If T wins ..he must do ..


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
1) defund all sanctuary cities
2) pass executive action making cop killers get the death sentence
3) arrest and destroy Antifa and send heavy federal forces into Portland
4) way better trade deals with the EU
5) break up google , Twitter and Facebook and I hope Barr is capable
6) massive indictments on the conspirators of the Russian hoax( Obama and Biden can’t be touched ) get Adam Schiff and others
7) End Chain migration
8) control reckless federal spending
So in other words you think Trump should go full blown dictator? That's why he has to go. He needs to be handed a loss so decisive that you idiots will finally realize that America has rejected authoritarianism.
So in other words you think Trump should go full blown dictator? That's why he has to go. He needs to be handed a loss so decisive that you idiots will finally realize that America has rejected authoritarianism.

How the fuck would that make him a dictator?

Pieces of shit like you want to see cop killers walk; we get that. You want illegal alien scumbags handed the keys to the city. We get that, too. You want piece of shit leftist fucks to enjoy free reign to burn our cities to the ground. Nice.

Well, fuck you, because after those vermin are dealt with, you're next...
If T wins ..he must do ..

1) defund all sanctuary cities
2) pass executive action making cop killers get the death sentence
3) arrest and destroy Antifa and send heavy federal forces into Portland
4) way better trade deals with the EU
5) break up google , Twitter and Facebook and I hope Barr is capable
6) massive indictments on the conspirators of the Russian hoax( Obama and Biden can’t be touched ) get Adam Schiff and others
7) End Chain migration
8) control reckless federal spending
1) defund all sanctuary cities
What Title and Section of the US Code or Article, Section and Clause would allow a President to lawfully and unilaterally take that type of action against any sovereign entity within the United States?
2) pass executive action making cop killers get the death sentence
What Article, Section and Clause of the Constitution would allow a President to lawfully and unilaterally take that type of action against any sovereign entity within the United States?
3) arrest and destroy Antifa and send heavy federal forces into Portland
What Title and Section of the US Code or Article, Section and Clause of the Constitution would allow a President to lawfully and unilaterally take that type of action against any sovereign entity within the United States?
4) way better trade deals with the EU
5) break up google , Twitter and Facebook and I hope Barr is capable
Under what authority could any POTUS take that action without cause?
6) massive indictments on the conspirators of the Russian hoax( Obama and Biden can’t be touched ) get Adam Schiff and others
If folks in Government have broken the law as you claim why hasn't Trump & Co. already made a case against those alleged "conspirators" and taken court action months ago??
7) End Chain migration
What portions of the immigration statutes do you want added, modified or eradicated that will allow just the "right" immigrants for you and Trump? Does Brown make you Frown?
8) control reckless federal spending
Do you have a list? Would it include a POTUS unlawfully redirecting and distributing lawfully appropriated funds? Would that include the 2020 FY Budget deficit of $3.1 Trillion and a whopping $4.2 Trillion spending spree from April to end of FY2020. ~~ U.S. budget deficit topped a record $3 trillion for 2020 fiscal year. ~~

Would you add to Trumps list all the tax cuts for the Fortune 500 Corps. that propped up the Fat Cat Trump Donor Class?

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