending that your conjecture hasn't been refuted is not a valid tactic. And sticking with it till everyone tires of reading any your posts is not a good look.
Robert, I thought you and I started out on a good footing. However, your obsession with irrelevant or erroneous points is honestly annoying. Your pointless questions about controlling the climate are not a gotcha and have been fully answered for you on numerous occasions. Pretending that your conjecture hasn't been refuted is not a valid tactic. And sticking with it till everyone tires of reading any your posts is not a good look.
Many here tired of you long ago.
Robert, I thought you and I started out on a good footing. However, your obsession with irrelevant or erroneous points is honestly annoying. Your pointless questions about controlling the climate are not a gotcha and have been fully answered for you on numerous occasions. Pretending that your conjecture hasn't been refuted is not a valid tactic. And sticking with it till everyone tires of reading any your posts is not a good look.
Robt is a Johnny one note.
So, you’re your own doctor. Amazing. What medicine man do you listen to ? Oh, Dr. Rand Paul ? No wonder you have such a foul view of “ doctors”.
Kangaroos Jumping to Conclusions

If someone says we need to recruit better policemen, does that imply he wants to fire all the present cops and let criminals run wild until the new types graduate from the Police Academy? Only in the Demwits' defective debate tactics.
Kangaroos Jumping to Conclusions

If someone says we need to recruit better policemen, does that imply he wants to fire all the present cops and let criminals run wild until the new types graduate from the Police Academy? Only in the Demwits' defective debate tactics.
Huh ? Your contention is that every climate science institute in the world is wrong. That means you think you’re smarter then literally everyone working in climate scince….

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