If Only Snowflakes Could -- Dems admit their obscene accusations against Trump & Supporters A Sham


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"For two years, Democrats and their leadership have been haranguing the people of the United States with hysteria claiming that President Trump was an agent of the Russians, stole the election, is mentally disturbed or unfit and obstructed justice -- among other bizarre and crazed accusations. Yet Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the Democratically-led House, has announced that impeaching Trump is “not worth it.”

In an interview for The Washington Post magazine, conducted on March 6, Mrs. Pelosi said, “I’m not for impeachment. … This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

This new revelation from Mrs. Pelosi is another example of Democrats casually admitting that everything they’ve done to this country through their obscene accusations against the president and his supporters was a sham."

If Democrats REALLY believed the President of the United States was a compromised traitor working for Russia there is no way in HELL they / Pelosi would ever just give up pursuing his Impeachment!

The FACT is they damn-well know that their claim of illegal collusion was ALWAYS a SHAM, a false accusation that was never supported by any evidence or any crime!

Pelosi's decision not to pursue Impeachment was one made using logic and intelligence instead of pure emotion / hatred without any supporting evidence that has driven the Democrats / snowflakes the last 2 years!

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for ending the insane witch hunt and for admitting this has all been one huge, embarrassing butt hurt-driven sham!


Tammy Bruce: Democrats casually admit their obscene accusations against Trump and his supporters was a sham

"For two years, Democrats and their leadership have been haranguing the people of the United States with hysteria claiming that President Trump was an agent of the Russians, stole the election, is mentally disturbed or unfit and obstructed justice -- among other bizarre and crazed accusations. Yet Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the Democratically-led House, has announced that impeaching Trump is “not worth it.”

In an interview for The Washington Post magazine, conducted on March 6, Mrs. Pelosi said, “I’m not for impeachment. … This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

This new revelation from Mrs. Pelosi is another example of Democrats casually admitting that everything they’ve done to this country through their obscene accusations against the president and his supporters was a sham."

If Democrats REALLY believed the President of the United States was a compromised traitor working for Russia there is no way in HELL they / Pelosi would ever just give up pursuing his Impeachment!

The FACT is they damn-well know that their claim of illegal collusion was ALWAYS a SHAM, a false accusation that was never supported by any evidence or any crime!

Pelosi's decision not to pursue Impeachment was one made using logic and intelligence instead of pure emotion / hatred without any supporting evidence that has driven the Democrats / snowflakes the last 2 years!

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for ending the insane witch hunt and for admitting this has all been one huge, embarrassing butt hurt-driven sham!

Tammy Bruce: Democrats casually admit their obscene accusations against Trump and his supporters was a sham

Nancy is simply practical and waiting for the final evidence from Mueller’s investigation.
Calm down, it’s coming. Let’s hope Barr does not try to squash it from public scrutiny ...
While she is waiting for someone to find criminal evidence against Trump, why doesn't she and the democrats do something about / with all of the existing evidence of crimes committed by her Democrats?

"For two years, Democrats and their leadership have been haranguing the people of the United States with hysteria claiming that President Trump was an agent of the Russians, stole the election, is mentally disturbed or unfit and obstructed justice -- among other bizarre and crazed accusations. Yet Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the Democratically-led House, has announced that impeaching Trump is “not worth it.”

In an interview for The Washington Post magazine, conducted on March 6, Mrs. Pelosi said, “I’m not for impeachment. … This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

This new revelation from Mrs. Pelosi is another example of Democrats casually admitting that everything they’ve done to this country through their obscene accusations against the president and his supporters was a sham."

If Democrats REALLY believed the President of the United States was a compromised traitor working for Russia there is no way in HELL they / Pelosi would ever just give up pursuing his Impeachment!

The FACT is they damn-well know that their claim of illegal collusion was ALWAYS a SHAM, a false accusation that was never supported by any evidence or any crime!

Pelosi's decision not to pursue Impeachment was one made using logic and intelligence instead of pure emotion / hatred without any supporting evidence that has driven the Democrats / snowflakes the last 2 years!

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for ending the insane witch hunt and for admitting this has all been one huge, embarrassing butt hurt-driven sham!


Tammy Bruce: Democrats casually admit their obscene accusations against Trump and his supporters was a sham

So nobody admitted that anything was a sham. I figured.
"For two years, Democrats and their leadership have been haranguing the people of the United States with hysteria claiming that President Trump was an agent of the Russians, stole the election, is mentally disturbed or unfit and obstructed justice -- among other bizarre and crazed accusations. Yet Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the Democratically-led House, has announced that impeaching Trump is “not worth it.”

In an interview for The Washington Post magazine, conducted on March 6, Mrs. Pelosi said, “I’m not for impeachment. … This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

This new revelation from Mrs. Pelosi is another example of Democrats casually admitting that everything they’ve done to this country through their obscene accusations against the president and his supporters was a sham."

If Democrats REALLY believed the President of the United States was a compromised traitor working for Russia there is no way in HELL they / Pelosi would ever just give up pursuing his Impeachment!

The FACT is they damn-well know that their claim of illegal collusion was ALWAYS a SHAM, a false accusation that was never supported by any evidence or any crime!

Pelosi's decision not to pursue Impeachment was one made using logic and intelligence instead of pure emotion / hatred without any supporting evidence that has driven the Democrats / snowflakes the last 2 years!

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for ending the insane witch hunt and for admitting this has all been one huge, embarrassing butt hurt-driven sham!


Tammy Bruce: Democrats casually admit their obscene accusations against Trump and his supporters was a sham


Nancy Pelosi is dead wrong. The country is already divided. The Orange Virus should be impeached.
"For two years, Democrats and their leadership have been haranguing the people of the United States with hysteria claiming that President Trump was an agent of the Russians, stole the election, is mentally disturbed or unfit and obstructed justice -- among other bizarre and crazed accusations. Yet Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the Democratically-led House, has announced that impeaching Trump is “not worth it.”

In an interview for The Washington Post magazine, conducted on March 6, Mrs. Pelosi said, “I’m not for impeachment. … This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

This new revelation from Mrs. Pelosi is another example of Democrats casually admitting that everything they’ve done to this country through their obscene accusations against the president and his supporters was a sham."

If Democrats REALLY believed the President of the United States was a compromised traitor working for Russia there is no way in HELL they / Pelosi would ever just give up pursuing his Impeachment!

The FACT is they damn-well know that their claim of illegal collusion was ALWAYS a SHAM, a false accusation that was never supported by any evidence or any crime!

Pelosi's decision not to pursue Impeachment was one made using logic and intelligence instead of pure emotion / hatred without any supporting evidence that has driven the Democrats / snowflakes the last 2 years!

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for ending the insane witch hunt and for admitting this has all been one huge, embarrassing butt hurt-driven sham!


Tammy Bruce: Democrats casually admit their obscene accusations against Trump and his supporters was a sham


Nancy Pelosi is dead wrong. The country is already divided. The Orange Virus should be impeached.

Yes, the Orange Virus should be impeached, but that would be counterproductive before there is bipartisan support for it. All that could change after results of investigations are known. The right might not have a choice in supporting impeachment.
Oh but after two years of outrage "he's just not worth it".
Psssftttt. Ya'll know how much of a boost President Clinton got when they impeached him. I mean the GOP and their echo-chamber have the "Trumpflake Whine" for this scenario ready to go to get Trumpybear's Disciples extremely Fauxraged over it in a pathetic attempt to get sympathy votes. Unless the Dems have absolute proof of a conspiracy, they should stand down on impeachment and let the voters decide in 2020.
It's a sham, they know it is and was a sham. The curtain is about to open with the Mueller report and they don't want to be left standing on an empty stage. Thus they are now distancing themselves.

They have seen America is fed up with this crap and now the time has come for them to "simply walk away" from the issue while dancin' a little sidestep.

Oh but after two years of outrage "he's just not worth it".

It's not worth it right now.
Read the full quote. Not worth it was used in context of dividing the country.
Evidence needs to be sufficient for bi-partisan support. Need Mueller report and other investigation reports.

The problem is not the sufficiency of the reports. The problem is that there is not a single piece of evidence in those reports.
Oh but after two years of outrage "he's just not worth it".

It's not worth it right now.
Read the full quote. Not worth it was used in context of dividing the country.
Evidence needs to be sufficient for bi-partisan support. Need Mueller report and other investigation reports.

The problem is not the sufficiency of the reports. The problem is that there is not a single piece of evidence in those reports.
“I think there is direct evidence in the emails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump," Schiff said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

"They offer that dirt. There is an acceptance of that offer in writing form the president’s son, Don Jr., and there is overt acts and furtherance of that," he added, citing a summer 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between the Russian lawyer and members of the president's team.

"That to me is direct evidence," Schiff continued. "But there’s also abundant circumstantial evidence."
Oh but after two years of outrage "he's just not worth it".

It's not worth it right now.
Read the full quote. Not worth it was used in context of dividing the country.
Evidence needs to be sufficient for bi-partisan support. Need Mueller report and other investigation reports.

The problem is not the sufficiency of the reports. The problem is that there is not a single piece of evidence in those reports.
“I think there is direct evidence in the emails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump," Schiff said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

"They offer that dirt. There is an acceptance of that offer in writing form the president’s son, Don Jr., and there is overt acts and furtherance of that," he added, citing a summer 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between the Russian lawyer and members of the president's team.

"That to me is direct evidence," Schiff continued. "But there’s also abundant circumstantial evidence."

Cool story... come back when you have actual evidence.
"For two years, Democrats and their leadership have been haranguing the people of the United States with hysteria claiming that President Trump was an agent of the Russians, stole the election, is mentally disturbed or unfit and obstructed justice -- among other bizarre and crazed accusations. Yet Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the Democratically-led House, has announced that impeaching Trump is “not worth it.”

In an interview for The Washington Post magazine, conducted on March 6, Mrs. Pelosi said, “I’m not for impeachment. … This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

This new revelation from Mrs. Pelosi is another example of Democrats casually admitting that everything they’ve done to this country through their obscene accusations against the president and his supporters was a sham."

If Democrats REALLY believed the President of the United States was a compromised traitor working for Russia there is no way in HELL they / Pelosi would ever just give up pursuing his Impeachment!

The FACT is they damn-well know that their claim of illegal collusion was ALWAYS a SHAM, a false accusation that was never supported by any evidence or any crime!

Pelosi's decision not to pursue Impeachment was one made using logic and intelligence instead of pure emotion / hatred without any supporting evidence that has driven the Democrats / snowflakes the last 2 years!

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for ending the insane witch hunt and for admitting this has all been one huge, embarrassing butt hurt-driven sham!


Tammy Bruce: Democrats casually admit their obscene accusations against Trump and his supporters was a sham

try waiting for the results of the Mueller investigation, brainwashed functional moron. My goodness life is exciting on your ridiculous propaganda machine planet...

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