If planned parenthood is all about women's reproductive health, why are they weighing in on packing the SC, LBGTQ???, and voting rights?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
It would seem they are way out of their lane in calling for packing the SC, imposing term limits on the SC, and talking about voting rights and the LBGT???? community.

Can someone tell me why lesbians and gays would be concerned with reproductive issues? WTF does the SC have to do with women's reproductive health? And don't come back with them sending abortion back to the states, abortion is performed for the health of the mother in so few instances it doesn't even register statistically, according to planned parenthood.

Planned Parenthood calls for court packing, term limits in new judicial reform package​

Planned Parenthood called for court packing and term limits for Supreme Court justices in its latest judicial reform package on Sunday.

Planned Parenthood's proposals come nearly a year after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in June 2022, allowing states to ban abortion. In addition to court packing and term limits, the group is also calling on Congress to establish a code of ethics for SCOTUS, expand the size of lower courts and end single-judge divisions.

While the group's proposal calls for an expanded Supreme Court bench, or court packing, it does not specify how many justices should be added.

"Planned Parenthood refuses to accept that our courts can only exist as they do now, and understands that reforms are integral to building the public’s trust that the courts can and will function to uphold hard-won freedoms and advance justice for future generations," the group's president, Alexis McGill Johnson, said in a statement. "PPFA’s expanded position is a continuation of our commitment to ensure that everyone, no matter where they live, has the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies, lives, and futures."

"As we continue to face unrelenting attacks on our basic freedoms, our courts must be one backstop to protecting our rights. Instead, the courts have been used as a vehicle to advance a dangerous agenda against abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and so much more," she wrote.

Democrats and pro-choice groups have widely espoused the idea of court packing in the months since the fall of Roe v. Wade.
It would seem they are way out of their lane in calling for packing the SC, imposing term limits on the SC, and talking about voting rights and the LBGT???? community.

Can someone tell me why lesbians and gays would be concerned with reproductive issues? WTF does the SC have to do with women's reproductive health? And don't come back with them sending abortion back to the states, abortion is performed for the health of the mother in so few instances it doesn't even register statistically, according to planned parenthood.

Planned Parenthood calls for court packing, term limits in new judicial reform package​

Planned Parenthood called for court packing and term limits for Supreme Court justices in its latest judicial reform package on Sunday.

Planned Parenthood's proposals come nearly a year after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in June 2022, allowing states to ban abortion. In addition to court packing and term limits, the group is also calling on Congress to establish a code of ethics for SCOTUS, expand the size of lower courts and end single-judge divisions.

While the group's proposal calls for an expanded Supreme Court bench, or court packing, it does not specify how many justices should be added.

"Planned Parenthood refuses to accept that our courts can only exist as they do now, and understands that reforms are integral to building the public’s trust that the courts can and will function to uphold hard-won freedoms and advance justice for future generations," the group's president, Alexis McGill Johnson, said in a statement. "PPFA’s expanded position is a continuation of our commitment to ensure that everyone, no matter where they live, has the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies, lives, and futures."

"As we continue to face unrelenting attacks on our basic freedoms, our courts must be one backstop to protecting our rights. Instead, the courts have been used as a vehicle to advance a dangerous agenda against abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and so much more," she wrote.

Democrats and pro-choice groups have widely espoused the idea of court packing in the months since the fall of Roe v. Wade.
I still want to know how ripping a baby out of the womb is reproductive rights. I guess it is just another lie the left likes to believe.
It would seem they are way out of their lane in calling for packing the SC, imposing term limits on the SC, and talking about voting rights and the LBGT???? community.

Can someone tell me why lesbians and gays would be concerned with reproductive issues? WTF does the SC have to do with women's reproductive health? And don't come back with them sending abortion back to the states, abortion is performed for the health of the mother in so few instances it doesn't even register statistically, according to planned parenthood.

Planned Parenthood calls for court packing, term limits in new judicial reform package​

Planned Parenthood called for court packing and term limits for Supreme Court justices in its latest judicial reform package on Sunday.

Planned Parenthood's proposals come nearly a year after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in June 2022, allowing states to ban abortion. In addition to court packing and term limits, the group is also calling on Congress to establish a code of ethics for SCOTUS, expand the size of lower courts and end single-judge divisions.

While the group's proposal calls for an expanded Supreme Court bench, or court packing, it does not specify how many justices should be added.

"Planned Parenthood refuses to accept that our courts can only exist as they do now, and understands that reforms are integral to building the public’s trust that the courts can and will function to uphold hard-won freedoms and advance justice for future generations," the group's president, Alexis McGill Johnson, said in a statement. "PPFA’s expanded position is a continuation of our commitment to ensure that everyone, no matter where they live, has the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies, lives, and futures."

"As we continue to face unrelenting attacks on our basic freedoms, our courts must be one backstop to protecting our rights. Instead, the courts have been used as a vehicle to advance a dangerous agenda against abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and so much more," she wrote.

Democrats and pro-choice groups have widely espoused the idea of court packing in the months since the fall of Roe v. Wade.
The GOP should stop pussing about, and let states settle the matter, as they pretended to want for decades.
It would seem they are way out of their lane in calling for packing the SC, imposing term limits on the SC, and talking about voting rights and the LBGT???? community.

Can someone tell me why lesbians and gays would be concerned with reproductive issues? WTF does the SC have to do with women's reproductive health? And don't come back with them sending abortion back to the states, abortion is performed for the health of the mother in so few instances it doesn't even register statistically, according to planned parenthood.

Planned Parenthood calls for court packing, term limits in new judicial reform package​

Planned Parenthood called for court packing and term limits for Supreme Court justices in its latest judicial reform package on Sunday.

Planned Parenthood's proposals come nearly a year after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in June 2022, allowing states to ban abortion. In addition to court packing and term limits, the group is also calling on Congress to establish a code of ethics for SCOTUS, expand the size of lower courts and end single-judge divisions.

While the group's proposal calls for an expanded Supreme Court bench, or court packing, it does not specify how many justices should be added.

"Planned Parenthood refuses to accept that our courts can only exist as they do now, and understands that reforms are integral to building the public’s trust that the courts can and will function to uphold hard-won freedoms and advance justice for future generations," the group's president, Alexis McGill Johnson, said in a statement. "PPFA’s expanded position is a continuation of our commitment to ensure that everyone, no matter where they live, has the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies, lives, and futures."

"As we continue to face unrelenting attacks on our basic freedoms, our courts must be one backstop to protecting our rights. Instead, the courts have been used as a vehicle to advance a dangerous agenda against abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and so much more," she wrote.

Democrats and pro-choice groups have widely espoused the idea of court packing in the months since the fall of Roe v. Wade.

Perhaps because Planned Parenthood is the largest women’s rights organization in the USA, and LBGTQ rights are women’s rights, as are voting rights.

No American will have rights with Supreme Court that ‘s been packed and corrupted by the federalist society’s right wing fringe faith religious radicals.
It would seem they are way out of their lane in calling for packing the SC, imposing term limits on the SC, and talking about voting rights and the LBGT???? community.

Can someone tell me why lesbians and gays would be concerned with reproductive issues? WTF does the SC have to do with women's reproductive health? And don't come back with them sending abortion back to the states, abortion is performed for the health of the mother in so few instances it doesn't even register statistically, according to planned parenthood.

Planned Parenthood calls for court packing, term limits in new judicial reform package​

Planned Parenthood called for court packing and term limits for Supreme Court justices in its latest judicial reform package on Sunday.

Planned Parenthood's proposals come nearly a year after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in June 2022, allowing states to ban abortion. In addition to court packing and term limits, the group is also calling on Congress to establish a code of ethics for SCOTUS, expand the size of lower courts and end single-judge divisions.

While the group's proposal calls for an expanded Supreme Court bench, or court packing, it does not specify how many justices should be added.

"Planned Parenthood refuses to accept that our courts can only exist as they do now, and understands that reforms are integral to building the public’s trust that the courts can and will function to uphold hard-won freedoms and advance justice for future generations," the group's president, Alexis McGill Johnson, said in a statement. "PPFA’s expanded position is a continuation of our commitment to ensure that everyone, no matter where they live, has the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies, lives, and futures."

"As we continue to face unrelenting attacks on our basic freedoms, our courts must be one backstop to protecting our rights. Instead, the courts have been used as a vehicle to advance a dangerous agenda against abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and so much more," she wrote.

Democrats and pro-choice groups have widely espoused the idea of court packing in the months since the fall of Roe v. Wade.
Voting rights are important to elect pro-choice candidates.
Perhaps because Planned Parenthood is the largest women’s rights organization in the USA, and LBGTQ rights are women’s rights, as are voting rights.

No American will have rights with Supreme Court that ‘s been packed and corrupted by the federalist society’s right wing fringe faith religious radicals.
Thanks for confirming it isn't about reproductive health, but a political hack outfit.

And please link us up to the Supreme Court being "packed", Simp. How many seats have the GOP added to the SC?

This will be a hoot.
Thanks for confirming it isn't about reproductive health, but a political hack outfit.

And please link us up to the Supreme Court being "packed", Simp. How many seats have the GOP added to the SC?

This will be a hoot.

They didn’t pack it by adding seats. They packed it by stealing them. They stole Merrick Garland’s seat by refusing to confirm him after Obama appointed him, on the excuse that it was an “election year”. The seat could not be filled until after the election.

Then when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in 2920, they rammed through the confirmation of a very unqualified Amy Coney Barrett after voting in the 2020 election had already begun.

That’s how they packed the court. Anything done at this point to increase the size of the court or balance the ideologies is “unpacking” the court.
They didn’t pack it by adding seats. They packed it by stealing them. They stole Merrick Garland’s seat by refusing to confirm him after Obama appointed him, on the excuse that it was an “election year”. The seat could not be filled until after the election.

Then when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in 2920, they rammed through the confirmation of a very unqualified Amy Coney Barrett after voting in the 2020 election had already begun.

That’s how they packed the court. Anything done at this point to increase the size of the court or balance the ideologies is “unpacking” the court.
Once again your post is full of bullshit lies.

Not confirming a judge isn't "packing the court", Dumbass.

Confirming a judge for an open seat isn't "packing the court", Moron.

Once again you demonstrate your ignorance of the American system, you KKKanadian halfwit. Go fix your shithole country and stop humiliating yourself on this board with your abject stupidity of everything American.
They didn’t pack it by adding seats. They packed it by stealing them. They stole Merrick Garland’s seat by refusing to confirm him after Obama appointed him, on the excuse that it was an “election year”. The seat could not be filled until after the election.

Then when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in 2920, they rammed through the confirmation of a very unqualified Amy Coney Barrett after voting in the 2020 election had already begun.

That’s how they packed the court. Anything done at this point to increase the size of the court or balance the ideologies is “unpacking” the court.
Yep, we've seen what a political hack Garland is as AG, and you idiots complain he's not on the SC.
Once again your post is full of bullshit lies.

Not confirming a judge isn't "packing the court", Dumbass.

Confirming a judge for an open seat isn't "packing the court", Moron.

Once again you demonstrate your ignorance of the American system, you KKKanadian halfwit. Go fix your shithole country and stop humiliating yourself on this board with your abject stupidity of everything American.

Moving the goal posts yet again once you’ve had your ass handed to you on a plate, Fuck Boi.

Every time you paint yourself into a corner, you lash out with insults and abuse.

Your concession is noted.
Moving the goal posts yet again once you’ve had your ass handed to you on a plate, Fuck Boi.

Every time you paint yourself into a corner, you lash out with insults and abuse.

Your concession is noted.
Explain to the class exactly how I moved the goal posts, Simp.

This will be a hoot.
Moving the goal posts yet again once you’ve had your ass handed to you on a plate, Fuck Boi.

Every time you paint yourself into a corner, you lash out with insults and abuse.

Your concession is noted.

Here ya go, Moron. Get an education for once in your pathetic spinster life.



court-pack·ing ˈkȯrt-ˌpa-kiŋ

variants or less commonly court packing
: the act or practice of packing (see PACK entry 3 sense 1) a court and especially the United States Supreme Court by increasing the number of judges or justices in an attempt to change the ideological makeup of the court

Perhaps because Planned Parenthood is the largest women’s rights organization in the USA, and LBGTQ rights are women’s rights, as are voting rights.

No American will have rights with Supreme Court that ‘s been packed and corrupted by the federalist society’s right wing fringe faith religious radicals.
The right to rip a baby out of a womb? That right? Wow, some of you women, are really, really EVIL.
The Democratic Party and its followers have an unspoken agreement that each Democrat will support the policy goals of other Democrats in order to get their policy goals fulfilled. Maybe they speak it at their meetings, I don't know. They enforce that agreement by cancelling any Democrat who steps out of line.

To a typical union boss, Affirmative Action should be an anathema. They want all promotions, raises, and other benefits based purely on seniority, a system that could perpetuate discrimination against a group that has experienced discrimination in the past. But the unions keep their mouths shut about AA, because they know Dems will keep passing laws that benefit union bosses. If they speak out against AA, it might sway people to vote Republican, especially their members.

Black Democrats who want to work their way out of poverty are the most harmed by Biden's surge in illegal aliens, but they keep their mouths shut, so they can keep AA, and opulant lifestyles financed by welfare.

No legitimate feminist believes that a male can become a woman just by feeling like one. But as soon as Dem USSC nominee Judge Jackson announced her inability to define the word "woman," nearly all Democrats jump on the "me neither" bandwagon. Matt Walsh did a whole documentary based on asking "experts" in gender "what is a woman?" Instead of just thinking up an answer, Dems tried to crash the debut stream of the movie.

Some Democrats have not jumped on this latest thing, though. Some feminists said that men don't become women and males don't belong in female sports. They were promptly given a label, Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist - TERF - and the process of cancellation begun.

Might not work this time. Feminists have been fighting for more than a century for women's rights, so these upstart crying t-girls may have met their match.
It would seem they are way out of their lane in calling for packing the SC, imposing term limits on the SC, and talking about voting rights and the LBGT???? community.

Can someone tell me why lesbians and gays would be concerned with reproductive issues? WTF does the SC have to do with women's reproductive health? And don't come back with them sending abortion back to the states, abortion is performed for the health of the mother in so few instances it doesn't even register statistically, according to planned parenthood.

Planned Parenthood calls for court packing, term limits in new judicial reform package​

Planned Parenthood called for court packing and term limits for Supreme Court justices in its latest judicial reform package on Sunday.

Planned Parenthood's proposals come nearly a year after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in June 2022, allowing states to ban abortion. In addition to court packing and term limits, the group is also calling on Congress to establish a code of ethics for SCOTUS, expand the size of lower courts and end single-judge divisions.

While the group's proposal calls for an expanded Supreme Court bench, or court packing, it does not specify how many justices should be added.

"Planned Parenthood refuses to accept that our courts can only exist as they do now, and understands that reforms are integral to building the public’s trust that the courts can and will function to uphold hard-won freedoms and advance justice for future generations," the group's president, Alexis McGill Johnson, said in a statement. "PPFA’s expanded position is a continuation of our commitment to ensure that everyone, no matter where they live, has the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies, lives, and futures."

"As we continue to face unrelenting attacks on our basic freedoms, our courts must be one backstop to protecting our rights. Instead, the courts have been used as a vehicle to advance a dangerous agenda against abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and so much more," she wrote.

Democrats and pro-choice groups have widely espoused the idea of court packing in the months since the fall of Roe v. Wade.
And ACLU is about civil rights…….

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