If Republicans want their kids to be uneducated, DON'T INTERFERE!!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.
More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.
You are a moron. My mother was a teacher in North Carolina and guess what she taught? SCIENCE AND MATH! Her students loved her because she made education fun and they did great with it. Oh and college IS bad for America because its overpriced and not worth the cost in debt. Better to go to a trade school and learn a trade for a fraction of the cost and make just as much or more than what you can get a college degree to do.
More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.

The way colleges are today, they are bad for America

Your contempt for Christianity makes you a bigot.
More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.

And Fake Fox News needs fresh replacements for their dwindling audience. Honestly I'm surprised the legislatures in all these red states that have teachers striking for more pay and more money to pay for educational material aren't all saying 'Jesus will provide' so we don't have to do anything.
I'm agreeing with you guys.

So don't go to college. It simply doesn't take for your kind.

New foreign student enrollment at U.S. colleges and universities doubled since Great Recession

Republicans think College is bad for America. The rest of the world want a US college education because they think it's the best in the world.

This is why listening to Republicans will rot your brain. They are unstable and brainwashed. Is it any surprise they voted for a con man and a scam artist?
More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.

Who needs college when we have such a smart president?
All one has to do is look what so called education is turning out and one knows there is a problem. Trust me, it isn't conservatism
Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.

If only you were serious. If only you really would just leave people alone. But that's not exactly in the liberal DNA, is it?
More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.


Too steal a progressive line of thought...

...Perhaps it's time to open the floodgates to the more educated immigrants around the world and let them come and do the jobs our US born and raised teachers are unwilling to do.


Just like I don't interfere with leftist parasites aborting their genetic garbage.

More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.
I guess teachers in red-neck states are all Republicans.
More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.


Too steal a progressive line of thought...

...Perhaps it's time to open the floodgates to the more educated immigrants around the world and let them come and do the jobs our US born and raised teachers are unwilling to do.



Are you talking about the underpaid?
More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.
I guess teachers in red-neck states are all Republicans.
No, but most of the parents of the students are. That means the kids start out far, far behind the children of normal parents.
Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.

If only you were serious. If only you really would just leave people alone. But that's not exactly in the liberal DNA, is it?

It's Republicans that want to legislate women's bodies.

They want to kill the gays.

They are against equal rights.

and so on.

So many problems in the country would go away if hateful Republicans stopped attacking people.
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More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.

Who needs college when we have such a smart president?
Reminds me of this song:

This is an honor I'll remember for as long as I can.
More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.


Too steal a progressive line of thought...

...Perhaps it's time to open the floodgates to the more educated immigrants around the world and let them come and do the jobs our US born and raised teachers are unwilling to do.



Are you talking about the underpaid?


If people outside this country are willing to come here as legal immigrants and do the job for the current pay offered then the job must not be underpaid.


More than 1 million students to miss school as teacher revolt hits North Carolina

West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Those are the states where teachers are walking out. Look at those states. That's were you get people who believe in magical creation over science and evolution.

These people think algebra is "fuzzy math" because it uses letters.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Why even bother? Let them go.

Come on, these are people who think college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Why would they invest in school for their children when they think college is a mistake and a bad thing?

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.

And Fake Fox News needs fresh replacements for their dwindling audience. Honestly I'm surprised the legislatures in all these red states that have teachers striking for more pay and more money to pay for educational material aren't all saying 'Jesus will provide' so we don't have to do anything.

The right's disdain for education is exactly why its important to get rid of any undocumented who do menial labor.

Leave them alone. We need vegetable and fruit pickers. If migrant workers aren't going to be let in, let Republicans do those jobs. That's all they will be qualified for anyway.

If only you were serious. If only you really would just leave people alone. But that's not exactly in the liberal DNA, is it?

It's Republicans that want to legislate women's bodies.

They want to kill the gays.

They are against equal rights.

and so on.

So many problems in the country would go away if hateful Republicans stopped attacking people.

That's true enough, but let's get back on topic. Are you really saying that we should just leave them alone? Let them education their kids the way they want and stop interfering? Because if you're serious, it's the most libertarian thing you've ever posted and I applaud it.

Are you? Could you do that? Could you just go with "live and let live"? I'm kinda doubting it, to be honest.
It's the kids who are going to suffer. Republicans want the boys to be ready for jobs in box factories and chicken plants and for the girls to be ready to spread their legs. Repubs want to ready American children to accept abuse without complaint and without any respect for themselves.
It's the kids who are going to suffer. Republicans want the boys to be ready for jobs in box factories and chicken plants and for the girls to be ready to spread their legs. Repubs want to ready American children to accept abuse without complaint and without any respect for themselves.

How do pieces of shit as stupid as you survive without being picked off through natural selection long enough to learn to type?

I blame child resistant lids on household chemicals. We have thwarted nature and oxygen thieves like you are our burden as a consequence.

Look here imbecile, not everyone, least of all pieces of shit like you, are going to be successful lawyers, doctors, innovative science professionals or CEO's. Even fewer are going to be athletes, but can you guess how much school districts spend on sports? They're building fucking stadiums with illegal immigrant labor because we aren't teaching our next generation CARPENTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most people aren't college material. Pure and simple, bottom line truth.

That doesn't mean they're stupid, lack talent, or have to work in box factories you ignorant parasite. Most successful people in US history never stepped foot in a college until after they became millionaires. You can learn a trade and if you have the GUMPTION, run with it and start your own business.

That's what republicans believe in, and that's why you're programmed to hate them. It requires effort on your part to find success in the real world.


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