If the investment class is doing better than it ever has, why has job growth been slow?


The stock market is not the economy.

Amazing how many people don't know that.


you're correct. it's a reflection of the wealth of the investor class.

that said, we aren't exactly putting forth policies designed to increase job growth.

when the economy crashed when bush was president, we should have had a jobs program. the right has blocked every effort to create the types of jobs that build infrastructure (which we need anyway) in favor of rewarding coroporations for off-shoring jobs.

True dat!! :thup:

I would MUCH rather see We, The Peeps spending money borrowed from China on bridges, roads, schools and other infrastructure than spending money borrowed from China on more weapons and security.

i'd rather see the top 1% pay their fair share. until baby bush no leader in history cut taxes during wartime. i'm personally tired of hearing the wingers say we're broke when they just have to stop waging permanent war and collect the taxes they're supposed to from the top 1% and then use those taxes to fix what's broken.

you can't have a consumer economy where consumers can't afford goods and services.

True dat!!! :thup:

The only thing better than investing borrowed money in quality education and infrastructure is to have a system of fair and simple taxes, balanced public budgets, and transparency in public spending paving the way to the stars.

Fly, Monkeys! Fly!​
It's because real economic growth comes from stimulating the middle class and consumer spending.

How do we know? Well despite Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, job growth under him was pitiful.

What we do know works is demand side economics. Obama's stimulus created close to 3 million private jobs according to the CBO. By extending unemployment benefits, consumer spending for the people who needed it the most increased.


Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Come November, don't vote republican. They are useless. They only help the wealthy. If you noticed all the bills republicans tried to pass in the last few years were deregulation and tax cuts for big corporations. Trust me, the investment class is doing better than ever already.
The investment class is improving productivity...doing more with less labor...they don't want to hire slobs for benefits.
The current state of the stock market has absolutely nothing to do with the Bush tax cuts and everything to do with Obama's and the Fed's current policies.

When people with money can borrow it virtually for free and then get a really good return in the market why would they risk that same money on new business ventures in an economy that is barely growing at 1%?

Well I'll be damned, skull finally accidentally told the truth.

Well no shit skull. if you actually recognize that the supposed top 1% "job creators" are actually just borrowing money to make money with in the markets, why in the fuck do you and people like you care if they pay a higher percentage in taxes than they currently do?

YOU ADMIT that even with their Bush tax cuts they didn't create those promised jobs. They just took those cheap bailout dollars after the Bush collapse and spent them in the stock market. What a job creation strategy that was.

And you were correct twice. The Bush stock market sure didn't look like the market now.

I didn't admit anything about the Bush tax cuts other than they have nothing to do with the current state of the market.

And in case you haven't understood my stance on taxes.

IDGAF how much anyone makes. I do not believe that just because a person happens to make more than another that a higher percentage of his money should be confiscated by the government.

And I never called any segment of society "job creators" that's your schtick not mine
It's middle class consumer spending that creates jobs. Helping the poor does too but nothing creates jobs as abundantly as stimulating the middle class.

The stock market is not the economy.

Amazing how many people don't know that.


you're correct. it's a reflection of the wealth of the investor class.

that said, we aren't exactly putting forth policies designed to increase job growth.

when the economy crashed when bush was president, we should have had a jobs program. the right has blocked every effort to create the types of jobs that build infrastructure (which we need anyway) in favor of rewarding coroporations for off-shoring jobs.

True dat!! :thup:

I would MUCH rather see We, The Peeps spending money borrowed from China on bridges, roads, schools and other infrastructure than spending money borrowed from China on more weapons and security.

i'd rather see the top 1% pay their fair share. until baby bush no leader in history cut taxes during wartime. i'm personally tired of hearing the wingers say we're broke when they just have to stop waging permanent war and collect the taxes they're supposed to from the top 1% and then use those taxes to fix what's broken.

you can't have a consumer economy where consumers can't afford goods and services.
The top 1% pay the majority of income taxes in this country.
The bottom 47% dont pay income taxes.
Which one is getting the free ride?
Because bridges to nowhere and airports for no one contribute to economic growth, right?

Possibly. Probably more productive in the long term than producing weapons and bombs, but a better use of borrowed money would be on bridges to somewhere and airports that get used.

Makes me look forward to a political landscape built on fair and simple instead of complicated and corrupt.
Let's make it an action item to call for an end to Gerrymandering and things that foment extremism then, eh?

No actually it wouldnt. But that isnt what happens anyway. We had a trillion dollar boondoggle of "shovel ready" jobs that even Obama acknowledged was a crock of shit. Why you think next time will be different is beyond me.
The investment class is improving productivity...doing more with less labor...they don't want to hire slobs for benefits.

So you, as a middle class taxpayer, have three options:

Pay to educate the slobs
Pay to incarcerate the slobs
Pay the slobs to stay home on welfare.
Welcome to a pathway on the road of Evolution labeled "Survival of the Most Fit, Meet Survival of the Species".

:smoke: Sucks to be us, eh?

No actually it wouldnt. But that isnt what happens anyway. We had a trillion dollar boondoggle of "shovel ready" jobs that even Obama acknowledged was a crock of shit. Why you think next time will be different is beyond me.

Because YOUR voice via social media is louder than ever and, as long as We, The Peeps keep trying to do it, there's a chance of doing it right.

I mean correct. :lol:
No actually it wouldnt. But that isnt what happens anyway. We had a trillion dollar boondoggle of "shovel ready" jobs that even Obama acknowledged was a crock of shit. Why you think next time will be different is beyond me.

Because YOUR voice via social media is louder than ever and, as long as We, The Peeps keep trying to do it, there's a chance of doing it right.

I mean correct. :lol:
So social media didnt exist in 2009?
That is EXACTLY the response that I would have predicted from an extremist had I been asked to predict an extreme response!

All or nothing... Black vs White... My way or the highway...

Of COURSE there was social media in 2009. As there was in 2004. That's not the point.

The point is just how different it is now and how different it will be in 2016 and beyond.

Baby steps to The Stars, Brother! :thup:
That is EXACTLY the response that I would have predicted from an extremist had I been asked to predict an extreme response!

All or nothing... Black vs White... My way or the highway...

Of COURSE there was social media in 2009. As there was in 2004. That's not the point.

The point is just how different it is now and how different it will be in 2016 and beyond.

Baby steps to The Stars, Brother! :thup:
Hope N Change, baby!
Yeah, tell us why this time its different.
Two reasons, Bro'.

1. Giving up is not an option.
2. The more things stay the same, the more things change.

This life. This here and this now. It's the only game in town.

Surely in all the reading and conversing you do on line you've seen SOMEthing in humanity that's worth saving, eh?

Does the next generation not deserve the very best we CAN do for them in the spirits of compromise and tolerance?
Two reasons, Bro'.

1. Giving up is not an option.
2. The more things stay the same, the more things change.

This life. This here and this now. It's the only game in town.

Surely in all the reading and conversing you do on line you've seen SOMEthing in humanity that's worth saving, eh?

Does the next generation not deserve the very best we CAN do for them in the spirits of compromise and tolerance?
Give it your all!
Sydney or the Bush!
Winners arent quitters and quitters arent winners!

No wonder Obama won with his ludicrous Hope N Change There are obviously enough idiots out there who cant think beyond slogans.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mr. Rabbi. Whatever helps you sleep.
It's because real economic growth comes from stimulating the middle class and consumer spending.

How do we know? Well despite Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, job growth under him was pitiful.

What we do know works is demand side economics. Obama's stimulus created close to 3 million private jobs according to the CBO. By extending unemployment benefits, consumer spending for the people who needed it the most increased.


Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Come November, don't vote republican. They are useless. They only help the wealthy. If you noticed all the bills republicans tried to pass in the last few years were deregulation and tax cuts for big corporations. Trust me, the investment class is doing better than ever already.
We have the administration to thank for slow or flat growth in the economy.
It's because real economic growth comes from stimulating the middle class and consumer spending.

How do we know? Well despite Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, job growth under him was pitiful.

What we do know works is demand side economics. Obama's stimulus created close to 3 million private jobs according to the CBO. By extending unemployment benefits, consumer spending for the people who needed it the most increased.


Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Come November, don't vote republican. They are useless. They only help the wealthy. If you noticed all the bills republicans tried to pass in the last few years were deregulation and tax cuts for big corporations. Trust me, the investment class is doing better than ever already.
The stimulus? You're kidding right?.
Big lie. First the administration and the CBO can throw out all the numbers they like. None are forced to define what constitutes a "job". For Christ's sake those collecting unemployment were counted as having a "job".
Secondly, the highest number seen from the White HOuse or any of the other mouthpieces getting their info from 1600 PA Ave is 8 million jobs were created "due to the stimulus"
If that were so, let's take the mean of the high and low 5.5 million jobs, the unemployment rate would have fallen below 5%. And the participation rate would be much higher.
That nearly one trillion dollars of so called stimulus money( which we didn't have) went mostly to states with high levels of unionized public employees.
For example, most of Ohio's stimulus money went to large cities having revenue problems and were in danger of having to lay off public workers. Back then the narrative was "saved jobs". Not created jobs.
When the stimulus money ran out, many of those workers were let go anyway.
A trillion dollars of our money was thrown down a rat hole because Obama needed to pay back the unions for their near lockstep support.
How you people can say millions of jobs were created as a result of the stimulus then in the next sentence bitch about businesses that won't hire anyone is a mystery.

The stock market is not the economy.

Amazing how many people don't know that.

30 plus years ago the financial markets did matter.
In those times stock trades took days to complete. Even those who "played" the stock market held their purchases for longer periods of time.
Today trades are electronic, taking milliseconds. None of which is actual investment money.
It's because real economic growth comes from stimulating the middle class and consumer spending.

How do we know? Well despite Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, job growth under him was pitiful.

What we do know works is demand side economics. Obama's stimulus created close to 3 million private jobs according to the CBO. By extending unemployment benefits, consumer spending for the people who needed it the most increased.


Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Come November, don't vote republican. They are useless. They only help the wealthy. If you noticed all the bills republicans tried to pass in the last few years were deregulation and tax cuts for big corporations. Trust me, the investment class is doing better than ever already.
The stimulus? You're kidding right?.
Big lie. First the administration and the CBO can throw out all the numbers they like. None are forced to define what constitutes a "job". For Christ's sake those collecting unemployment were counted as having a "job".
Secondly, the highest number seen from the White HOuse or any of the other mouthpieces getting their info from 1600 PA Ave is 8 million jobs were created "due to the stimulus"
If that were so, let's take the mean of the high and low 5.5 million jobs, the unemployment rate would have fallen below 5%. And the participation rate would be much higher.
That nearly one trillion dollars of so called stimulus money( which we didn't have) went mostly to states with high levels of unionized public employees.
For example, most of Ohio's stimulus money went to large cities having revenue problems and were in danger of having to lay off public workers. Back then the narrative was "saved jobs". Not created jobs.
When the stimulus money ran out, many of those workers were let go anyway.
A trillion dollars of our money was thrown down a rat hole because Obama needed to pay back the unions for their near lockstep support.
How you people can say millions of jobs were created as a result of the stimulus then in the next sentence bitch about businesses that won't hire anyone is a mystery.
No, the CBO said that currently 3 million private jobs created still exist. It saved millions more. Some have been lost since it passed but 3 million still exist. You people have a poor understanding of the unemployment rate. The reason it is not higher is because we lost 8 million to begin with! Obviously that will keep the unemployment rate high for so long. The job growth had to offset the jobs lost and guess what? It did! 10.3 million jobs created since his presidency began.

If you were educated on the subject, you would know what "saved" means. The extra consumer spending created by the stimulus prevented businesses from letting more people go. Without the stimulus, those jobs would have been lost.

You also have no idea what was in the stimulus. 288 billion was in tax cuts. Most of it went to extending unemployment benefits. That money went to the people who truly needed it at the time. They spent money they wouldn't have otherwise.

Businesses aren't hiring because we need more demand side economic policies like the stimulus.

It's interesting how you all bitch about spending yet won't bitch about the billions lost in revenue from tax cuts. That equates to more national debt.
I heard the stimulus saved every job in America because without it we would have experienced total failure and everyone would have been unemployed.

The stock market is not the economy.

Amazing how many people don't know that.

30 plus years ago the financial markets did matter.
In those times stock trades took days to complete. Even those who "played" the stock market held their purchases for longer periods of time.
Today trades are electronic, taking milliseconds. None of which is actual investment money

30 years ago it took days to complete a stock trade? You are an idiot.

In the next breath you complain about how the big boys on Wall street are whipping the markets with millisecond trades so they make billions in profit and you talk like this is not a good thing.

Of course if anyone mentions taxing these traders more you will be coming on like a fucking idiot to DEFEND their trades and the billions they make.

Make up your fucking mind. Either you love the ultra wealthy traders on Wall street or you don't.

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