If the Dems easily wait out the GOP, lead by McConnell, and wait for him to fold on separating Ukraine funding from the border...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
... and hence, once again, illustrate to the world how poor they are in negotiating (if they had any intention at all of really demanding a border deal for Ukraine funding), does this help or hurt Trump and the GOP in 2024?

I am just a lowly Canadian but I read public comments with great interest and it is clear, once again, that GOP voters view their Party with disdain since they fold on every issue, even the National Security of Americas border. The most popular GOP member outside of Trump would be Abbott by far if I were to guess.

So, if and when McConnell basically folds on pairing the border with Ukraine, as he always does, and basically gives away any leverage the GOP have, does this help or hurt Trump in 2024?
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This is one of the lamest ploys the Democrats have tried in recent years. The Narrative is that if the Republicans don't pass Ukraine funding and their immigration bill, then THE REPUBLICANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INVASION AT THE BORDER!

The President in a few of his semi-coherent moments in the past few days has repeated the narrative almost verbatim. "If they don't pass this bill then I can't close the border."

Are American voters truly that stupid? Leftists are, for sure, but others?
This is one of the lamest ploys the Democrats have tried in recent years. The Narrative is that if the Republicans don't pass Ukraine funding and their immigration bill, then THE REPUBLICANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INVASION AT THE BORDER!

The President in a few of his semi-coherent moments in the past few days has repeated the narrative almost verbatim. "If they don't pass this bill then I can't close the border."

Are American voters truly that stupid? Leftists are, for sure, but others?
the others...American Voters are not stupid...they are ignored. intentionally. They are ignored, insulted, ignored again, stereotyped, caricatured, vilified, and persecuted in courts of law and society. but they're not stupid.

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