If Romney had won. . .


This is a Dark ride
Apr 7, 2009
Why are Obama's people still so mad???

If Romney had won I'd've been so full of hope and good feelings I'd've wanted to share it with everybody. I'd be calling for unity and putting the past behind us as we went forward as a great nation once again.

You see no such principles in Obama's people. They know, deep inside, they've made a horrible error in judgement and they are desparately looking for someone to blame.

So this is America now. The mean spirited, the nasty tempered and the petty have the floor now and we are all the poorer for it.

I have a feeling America's darkest hour is still in front of us and Nero fiddles while Rome burns.
The stock market said it all....it went downhill the following day after the idiot won.

If Romney won, then the stock market would've taken off with stocks in high tech companies being spurred on.

Now, the best stock is in healthcare which is more inefficient than most economic sectors, but liberals like choosing a loser.
Moon glow, doesn't it bother you at all that there will be fewer full time jobs now because most small businesses can't afford the exorbitant insurance fees?

That the quality of your life too stands to be much diminished?
Why are Obama's people still so mad???

If Romney had won I'd've been so full of hope and good feelings I'd've wanted to share it with everybody. I'd be calling for unity and putting the past behind us as we went forward as a great nation once again.

You see no such principles in Obama's people. They know, deep inside, they've made a horrible error in judgement and they are desparately looking for someone to blame.

So this is America now. The mean spirited, the nasty tempered and the petty have the floor now and we are all the poorer for it.

I have a feeling America's darkest hour is still in front of us and Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

Romney laid out a clear plan to revive the economy, lower unemployment and reduce deficits, so if Romney had won, you would be looking forward to seeing that plan implemented and hoping the results would be as good as he claimed they would be. That's what you'd be happy about and want to share with everyone.

But Obama supporters voted for a man whose first term produced more excuses than accomplishments and who laid out no economic agenda other than some glib one liners about taxing the wealthy so while they are still excited about Obama's victory, they have no idea what comes next and nothing to look forward to and so they remain in campaign mode.
The stock market said it all....it went downhill the following day after the idiot won.

If Romney won, then the stock market would've taken off with stocks in high tech companies being spurred on.

Now, the best stock is in healthcare which is more inefficient than most economic sectors, but liberals like choosing a loser.

Yep, my investments will continue to founder for the next 4 years and I will not have the luxury of retirement. I'll have to work till I drop.
Why are Obama's people still so mad???
A question for which there seems to be no answer I'm not a Obama fan I was disappointed Romney lost but I'm over it why the left still seems so mad I don't know.
Moon glow, doesn't it bother you at all that there will be fewer full time jobs now because most small businesses can't afford the exorbitant insurance fees?

That the quality of your life too stands to be much diminished?

Hardly. I have no problem with the ACA. I use the VA. If business lays off before the ACA takes affect in 2014 they are using the layoffs as a political pawn.
I am self employed and have worked for many companies that do not offer healthcare, yet the owners are million, and billionaires. Those people were more interested in their own benefit and not the employees.
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Why are Obama's people still so mad???

If Romney had won I'd've been so full of hope and good feelings I'd've wanted to share it with everybody. I'd be calling for unity and putting the past behind us as we went forward as a great nation once again.

You see no such principles in Obama's people. They know, deep inside, they've made a horrible error in judgement and they are desparately looking for someone to blame.

So this is America now. The mean spirited, the nasty tempered and the petty have the floor now and we are all the poorer for it.

I have a feeling America's darkest hour is still in front of us and Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

Romney laid out a clear plan to revive the economy, lower unemployment and reduce deficits, so if Romney had won, you would be looking forward to seeing that plan implemented and hoping the results would be as good as he claimed they would be. That's what you'd be happy about and want to share with everyone.

But Obama supporters voted for a man whose first term produced more excuses than accomplishments and who laid out no economic agenda other than some glib one liners about taxing the wealthy so while they are still excited about Obama's victory, they have no idea what comes next and nothing to look forward to and so they remain in campaign mode.

I know and it breaks my heart looking back to when America was great. It is going to hurt even worse than low paying part time jobs and the country being run by fools.
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Moon glow, doesn't it bother you at all that there will be fewer full time jobs now because most small businesses can't afford the exorbitant insurance fees?

That the quality of your life too stands to be much diminished?

Hardly. I have no problem with the ACA. I use the VA. If business lays off before the ACA takes affect in 2014 they are using the layoffs as a political pawn.

Sweetie you have no problem because you don't know any better. I'm not just talking about me. Doesn't the misery of your fellow Americans touch you at all? Are all Obama's people just about 'Me FIRST!?
Why are Obama's people still so mad???
A question for which there seems to be no answer I'm not a Obama fan I was disappointed Romney lost but I'm over it why the left still seems so mad I don't know.

Isn't it amazing? Do you think it's because they know, deep down, they made a horrible mistake in judgement??
Why are Obama's people still so mad???

If Romney had won I'd've been so full of hope and good feelings I'd've wanted to share it with everybody. I'd be calling for unity and putting the past behind us as we went forward as a great nation once again.

You see no such principles in Obama's people. They know, deep inside, they've made a horrible error in judgement and they are desparately looking for someone to blame.

So this is America now. The mean spirited, the nasty tempered and the petty have the floor now and we are all the poorer for it.

I have a feeling America's darkest hour is still in front of us and Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

I'm surprised you even felt hopeful that Romney would win. I was confident it would turn out this way ever since the silly primary debates. Romney was only the best of the worst. That is the reason he was even in the general.

His primaries were bad, his convention was awful, he had some success with his first debate but both of the others were disasterous for him. I had no doubt Obama was going to win. It was another amazing landslide victory for him.

American voters have spoken.
It's a kneejerk reaction to Reps for being mad.
It happens all the time. One side gets mad, so the other side gets mad, and so on and so forth.
They call it mudslinging.

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