If Only Educated Folks Could Vote.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....it would be the end of the Democrat Party.

1. To avoid generalizations, let's put it this way: You would recognize the frauds and hoaxes, some of which have been exposed since "Russia, Russia, Russia"....
And numerous high-level Democrat officials would have been sued and jailed after the Jan6 Hoax.

Let me prove it in two words that I am willing to bet no Democrat voter can expalain: Gleiwitz Incident

2. Germany and the Soviet Union were allies...they desired a reason to attack and divide up Poland.
"The Gleiwitz incident (German: Überfall auf den Sender Gleiwitz; Polish: Prowokacja gliwicka) was a false flag attack on the radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz (then Germany and now Gliwice, Poland) staged by Nazi Germany on the night of 31 August 1939. Along with some two dozen similar incidents, the attack was manufactured by Germany as a casus belli to justify the invasion of Poland. "

3. Trump asked for National Guard to guard the Capitol, and was denied by the Mayor of Washington and Speaker Pelosi. Why did they deny the request? Because they planned a false flag attack organized and instigated by Democrat operatives.

4. "..... the Gleiwitz assailants were not Polish but were German SS officers wearing Polish uniforms."

5. Do you realize that you can't identify an participant of a rally by their outfit, hat, uniform?
The target of this false flag operatioin was not Poland, but Trump.
All those convicted Trump supporters from Jan6 are political prisoners.

A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink of it deeply, or taste it not, for shallow thoughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking deeply sobers us again.
Alexander Pope
.....it would be the end of the Democrat Party.

1. To avoid generalizations, let's put it this way: You would recognize the frauds and hoaxes, some of which have been exposed since "Russia, Russia, Russia"....
And numerous high-level Democrat officials would have been sued and jailed after the Jan6 Hoax.

Let me prove it in two words that I am willing to bet no Democrat voter can expalain: Gleiwitz Incident
You don't write IQ tests hon, and so your imagined requirements for intelligence aren't applicable to the general public.
3. Trump asked for National Guard to guard the Capitol, and was denied by the Mayor of Washington and Speaker Pelosi. Why did they deny the request? Because they planned a false flag attack organized and instigated by Democrat operatives.

.....it would be the end of the Democrat Party.

1. To avoid generalizations, let's put it this way: You would recognize the frauds and hoaxes, some of which have been exposed since "Russia, Russia, Russia"....
And numerous high-level Democrat officials would have been sued and jailed after the Jan6 Hoax.

Let me prove it in two words that I am willing to bet no Democrat voter can expalain: Gleiwitz Incident

2. Germany and the Soviet Union were allies...they desired a reason to attack and divide up Poland.
"The Gleiwitz incident (German: Überfall auf den Sender Gleiwitz; Polish: Prowokacja gliwicka) was a false flag attack on the radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz (then Germany and now Gliwice, Poland) staged by Nazi Germany on the night of 31 August 1939. Along with some two dozen similar incidents, the attack was manufactured by Germany as a casus belli to justify the invasion of Poland. "

3. Trump asked for National Guard to guard the Capitol, and was denied by the Mayor of Washington and Speaker Pelosi. Why did they deny the request? Because they planned a false flag attack organized and instigated by Democrat operatives.

4. "..... the Gleiwitz assailants were not Polish but were German SS officers wearing Polish uniforms."

5. Do you realize that you can't identify an participant of a rally by their outfit, hat, uniform?
The target of this false flag operatioin was not Poland, but Trump.
All those convicted Trump supporters from Jan6 are political prisoners.

A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink of it deeply, or taste it not, for shallow thoughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking deeply sobers us again.
Alexander Pope
You wouldn't get to vote.
"....requirements for intelligence aren't applicable...."

Anyone who has read your screeds understands why you are deeply hurt by the idea of intellect and education.
I get your point hon. You're trying to judge intelligence based on your political priorities. If I accept only my own rightist political priorities then we won't have much to disagree about.

I can't do that because intelligence isn't based on rightist politics alone. I can't agree to thinking in my rightist political box alone.

So the example that's making the news today: Rightist are demanding big government interference in hurricane relief, while always being sworn to no government interference and small government.

There's a lot more to the questions than that hon.

Stay with it! That which I try to get across to reasoning minds doesn't come overnight.
.....it would be the end of the Democrat Party.

1. To avoid generalizations, let's put it this way: You would recognize the frauds and hoaxes, some of which have been exposed since "Russia, Russia, Russia"....
And numerous high-level Democrat officials would have been sued and jailed after the Jan6 Hoax.

Let me prove it in two words that I am willing to bet no Democrat voter can expalain: Gleiwitz Incident

2. Germany and the Soviet Union were allies...they desired a reason to attack and divide up Poland.
"The Gleiwitz incident (German: Überfall auf den Sender Gleiwitz; Polish: Prowokacja gliwicka) was a false flag attack on the radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz (then Germany and now Gliwice, Poland) staged by Nazi Germany on the night of 31 August 1939. Along with some two dozen similar incidents, the attack was manufactured by Germany as a casus belli to justify the invasion of Poland. "

3. Trump asked for National Guard to guard the Capitol, and was denied by the Mayor of Washington and Speaker Pelosi. Why did they deny the request? Because they planned a false flag attack organized and instigated by Democrat operatives.

4. "..... the Gleiwitz assailants were not Polish but were German SS officers wearing Polish uniforms."

5. Do you realize that you can't identify an participant of a rally by their outfit, hat, uniform?
The target of this false flag operatioin was not Poland, but Trump.
All those convicted Trump supporters from Jan6 are political prisoners.

A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink of it deeply, or taste it not, for shallow thoughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking deeply sobers us again.
Alexander Pope
The highest correwlation of the least educated and how they vote, is the least educated vote for Trump.
Without the less educated, there would be no Trump.
.....it would be the end of the Democrat Party.

1. To avoid generalizations, let's put it this way: You would recognize the frauds and hoaxes, some of which have been exposed since "Russia, Russia, Russia"....
And numerous high-level Democrat officials would have been sued and jailed after the Jan6 Hoax.

Let me prove it in two words that I am willing to bet no Democrat voter can expalain: Gleiwitz Incident

2. Germany and the Soviet Union were allies...they desired a reason to attack and divide up Poland.
"The Gleiwitz incident (German: Überfall auf den Sender Gleiwitz; Polish: Prowokacja gliwicka) was a false flag attack on the radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz (then Germany and now Gliwice, Poland) staged by Nazi Germany on the night of 31 August 1939. Along with some two dozen similar incidents, the attack was manufactured by Germany as a casus belli to justify the invasion of Poland. "

3. Trump asked for National Guard to guard the Capitol, and was denied by the Mayor of Washington and Speaker Pelosi. Why did they deny the request? Because they planned a false flag attack organized and instigated by Democrat operatives.

4. "..... the Gleiwitz assailants were not Polish but were German SS officers wearing Polish uniforms."

5. Do you realize that you can't identify an participant of a rally by their outfit, hat, uniform?
The target of this false flag operatioin was not Poland, but Trump.
All those convicted Trump supporters from Jan6 are political prisoners.

A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink of it deeply, or taste it not, for shallow thoughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking deeply sobers us again.
Alexander Pope
"Educated" these days means credentialed.

The "educated" are among the dopiest and least common sensical people to ever draw a breath.
Our pal Winston, who still cannot use "reply" correctly.....quotes Politifact......a DNC subsidiary.

And here is the problem: wha ostensibly intelligent folks use as the source for their views.


No wonder you're always wrong.

PolitiFact Proves Yet Again It Is a Left Wing Attack Machine With Nonpartisan Veneer

PolitiFact Proves Yet Again It Is a Left Wing Attack Machine With Nonpartisan Veneer

“Politifact’s fact is nothing more than their left-wing hypothesis disconnected from and ignoring every data point that doesn’t help them make their case.”...

Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

Friday, August 26th at 2:21PM EDT


“Politifact’s fact is nothing more than their left-wing hypothesis disconnected from and ignoring every data point that doesn’t help them make their case.”

As a general rule of thumb I heard somewhere, fact checkers don’t check facts.

Fact checkers exist to put an objective, nonpartisan veneer on whatever some reporter wants to say. And when fact checkers take it upon themselves to be arbiters of truth, they use their own biases. One of the worst is Politifact, which the media now hides behind routinely to give cover to a left-of-center spin on truth.

There is an egregious example today over the number of doctors in Texas and whether tort reform mattered.

According to Politifact, tort reform did not impact the number of doctors in Texas.

There is no question that tort reform drove down medical malpractice insurance premiums and reduced the number of malpractice suits. And there is no question that most health care providers like the change and say it’s a factor that leads them to practice in the state. But the wholesale transformation that Perry describes is not backed up by the numbers.

Perry said Texas has 21,000 more doctors thanks to tort reform. That’s flat out wrong. Texas has only about 13,000 more doctors in the state and the historic trends suggest that population growth was the driving factor. We rate his statement False.

Politifact chose to rely on many sources that could be considered left-leaning, some with real axes to grind with Rick Perry over budget cuts.

Politifact also ignored that, well, doctors retire and also the number of out of state medical licenses are down, while Texas originated medical licenses are up.

Oh, and there is one left leaning source the Politifact chose to ignore entirely — the New York Times.Contrary to Politifact, back in 2007, the New York Times titled an article, “More Doctors in Texas After Malpractice Caps”. It went on to report

In Texas, it can be a long wait for a doctor: up to six months.

That is not for an appointment. That is the time it can take the Texas Medical Board to process applications to practice.

Four years after Texas voters approved a constitutional amendment limiting awards in medical malpractice lawsuits, doctors are responding as supporters predicted, arriving from all parts of the country to swell the ranks of specialists at Texas hospitals and bring professional health care to some long-underserved rural areas.

The influx, raising the state’s abysmally low ranking in physicians per capita, has flooded the medical board’s offices in Austin with applications for licenses, close to 2,500 at last count.

How convenient Politifact chose to ignore an article written in a year when Rick Perry was not running for office and opponents had no axe to grind to hurt his political electability.
I get your point hon. You're trying to judge intelligence based on your political priorities. If I accept only my own rightist political priorities then we won't have much to disagree about.

I can't do that because intelligence isn't based on rightist politics alone. I can't agree to thinking in my rightist political box alone.

So the example that's making the news today: Rightist are demanding big government interference in hurricane relief, while always being sworn to no government interference and small government.

There's a lot more to the questions than that hon.

Stay with it! That which I try to get across to reasoning minds doesn't come overnight.

See what I mean......you barely understand the English language, you dunce.

I said folks can judge your intelligence by reading your posts.

When IQ is in reference to you, it should be written in lower case.
The highest correwlation of the least educated and how they vote, is the least educated vote for Trump.
Without the less educated, there would be no Trump.

Watch how deftly I eviscerate this fool.

The import of the thread is that Democrats, when faced with clear and dispositive evidence that they have been lied to, simply double down on the lies.

I call it the Elmer Phenomenon, because that's the dunce who wrote this:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

Yea Or Nay?

One hears this time and again from the indoctrinated....

If this is true…..it should be eminently simple to prove.

In one simple sentence I prove it a lie…

I challenged the poster, Elmer, as I do every time they post this sort of slander:

“Name one innocent American whose life was ruined by Senator Joseph McCarthy.”

He couldn't, yet continued the lies about McCarthy.

There are none, as this dunce soon found out.

We see the same when they write about Trump.

Did you see how he spelled "correlation"????

And this imbecile writes about other folks being dumb.
"Educated" these days means credentialed.

The "educated" are among the dopiest and least common sensical people to ever draw a breath.
"The "educated" are among the dopiest and least common sensical people to ever draw a breath."
The words of one of the dumbest among us. We know the educated are the smartest among us. Educated goes way beyongd formal schooling. The intelligent realize all life experiences can be an education to make you better. The intelligent continually educate themselves.
Oddnuts wants nothing to do with education of any type. It shows.
Watch how deftly I eviscerate this fool.

The import of the thread is that Democrats, when faced with clear and dispositive evidence that they have been lied to, simply double down on the lies.

I call it the Elmer Phenomenon, because that's the dunce who wrote this:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

Yea Or Nay?

One hears this time and again from the indoctrinated....

If this is true…..it should be eminently simple to prove.

In one simple sentence I prove it a lie…

I challenged the poster, Elmer, as I do every time they post this sort of slander:

“Name one innocent American whose life was ruined by Senator Joseph McCarthy.”

He couldn't, yet continued the lies about McCarthy.

There are none, as this dunce soon found out.

We see the same when they write about Trump.

Did you see how he spelled "correlation"????

And this imbecile writes about other folks being dumb.
Your assertions tell us all about you. Your support of Joseph McCarthy is all we need to know.
It is impossible to have a disscussion with a person as demented as PChic. But Chic feels she is very intelligent. That proves she is delusional besides being demented.
Mark Twain said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience".
"The "educated" are among the dopiest and least common sensical people to ever draw a breath."
The words of one of the dumbest among us. We know the educated are the smartest among us. Educated goes way beyongd formal schooling. The intelligent realize all life experiences can be an education to make you better. The intelligent continually educate themselves.
Oddnuts wants nothing to do with education of any type. It shows.
The intelligent are also separate form the "educated".

You're exhibit A.

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