A Balanced View of Climate Change

No, I aced most science. I have a bachelor's degree in Ocean Engineering. But school was a long time ago. I am retired now several years.
I can't imagine anybody getting a degree that thinks gravity or the speed of light isn't science. But who knows.
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9. Climate Change Is Largely Manmade
In 2010, a Gallup poll found that 50% of those surveyed thought that climate change was manmade, while 46% believed it was due to natural causes. Numbers like those indicate controversy. And yet, not a single reputable scientific body rejects the idea that climate change is manmade.

A Gallop poll is just not 'settled science', that is bullshit and I think you know that. Any reputable scientific body that accepts the idea that climate change is man-made is not reputable. They might say it is a factor, but even that is unproven. One might say it is a hypothesis at best, while others claim it to be a bonafide theory, but many scientists question the validity of the available data to support that theory. And to claim that anthropogenic causes are the primary factor is flat out unknown, largely or otherwise.
A Gallop poll is just not 'settled science', that is bullshit and I think you know that.
You apparently didn't read or didn't understand the paragraph. It is not stating that the science is settled based on a poll. It is illustrating the difference between the views of the public and the views of scientists.
Any reputable scientific body that accepts the idea that climate change is man-made is not reputable.
And you base that on what?
They might say it is a factor, but even that is unproven.
There are no proofs in the natural science and since they understand how science works, they do NOT say it is proven. The AGW theory states that it is the primary cause of global warming observed since the Industrial Revolution.
One might say it is a hypothesis at best
Wrong. It is an extremely well-accepted theory.
while others claim it to be a bonafide theory, but many scientists question the validity of the available data to support that theory.
The percent of climate scientists who accept the theory as valid is in the high 90s. The scientists questioning the validity of the data on which those conclusions are based is about 1 in 100.
And to claim that anthropogenic causes are the primary factor is flat out unknown, largely or otherwise.
That claim is supported by mountains of evidence working in multiple different directions. On WHAT do you base your claim otherwise?
That is like saying I am confused by a box of strawberries and a basket of many times less strawberries. It makes no sense.
Beyond your understanding, just like every other feeble attempt to present yourself as knowing anything about….
A Gallop poll is just not 'settled science', that is bullshit and I think you know that. Any reputable scientific body that accepts the idea that climate change is man-made is not reputable. They might say it is a factor, but even that is unproven. One might say it is a hypothesis at best, while others claim it to be a bonafide theory, but many scientists question the validity of the available data to support that theory. And to claim that anthropogenic causes are the primary factor is flat out unknown, largely or otherwise.
Seems like you’re in the minority…of course the crowd you hang with are science illiterates.,
Beyond your understanding, just like every other feeble attempt to present yourself as knowing anything about….
You are whom says he does not understand. Not my fault you are ignorant. Why do you believe Man can master climate?
You apparently didn't read or didn't understand the paragraph. It is not stating that the science is settled based on a poll. It is illustrating the difference between the views of the public and the views of scientists.
Have you always believed man can master climates? Not just one, all of them?
You are whom says he does not understand. Not my fault you are ignorant. Why do you believe Man can master climate?
You’re the illusionist that insist that every research facility in the world, every accredited school and our military, lies to us…..and they are all paid to out of funds derived from Hunter Biden’s Lao top and Hillary’s email account. Tell us again how 30 k facilities dedicated to science, make up shit that only you and Trump know better.
That’s it ? You think the ignorant know more than the educated….that’s a new one. Tell us again how much smarter you are than say, NASA, MIT and Cal Tech….So we can all have a good laugh.
You do make up stuff don't you ?

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