‘If Republican senators acquit Trump, they will own the violence that follows.’

We don't trust magaturds. Period.
And trump is far from finished. His plans are to push the US into the mold that he has envisioned. He lost the 2020 election. He cannot and will not admit it. Therefore, he will contrive conspiracy theories and lies until he is back in power. His followers are, even now, are planning to overthrow the Biden administration....AND AT HIS RALLIES, HE IS ENCOURAGING IT.

And our DOJ is sitting on their hands? What the Hell is wrong with Garland? Has he ever read how authoritarianism begins? Does he have the ability to see what trump is doing? If he does not wake up, we will be in big trouble long before 2024.
And trump is far from finished. His plans are to push the US into the mold that he has envisioned. He lost the 2020 election. He cannot and will not admit it. Therefore, he will contrive conspiracy theories and lies until he is back in power. His followers are, even now, are planning to overthrow the Biden administration....AND AT HIS RALLIES, HE IS ENCOURAGING IT.

And our DOJ is sitting on their hands? What the Hell is wrong with Garland? Has he ever read how authoritarianism begins? Does he have the ability to see what trump is doing? If he does not wake up, we will be in big trouble long before 2024.
Magaturds aren't anything to be afraid of. Look at their shitty insurrection, for one.
In other words, yes.
In other words, fuck you, you don't read minds, magaturd, and how about stop trying to answer for me, k?

Look, idiot. I'm not the liberal you're looking for. I'm the apathetic type that would most likely truly whup your ass should you keep acting like an entitled partisan prick. I truly have no fucks to give about you, snowflake. And that's from the heart. :smiliehug:

And I mean that in the most literal of ways. No conspiracy here.
Not so veiled threats are always good for Democracy?


Then so be it. Personally I think a conviction in their kangaroo court will spark a lot more violence. But we accept the responsibility.

A few dozen unarmed protesters had them worried. That’s funny. You ain’t seen nuthin yet.

What's he being acquitted for anyway?
Yes and Trump is the big fat ape who tried to eat the banana.
The corruption in the Swamp Trump tried to drain is a lot bigger than he thought it was. Many of the people he hired to help him drain the Swamp were Swamp critters. It is not surprising Trump failed and the Swamp won in the end.


Trump did at least reveal how far the Swamp will go to protect itself. Unfortunately now we have a President who is one of the larger Swamp critters because of his lengthy political career in the Senate and as Obama’s VP.

Many say the Chinese will take over the world and I consider that quite possible as the Chinese are buying our politicians lock, stock and barrel as well as influence in many of our companies. The Chinese know how to use our corruption to replace us without fighting a war.

The corruption in the Swamp Trump tried to drain is a lot bigger than he thought it was. Many of the people he hired to help him drain the Swamp were Swamp critters. It is not surprising Trump failed and the Swamp won in the end.

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Trump did at least reveal how far the Swamp will go to protect itself. Unfortunately now we have a President who is one of the larger Swamp critters because of his lengthy political career in the Senate and as Obama’s VP.

Many say the Chinese will take over the world and I consider that quite possible as the Chinese are buying our politicians lock, stock and barrel as well as influence in many of our companies. The Chinese know how to use our corruption to replace us without fighting a war.

So, you admit Mr. Trump was wholly unfit for the job. Noted, please and thank you.
He wasn’t unfit but he was unprepared for the magnitude of draining the Swamp.
That doesn't mean anything. You seem to be using words for which you don't understand the full meaning of.

You said it yourself: 'He wasn’t unfit but he was unprepared'. Thanks for that, btw.

At the EOD, it (meaning the *presidential performance from the Orange sack o' shit) sucked out loud to me. You haven't offered any new compelling insights into why I should feel any different.

So far, so good, eh? :113:
If he gets re-elected he will have a much better idea of what has to be done.
Sure. That's certainly the authoritarian magaturd agenda,. I suppose.

You are to be commended upon your abilities to follow instructions.

You are an ace at supporting stupid, pointless, partisan bullshit.

All heil Mr. Trump, right? :113:
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