If the US Government suspended all civil liberties...

Perhaps its time to read up on world history, its littered with examples of religious suppression, intolerance and abuse at the hand of state.
Assumes facts not in evidence.

Your response fails to accept that facts are not relevant to issues of Faith. Since the Soul will be judged based on your thoughts, words, and actions related to Faith not science I suggest that Faith is far more important than "facts".

Your opinion is meaningless. You cannot prove the existence of your own soul, let alone anyone else's. You cannot prove that any "judgement" will take place either.

So without any proof whatsoever your opinion is just a mindless rant based upon nothing more than your own paranoid fear of dying.
How the hell did the low information progs ever make the quantum leap of comparing martial law to religious beliefs?
Too many people are still looking to the scriptures to justify their need to impose their narrow morality on the public but the argument you make is very much apples and oranges. The biblical scriptures are not an accurate depiction of how the ancients actually lived or to what degree they actually followed those commandments.

Your post is based on a lie, I have highlighted.
So without any proof whatsoever your opinion is just a mindless rant based upon nothing more than your own paranoid fear of dying.

Not at all. I have no fear of dying at all. My views are based on what I was taught through tradition and the oversight of my parents, family, and community along with my personal experiences in life and what I see in society around me every single day. What I do not allow is anyone spouting the religion of Science, Politics, Religion, or Philosophy to even cloud my views of Right and Wrong in the world.
Your opinion is meaningless. You cannot prove the existence of your own soul, let alone anyone else's. You cannot prove that any "judgement" will take place either.

So without any proof whatsoever your opinion is just a mindless rant based upon nothing more than your own paranoid fear of dying.

I have no fear of dying, only a fear of doing it of old age while lying in a bed surrounded by people I couldn't care any less about.

I cannot prove those things to you any more than you can prove Gravity or Evolution to me. We all have our Faiths. Yours is in Science. Mine is in a Higher Power.
So without any proof whatsoever your opinion is just a mindless rant based upon nothing more than your own paranoid fear of dying.

Not at all. I have no fear of dying at all. My views are based on what I was taught through tradition and the oversight of my parents, family, and community along with my personal experiences in life and what I see in society around me every single day. What I do not allow is anyone spouting the religion of Science, Politics, Religion, or Philosophy to even cloud my views of Right and Wrong in the world.

So you place your own ignorance and superstition as being above facts and reality even though you are a self confessed misogynist and bigot who harbors hatred for others in his own putrid mind.

So you place your own ignorance and superstition as being above facts and reality even though you are a self confessed misogynist and bigot who harbors hatred for others in his own putrid mind.

I place thousands of years of my family's traditions and teachings above the mumbo-jumbo and bullshit that Science and Politics prefers to claim are the basis of human life. Misogyny and Hatred are two of the oldest and most important parts of the human experience.
Your opinion is meaningless. You cannot prove the existence of your own soul, let alone anyone else's. You cannot prove that any "judgement" will take place either.

So without any proof whatsoever your opinion is just a mindless rant based upon nothing more than your own paranoid fear of dying.

I have no fear of dying, only a fear of doing it of old age while lying in a bed surrounded by people I couldn't care any less about.

I cannot prove those things to you any more than you can prove Gravity or Evolution to me. We all have our Faiths. Yours is in Science. Mine is in a Higher Power.

When you fall down in a drunken stupor that is gravity proving that it exists. That you have failed to evolve to fit into the modern world is proof that evolution works because it also has it's failed dead ends, such as yourself.
The Universe has no "morality law".

All "morality" derives from society. There is no other source of morality.

Actually, morality derives from the individual.

Society comprises of individuals who need to cooperate in order to survive. Morality is defining the limits of what is and isn't acceptable behavior for the individuals within that society.
When you fall down in a drunken stupor that is gravity proving that it exists. That you have failed to evolve to fit into the modern world is proof that evolution works because it also has it's failed dead ends, such as yourself.

I can't say I've ever been DRUNK. See, I was taught better than to drink alcoholic beverages, smoke tobacco, or take drugs. If I'm a "dead end" trust me, I'll be taking more than a few of you folks with me.
So you place your own ignorance and superstition as being above facts and reality even though you are a self confessed misogynist and bigot who harbors hatred for others in his own putrid mind.

I place thousands of years of my family's traditions and teachings above the mumbo-jumbo and bullshit that Science and Politics prefers to claim are the basis of human life. Misogyny and Hatred are two of the oldest and most important parts of the human experience.

Thank you for admitting to being an evolutionary dead end throwback who wallows in mindless superstitions because he is afraid of the modern world.
When you fall down in a drunken stupor that is gravity proving that it exists. That you have failed to evolve to fit into the modern world is proof that evolution works because it also has it's failed dead ends, such as yourself.

I can't say I've ever been DRUNK. See, I was taught better than to drink alcoholic beverages, smoke tobacco, or take drugs. If I'm a "dead end" trust me, I'll be taking more than a few of you folks with me.


Another moron making empty threats on the interwebs!
The Universe has no "morality law".

All "morality" derives from society. There is no other source of morality.

Actually, morality derives from the individual.

Society comprises of individuals who need to cooperate in order to survive. Morality is defining the limits of what is and isn't acceptable behavior for the individuals within that society.

No, sorry, you're quite wrong here. Morality is an individual's phenomenon. Regardless of what the goal or purpose (or lack thereof) may be of having a moral code, it is remains something that originates from individuals, not society. Ethics is society's attempt to establish rules for behavior. Morality is the individual's attempt to establish rules for behavior.
Thank you for admitting to being an evolutionary dead end throwback who wallows in mindless superstitions because he is afraid of the modern world.

I'm not afraid of the modern world..... I'm DISGUSTED by it on a literally physical level.

Which is YOUR problem only. The modern world doesn't need evolutionary throwbacks like you spreading your hatred where it isn't wanted or needed.
The Universe has no "morality law".

All "morality" derives from society. There is no other source of morality.

Actually, morality derives from the individual.

Society comprises of individuals who need to cooperate in order to survive. Morality is defining the limits of what is and isn't acceptable behavior for the individuals within that society.

No, sorry, you're quite wrong here. Morality is an individual's phenomenon. Regardless of what the goal or purpose (or lack thereof) may be of having a moral code, it is remains something that originates from individuals, not society. Ethics is society's attempt to establish rules for behavior. Morality is the individual's attempt to establish rules for behavior.

How can I be wrong when you just agreed with me?

DT: "Morality is defining the limits of what is and isn't acceptable behavior for the individuals within that society"

SE: "Morality is the individual's attempt to establish rules for behavior"


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